IMMS App: ఐ.ఎం.ఎం.ఎస్ యాప్ అప్డేటెడ్ వెర్షన్

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    IMMS APP Update to version 1.8.2 has been released on 24.06.2024

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.8.0 has been released on 22.03.2024

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.7.9 has been released on 18.03.2024

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.7.5 has been released on 24.01.2024

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.7.4 has been released on 06.01.2024

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.7.3 has been released on 22.12.2023

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.7.1 has been released on 11.12.2023

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.7.0 has been released on 27.10.2023

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.6.9 has been released on 07.10.2023

    IMMS App అక్టోబర్ 7 న 1.6.9 లేటెస్ట్ వెర్షన్ కి అప్డేట్ అయ్యింది, అన్ని పాఠశాలల వారు కొత్త వెర్షన్ ను ఇన్స్టాల్ చేయాల్సి ఉంటుంది. పాత వెర్షన్ పనిచేయదు, కొత్త వెర్షన్1.6.9 ని క్రింది లింక్ ద్వారా పొందవచ్చును.

    New Version Features
    • 1. Egg and Chikki Indent confirmation screen changes
    • 2. Egg and Chikki  Receipt screen changes
    • 3. Sanitary Napkins Closing Balance Screen changes
    • 4. Sanitary Napkins Receipt Screen changes

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.6.7 has been released on 30.08.2023

    Changes in TMF Cleaning chemicals and tools module
    1) Module name changed to "Receipt of Cleaning materials"
    2) New phase added for cleaning chemicals and tools.

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.6.6 has been released on 24.08.2023

    1. Restricting decimal entries in Rice Indent, Ragi Jaggery Indent and Receipt modules.

    2. Adding note in Rice Indent, Ragi Jaggery Indent modules.

    3. Adding Indent name in Egg and Chikki Indent Confirmation modules.

    4. Egg,Chikki,Rice Indent confirmation from 10th to 15th of every month.

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.6.5 has been released on 26.07.2023

    1.Egg Indent Receipt details entry provision for 4 phases

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.6.3 has been released on 12.07.2023

    1.Egg Indent confirmation for entire month at a time

    2.Chikki indent confirmation for entire month at a time

    3.Ragi Jaggery Indent edit option

    4. Rice Indent edit option

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.6.2 has been released on 05.07.2023

    • Playstore Direct Link : Click Here
    • Fixed Error while image capture

    1.Acknowledgement generation in Sanitary Napkins Receipt module in HM Login from Apr,2023

    2.Sanitry Napkins signed documents upload provision in HM login from Apr,2023

    3.10% validation changes in Image Capture module in TMF and enabling this module in all logins where TMF is enabled.

    4.Inspection form changes to capture only menu images in HM login for MDM

    5.Removal of components in Availability of kitchen Utensils module.

    6. Egg and Chikki receipt entry changes.

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.6.0 has been released on 19.05.2023

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.5.9 has been released on 02.05.2023

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.5.7 has been released on 17.03.2023

    1) Stainless steel tumblers receipt details entry in MEO and HM login.
    2) Availability of Kitchen Utensils details entry in HM login.
    3) Resolved image capture issue in inspection module

    IMMS APP Update to version 1.5.6 has been released on 20.03.2023

    1.Added Ragi Java opted field in Daily Attendance module

    IMMS APP Internal Update to version 1.5.5 has been released on 13.03.2023

    1. Ragi Jaggery Module Edit Changes

    IMMS APP Internal Update to version 1.5.4 has been released on 08.03.2023

    1. Ragi Jaggery Module Changes

    IMMS APP New version 1.5.4 has been released on 09.02.2023

    1. Sanitary Napkins indent (Closing Balance) provision in HM login
    2. Sanitary Napkins receipt details entry provision in HM login
    3. Ragi and jaggery receipt details entry in HM login.

