Memo.No.ESE02-17/116/2022-PS1-CSE Dated: 04/01/2023
Sub: School Education - W.P.No.30927, 37415, 37467, 37508, 35592,- 31730,31039, 30548, 33163, 31010, 8014, 4938, 2888 of 2022 – Certain Instructions – Issued - Reg.
Ref:- This office Memo.No. ESE02-17/116/2022-PS1-CSE dt: 15.12.2022
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference cited above, wherein the instructions were issued to identify the surplus teachers/existing teachers of defunct aided schools as per Rule 10(12) in G.O.Ms.No.1Edn dt: 01.01.1994 and transfer the surplus teachers as per Rule 10(17) in G.O.Ms.No.1 Edn dt: 01.01.1994 on permanent basis from the erstwhile District and submit compliance, but not yet received compliance report to this office till to date.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state once again requested to identify the surplus teachers/existing teachers of defunct aided schools as per Rule 10(12) in G.O.Ms.No.1Edn dt: 01.01.1994 and transfer the surplus teachers as per Rule 10(17) in G.O.Ms.No.1 Edn dt: 01.01.1994 on permanent basis from the erstwhile District and submit compliance on or before 07.01.023 without fail.
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