The AP Aided Schools Rationalization 2023 Norms Guidelines

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 The AP Aided Schools Rationalization 2023 Norms Guidelines have been introduced to improve the quality of education in Andhra Pradesh. The guidelines aim to rationalize the number of schools in the state and ensure that every school has adequate resources and infrastructure to provide quality education to students.

Under these guidelines, aided schools will be evaluated based on various parameters such as student enrollment, infrastructure, teacher-student ratio, and academic performance. Schools that do not meet the required standards will be merged with other schools or closed down.

The use of technology such as AP (Andhra Pradesh) aids will also be encouraged in order to enhance the teaching-learning process. This is expected to improve student performance and make education more accessible to all.

Overall, these guidelines are a step towards ensuring that every child in Andhra Pradesh has access to high-quality education and equal opportunities for success.

The AP Aided Schools Rationalization 2023 Norms Guidelines

The AP Aided Schools Rationalization 2023 Norms Guidelines provide a set of standards and guidelines to be followed for the rationalization of aided schools in Andhra Pradesh. These guidelines aim to optimize the resources and infrastructure available in these schools, thereby ensuring better facilities and quality education for students.

The government has issued guidelines for the rationalization of services and filling up of vacant positions for aided teachers in private aided schools. These norms are set to be followed strictly from 2023 onwards. The aim is to streamline the staffing process in order to improve the quality of education provided by these schools.

The Government Order G.O.Ms.No.59, dated June 22, 2023, outlines the staff pattern for private aided primary and upper primary schools in 2023.

The government has issued orders for the rationalization of services provided by aided staff in private aided schools, specifically related to school education. The guidelines outline the necessary norms to be followed when filling up vacant positions for aided teachers in these schools.


Read the following:-

    O.Ms.No.1, Edn.(PS.2)Department, dt:01-01-1994.
    O.Ms.No.103,Edn.,(Ser.V)Dept., dt:05.08.2005.
    O.MS.No.20, Education (P.E.PROG.I) Department, dt:03.03.2011.
    O.Ms.No.37, Education (PS.2) Department, dated14.06.2021.
    From the Commissioner of School Education, e-File No:ESE02 -17/116/2022-PS1 -CSE (Computer No:1930111), dt.28.02.2023.


The private managements in the State are governed by the rules prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.1, Education (PS.2) Department, dt:01-01-1994 for grant of permission for the establishment of schools, up-gradation of existing schools, according of recognition to schools, administration of schools and disciplinary control of the employees of the schools.

Subsequently, the Government of India have enacted the Right of children to free and compulsory education Act, 2009, and consequent to the said enactment, the Government of Andhra Pradesh issued G.O.Ms.No.20, Education (P.E.PROG.I) Department, dt:03.03.2011.

Further, Government have issued G.O.Ms.No.40, Education (SE.PS.I) Department, dated: 18.06.2013 by prescribing the norms for rationalization of teachers in private management. In view of the stay granted on the operation of said G.0 by the Hon'ble High court in W.P.No. 25319 of 2013 and batch, wherein initially Hon'ble High Court was pleased to grant interim suspension on 13.08.2013. Accordingly, till today, the teacher-pupil ratio prescribed under Rule 10(12) is being followed. However, WP.No.25319 of 2013 was closed as in fructuous on 14.12.2022.

The Rules under G.O.Ms.No.1, Education (PS.2)Department, dt:01-01-1994 were formulated before the enactment of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and as the RTE Act is applicable to all, the Commissioner of school Education has recommended and submitted a proposal for implementation of schedule prescribed under Section 19 and 25 of the Act.

In the reference 6th read above, the Commissioner of School Education, has submitted proposal for implementation of the Right to Education Act to the Private aided Management schools.

Based on the proposal submitted by the Commissioner of School Education and as per the norms prescribed under RTE Act, Government have decided to rationalize aided teacher posts in the private aided schools duly in terms of the norms and Schedule prescribed in Section 19 and 25 of the Right to Education Act.

Accordingly, in supersession of the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.40, Education (SE.PS.I) Dept., dated18.06.2013 to the extent of processing the rationalization of Aided teacher posts, Government hereby accord permission to the Commissioner of School Education to conduct Rationalization in Aided schools within the District and identification and transfer of surplus teachers to the needy aided schools. If surplus teaching staff is not available, the Competent Authority shall submit proposal to the Government for obtaining a clearance certificate to permit the institutions for filling up of the sanctioned vacant aided teaching posts as per the Annexures appended to this G.O.

The following guidelines shall be adopted for rationalization of the services of teachers working against Grant-in-aid posts in private aided Schools: -
1. There shall not be any increase in the number of posts admitted to Grant-in-Aid in a private aided school on account of the present rationalization.

2. Under the present rationalization, posts will not be shifted from one school to another.

3. Only surplus teachers of a school will be transferred to other needy schools on a permanent basis subject to the condition that an equal number of Sanctioned Aided Posts (SAP) are available and vacant in the needy school within the District.

4. The District Educational Officer, shall work out the requirement of teachers in each private aided school as per the staff pattern norms indicated in Annexure taking into consideration adopting the UDISE of that particular academic year for this purpose.

4. The requirement of the teacher of that particular institution / school is based on the UDISE data only.

5. In so far as the Upper Primary Schools and High Schools are concerned, the rationalization exercise shall be on category-wise, namely, HM, S.A.(Maths), S.A.(Science), S.A.(Humanities), S.A. (1 st Language) and SA(2 nd Language) SA(PE), SGT, PET, L.Ps, C.I.D.M./ Music etc., adopting the staff pattern norms in Annexure.