    IMMS APP New version 1.5.3 has been released on 07.02.2023

    1)Ragi Jaggery indent module in HM services
    2)Photo capturing in Close tickets module(TMF) in HM login
    3)Showing image captured by HM in Final ticket closing module
    4)Disabled Stock register and MDM sortex rice in Inspection form for NGO Served schools.

    IMMS APP New version 1.5.3 has been released on 01.02.2023

    Ragi Jaggery indent 

    Title: Ragi and Jaggery indent module.

    Description:      Provision has been given to submit monthly Ragi and Jaggery indent in MDM HM services.

    TMF ATR Ticket Closing 

    Title: Image capture provision in TMF ATR closing.

    Description  :      Provision has been given to capture the toilet photo while closing the TMF ATR in HM login.

    TMF ATR Ticket Final Closing 

    Title: Display image in TMF ATR Final closing.

    Description:           In MEO, DyEO and AD MDM while final closing HM captured image will be displayed to verify.

    MDM Inspection form

    Title: Rice Stock register and MDM tagged sortex rice parameter change in Inspection form 

    Description :      Disabled Stock register and MDM tagged sortex rice in Inspection form for NGO Served schools.

    IMMS APP New version 1.5.2 has been released on 30.12.2022

    1.MDM inspection form changes
    2.TMF Inspection form changes.

    IMMS APP New version 1.5.1 has been released on 24.12.2022

    1) Change from weeks to 3 phases in Egg receipt module
    2) Added Chikki indent confirmation module in HM login
    3) Added 'Is chikki expired' and 'Chikki expired count' in Chikki closing balance module
    4) Added Salary amount entry provision and account, CFMS code validation in Ayah attendance confirmation
    5) In TMF module HM inspection enabled

    IMMS APP New version 1.5.0 has been released on 24.11.2022

    1)Added optional menu items in Inspection form

    2)Added edit option in Kitchen garden details

    IMMS APP New version 1.4.9 has been released on 14.11.2022

    1)Added Egg Indent confirmation module
    2)Added provision to enter cracked, return and replaced eggs
    3)Changes in Predispatch godown inspection module

    IMMS APP New version 1.4.8 has been released on 28.10.2022

    IMMS APP New version 1.4.6 has been released on 17.09.2022 with below features.

    1. Pre-dispatch Godown inspection in MEO login. 
     2. Self Photo capture provision in MDM inspection form 
     3. Children and PC feedback video capture provision.

    Version 1.4.3 Update on 26.07.2022 New Features

     1. Students Health and hygienic survey feedback Screen

     2. Ayah registration screen changes

     3. CCH registration screen

     4. One time mobile number capturing of HM, MEO and EWA

    Version 1.4.1 Update on 05.05.2022 New Features

    1. Egg and Chikki indent are available for last month.


    Version 1.4.0 Update on 28.04.2022 New Features

    Feed back entry on Kichidi  Hot pongal menu items in HM Login

    Version 1.3.9 Update on 19.04.2022 New Features

    1. Enrollment edit provision in Dal receipt and Dal distribution 
    2. Ayah Attendance confirmation enabled for March-2022

    Version 1.3.8 Update on 06.04.2022 New Features

    1. Miscellaneous tools receipt details capture provision in HM login 
    2. Cleaning Chemicals Phase-2 receipt details capture provision in HM login.
    3. Gloves & Mini Brush receipt details capture provision in MEO login.

    Version 1.3.7 (Same Version With New Menu) Update on 11.03.2022 New Features

    1. MDM New Menu Added for Friday.

    Version 1.3.7 Update on 24.02.2022 New Features

    1. Ayah Attendance confirmation in HM login.
    2. EGG and CHIKKI indent submission with QR code
    3. Miscellaneous Tools entry and acknowledgment
    generation in MEO login
    4. Donations required module added in HM login

    Version 1.3.6 Update on 10.02.2022 New Features :

    1. Vendor registration module added in HM login
    2. Attendance update provision for Diet Colleges

    Version 1.3.5 Update on 28.01.2022 New Features: 28.01.2022:

    1.  TMF Repairs action taken module.
    2.  Rice, Egg, and chikki closing balance screen enabled alert
    3. Ayah Attendance confirmation screen changes
    4. CCH attendance confirmation screen

    Version 1.3.4 Update on 17.01.2022

    1. TMF Module Added in HM Login


    Version 1.3.3 Update on 10.01.2022

    1. Cleaning Chemicals phase 2 details entry in MEO Login
    2. Cooking cost and CCH Honorarium details capture provision in HM Login.

