Aided Schools : Take Action on Continuous declining of Students - Zero Enrolment Schools

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Memo No.ESE-02-18022/12/2021-PS-3-CSE, Dated :14/01/2023

Aided Schools : Take Action on Continuous declining of Students - Zero Enrolment Schools

Sub:- School Education-Aided – Continuous declining of students enrolment in   certain  aided  Schools  –  Some  of   the  Districts  Zero  enrolment schools-Take action as per rules -Instructions - Issued – Reg.

Ref: Received  running  schools  data  through  Google form  from  all the- DEOs in the state.


The attention of  all the  District Educational Ofcers in the state are invited  to the  reference  read  above, wherein  they  have  furnished the details  of  total  aided  schools,  cadre strength, working, Vacant  and also enrollment for  the last three years in their respective districts.

Further,  after  verifcation  of   the  above details,  it  is  noticed  that several  aided  schools  are  with zero  enrollment  and  some  schools  are showing continuous  declining  of  strength during  the last  two academic years.

Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers are requested to take immediate  necessary steps to close the aided  schools  which are showing zero enrollment  and also  take necessary action against  the schools  which are not having minimum strength and also  showing continuous declining of  strength for   the last  two  years  in terms  of  G.O.Ms.No.1,  Education, dated 01.01.1994. No school shall be closed in the middle of the academic year.  Sufcient  time and reasonable  opportunity  may be given  to the correspondents in the matter.

Parvathi Payyavula


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