AP: Contract Employees Regularization వైద్య ఆరోగ్య శాఖలో 1562 మంది రెగ్యులర్

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AP: Contract Employees Regularization వైద్య ఆరోగ్య శాఖలో 1562 మంది రెగ్యులర్

Establishment – HM & FW Department - Public Health And Family Welfare Department – Regularization of Services of the Contract Employees against the regular sanctioned posts – Orders –Issued.


 1. Andhra Pradesh Regularisation of Services of Contract Employees Act-2023 (Act 30 of 2023).

 2. G.O.Ms.No.114, Finance (HR. I - Plg. & Policy) Department, dated.21.10.2023.

 3. Circular Memo No.2099702/FIN01-HROPDPP(OCE)/82/2023, dated.13.12.2023.

 4. U.O.Note No: 2372905/FIN01-HR0PDPP(OCE)/40/2024 (HMF03/1), Date : 06/03/2024.


G.O.Ms.No. 30 Dated:07/03/2024

Read the following:

The Government of Andhra Pradesh have enacted the Andhra Pradesh Regularisation of Services of Contract Employees Act, 2023 (Act 30 of 2023) & subsequently issued orders in the reference 2nd read above, stipulating the conditions for the regularisation of services of the contract persons working in Government Departments.

2. In the reference 3rd read above, detailed operational guidelines were issued to process the proposals for regularization through an online application by the HoD & Administrative Department concerned in Secretariat, the DTA and the Finance Department.

3. The Finance Department, after detailed verification of the proposals submitted, vide the reference 4th cited, has concurred the proposals for regularisation of the following contract employees

Download List of Employees Name Wise

4. After careful examination of the matter, the Government hereby permits the Appointing Authority to regularise the services of the above individuals working on contract basis against the regular sanctioned posts  w.e.f 01.04.2024.

5. The regularization is contingent upon the conditions that the regularisation must be against clear & regular vacancies; that the appointing authority shall verify & authenticate the genuineness & correctness of the certificates/documents related to a) Date of Birth, b) Educational Qualifications & Technical Qualifications relevant to the post, c) Caste/Community Certificates, and d) Rule of Reservation with reference to the Rule of Reservation Roster Register with reference to the original certificates/ documents/registers.

6. Further, the employees so regularized shall be governed by the following conditions as prescribed in reference 4th cited:

 i. The date of effect of the regularisation shall be from 01-04-2024 FN, irrespective of date of issue of appointment order or the date of joining in the post regularised. In the cases, where the date of joining is after 01-04-2024, the monetary benefit shall be applicable prospectively, i.e. from date of joining in the post regularised.

ii. The individual shall not claim any type of retrospective benefit, whatsoever, i.e. counting of the past service rendered on contract basis, etc. at any point of time and for any purpose in the future.

iii. The individual shall hold the last rank (junior most) amongst the regular employees working in the same category of post as on 01-04-2024.

iv. The inter-se seniority shall be arrived at by the appointing authority, based on the date of joining on contract basis, & in case of the date of joining being the same, the inter-se seniority will be based on the date of birth.

v. The service & procedure of appointment shall be governed by the relevant Service Rules as mentioned in the appointment order.

vi. The persons shall be governed by the provisions of the National Pension System (NPS)/ Andhra Pradesh Guaranteed Pension Scheme (APGPS), as adopted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, & with prospective effect only

vii. If the regularisation is found erroneous at any point of time in future, on any ground whatsoever, the same is liable to be cancelled immediately & without any notice to the individual.

viii. The Head of Department & the Appointing Authority concerned shall be responsible for verifying their records & ensuring that the regularisation being now made is not interdicted/ prohibited by a stay order of any competent authority/legal forum, & only after such confirmation, issue the orders.

7. The Appointing Authority shall issue the Appointment Order in the form of Proceedings in the format at Annexure I.

8. The Appointment Order above shall be issued by the Appointing Authority after obtaining the undertaking in Annexure II signed by two witnesses.

9. The Appointing Authority/Authorities shall adhere to the prescribed formats and take necessary action accordingly. Any deviation shall invite disciplinary action as per CCA Rules against those responsible.

10. This order is available in apegazette.cgg.gov.in.

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