    Version 1.1.9

    IMMS APP ను ప్లే స్టోర్ లో తీసివేయడం జరిగింది. ప్రస్తుతం IMMS APP 1.1.9 అప్డేటెడ్ వెర్షన్  ఉంది. కావున IMMS APP కావలసినవారు ఇక నుండి Offline లో IMMS APP APK ఫైల్  డౌన్లోడ్ చేసి MANUAL గా INSTALL చేయాల్సి ఉంటుంది. క్రింది సైట్ లో IMMS APP అప్డేటెడ్ APK ఫైల్ కలదు. ఆల్రెడీ 1.1.9version ఉన్నవారికి ఈ Apk file అవసరం లేదు.

    IMMS APP UPDATE అయ్యింది, New VERSION (25.04.2021)ను క్రింది లింక్ నుండి డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు. పాత App పనిచేయదు.

    ప్రెజెంట్  వెర్షన్ లోని మార్పులు అప్డేట్ వెర్షన్ లో క్రింది ఫీచర్స్ ఇచ్చారు

    • 1. Vending Machine status entry Screen.
    • 2. Enable below services in TMF module HM Services for other than MDM schools.
    •       i.  Incinerator Status.
    •      ii. Vending Machine status
    • 3. Edit Option for Incinerator Status.
    • 4. Kitchen Garden Details Validation Changes.
    • 5. Allow 10th Class attendance only in Daily attendance screen.

    DOWNLOAD IMMS New Updated (25th April) App 

    ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేసి యాప్ ను ప్లే స్టోర్ నుండి ఇంస్టాల్ చేసుకొండి

    ప్రీవియస్ వెర్షన్ లోని మార్పులు 21.03.2021

    • ఏ.టి.ఆర్ ఫ్లో చేన్జ్
    • ఆయా, టి.ఎం.సి ఎడిట్ ఆప్షన్
    • టి.ఎం.సి అకౌంట్ రీ వెరిఫికేషన్
    • ఐ.ఎఫ్.ఎస్.సి. కోడ్ వాలిడేషన్
    • బగ్ ఫిక్సెస్

    ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేసి యాప్ ను ప్లే స్టోర్ నుండి ఇంస్టాల్ చేసుకొండి

    ప్రీవియస్ వెర్షన్ లోని మార్పులు

    • ఐ.ఎం.ఎం.ఎస్ యాప్ వెర్షన్ అప్డేట్ అయ్యింది.
    • కొత్త వెర్షన్ లో యూ ట్యూబ్ ట్యుటోరియల్ లింక్ ఇచ్చారు.
    • యాప్ లోని కొన్ని బగ్స్ ని ఫిక్స్ చేశారు
    • శానిటేషన్ మానిటరింగ్ సిస్టం ను టి.ఎం.ఎఫ్ గా మార్చారు.

    What's New (21.03.2021)

    1. ATR flow change.
    2. Edit option for Ayah and TMF account Registration
    3. Account Re-confirmation validation in ayah registration and TMF account registration. While adding the account include another field to Re-enter the Account number to avoid the wrong entries.
    4. Complete IFSC code validation.
    5. Bug Fixes

    What's New on Previous Version

    1. IMMS app tutorial links has been added
    2. Bug fixes and performance enhancement
    3. Crash issues resolved

    Additional Information

    • Updated: March 18, 2021
    • Size: 6.3M
    • Installs: 100,000+
    • Current Version: 1.1.0
    • Requires Android: 4.4 and up
    • Content Rating: Rated for 3+
    • Offered By: Mid Day Meals
    • Developer:

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