6. Whenever a transfer of surplus teacher in a school is called for as per the rationalization exercise under these guidelines, the same shall be done in the first instance by obtaining options of the willing teachers in the affected school, failing which such transfer shall be done starting from the junior most in the category of post concerned in that school.

7. If a category of post covers 2 or more subjects as in each of SA(Sci)or SA(Maths/Science) or SA (Humanities), etc., the junior most in that subject is to be identified as surplus.

8. As per RTE norms, the following categories of teachers shall be identified as surplus teachers in a school for the purpose of rationalization:-

    Aided teachers working in Primary School with less than 30 enrollments in I to V Classes, provided, there is a Government managed/Aided Primary school /Upper Primary school already existing in same habitation within the safe walking distance of 1 KM.
    Aided teachers working in Upper Primary School with less than 35 enrollment in VI to VII Classes (For upper primary stage) provided, there is a Government managed/Aided Upper Primary school already existing in the same habitation within safe walking distance of 3 KM.
    Aided teachers working in High School with less than 75 enrollment in VI to X classes provided, there is a Government managed/Aided High school already existing in same habitation within a safe walking distance of 3 KM.
    In each category of the post if aided teachers working in the said school/institution are found in excess, then the surplus teachers shall be worked out as per Annexures to this G.O.
    Aided Teachers of already closed schools and zero
    enrollment schools if any including all aided teachers who are drawing a salary from the school but working in other schools.
    Resultant to this rationalization, if an aided post in any institution is rendered surplus, the same shall stands suppressed on transfer of the incumbent to another aided institution with effect from the date of such transfer.

9. For filling up of teacher vacancies in private aided management, the Regional Joint Director of School Education is competent authority for High school and the District Educational Officer is competent authority for Primary and Upper Primary schools.

    Shall permit the aided management to fill up all the Aided vacancies in terms of selection procedure prescribed under O.Ms.No.1, Education, dated. 01.01.1994 and as per the Schedule prescribed under Sections 19 and 25 of the RTE Act, 2009.
    In future, whenever vacancies arise, the concerned aided management have to make applications to the Competent authorities for filling up the vacancies ;
    On such applications, the competent authorities shall inform the management/ institution about the availability of qualified surplus staff, within a period of four (04) weeks from the date of application and allot said surplus staff on permanent basis;
    If surplus staff are not available, the competent authority shall inform the same and permit the management/ institutions to fill up the vacancies in accordance with the above said Rule, preferably within a period of two (02) months.

The procedure prescribed at para (9) above is not applicable to the Minority Institutions.

The Commissioner of School Education, shall notify the schedule for the exercise of rationalization in accordance with the provisions of this order and take necessary action in the matter.

ANNEXURE-IA  (G.O.Ms.No.59, School Education (PS) Department Dated.22.06.2023)

Staff Pattern for a Private Aided Primary Schools and Upper Primary schools [Limited to Sanctioned Aided Posts (SAP)]

Primary Schools:

As per RTE Act wherever the pupil ratio is above 150, a full time head teacher may be allotted who is senior most among the Secondary Grade Teacher of said institution/school.

Upper Primary Schools

    As per RTE Act wherever the pupil ratio is above 100, a full time head teacher may be allotted who is senior most among the School Assistant of said institution/school.
    SA (Maths / Science) category: For posting in rationalization if a school has only one post SA(Nlaths / Science) it can be allotted to either SA (Maths) or SA (Bio. Science) or SA (Phy. Science). If the school has (02) SA posts under the category, one shall be for Maths/ Phy.Science and another can be for Bio. Science. If there are (03) posts under the category, then one post is for Maths, one for Bio. Science and another for Phy. Science.
    SA (Humanities) Category: For filling of the vacant posts under rationalization, the criteria are first post of SA (SS) is for SA (Social Studies). If multiple posts of SA (SS) are available in a school, 1st post is for SA (Social Studies), 2nd post is for SA (English), 3rd post is for SA (Social Studies) and 4th post is for SA (English) and so on.
    For Non-language subjects viz, Maths, Science, Social Studies, separate posts can be counted for separate media like Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Oriya, Marathi, Kannada etc. However where medium English is available besides Telugu / Urdu etc in a school, there will not be any separate non-language posts exclusively for English medium. In such a case, enrollment in English medium will be combined with other medium enrollment available in the school, for determining number of posts required for a school. For Language subject posts total enrolment should be taken in to account (limited to SAP)
    As per above staff pattern wherever existing teachers are found surplus, they should be proposed to be transferred to other needy aided schools (PS / UPS/ HS) as the case may be.

CSE Memo.No. ESE02-17024/1/2023-PS1 -CSE, Dt:23/06/2023 School Education – Private Schools – Aided - Filling up of the posts and rationalization in private Aided schools – Orders Communicated - Reg.


1. G.O.Ms.No.58 School Education (PS) Dept., Dt.22.06.2023.

2. G.O.Ms.No.59 School Education (PS) Dept., Dt.22.06.2023.

The copies of the Government Orders received through the references cited are hereby communicated. All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take further action as ordered by the Government in this matter.

Download AP Aided Schools Rationalization 2023 CSE Memo

Download Aided Rationalization 2023 Norms G.O.59

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