Aided Willing with out Assets Instructions and Transferred Aided Staff Information Called
Memo.No. ESE02-18022/119/2020-PS 3-CSE (Part 2) Dated 25/12/2022
Sub:School Education – Aided – GO.50 Dated 17.08.2021 – Willing without assets - Instructions - issued - Regarding.
Ref:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.01, Edn Dept Dt.01.01.1994.
2. G.O.Ms.No.50, SE, Dated 17-8-2021.
3. G.O.Ms.No.65, SE Dept Dt.24.09.2021.
4. Cir. Memo. No. 1072635/CE/A1/2020, Higher Education (CE) Department, dated 12.11.2021.
5. G.O Ms No. 24 School Education(PS) Dated 25.05.2022
All the District Educational Ofcers in the state are hereby informed that the Government in G.O.Ms.No.65, School Education (PS) Department, dated
24.09.2021 have authorized the District Educational Ofcers in each district under the overall supervision of the Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh for issuing individual orders at his level for conversion of willing private aided schools into private unaided schools duly obtaining the willingness of the managements and its staf for surrendering all the aided posts along with aided staf as per the policy issued earlier vide G.O.Ms.NO.50,dated 17.08.2021.
Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are requested to take necessary action whenever willingness received from the managements to surrender the aid in the form of surrendering all the sanctioned aided posts along with aided staf but not the assets at their level to avoid un necessary delay and submit the action taken report to this ofce without fail.
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Memo No.ESE02-18022/40/2021-PS-3-CSE-Part(1) Dated 23/12/2022
Sub:- School Education - Aided Schools in A.P Policy for takeover of willing Private Aided Schools including private Minority Schools by the Government – After completion of the web counseling –No. of aided schools chose option-2 - Transferred aided staf into Government/Local Body schools – Certain information – called for - Regarding
1. G.O.Ms.No 50 School Education Dated 17.08.2021
2. This ofce Memo. No.ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE Dt:31-08-2021.
3. G.O.Ms.No 65 School Education Dated 24.09.2021
4.This ofce Memo No.ESE-02-18022/40/2021-PS 3-CSE(1) Dt:-17-
03-2022 of the DSE, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam.
5. This ofce Memo No.ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS 3-CSE Dt:-10-
04-2022 of the DSE, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam
6. Proc.Rc No: ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS 3-CSE Dt:-12.04.2022 of this ofce.
7. Go Ms No:24 SE(PS) Department,Dt:25.05.2022.
The attention of all the District Educational Ofcers in the state are invited to the references cited and informed that initially the managements of 722 Private Aided School managements have given their willingness to surrender their aid in the form of surrendering their Aided Staf to the Government but not the assets. Accordingly, all the aided staf are absorbed into Government / Local Body through Web Counseling.
Further, they are informed that after completion of the above process, number of managements have surrendered their aid in the form of surrendering their Aided Staf to the Government but not the assets.
Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are requested to furnish the details of schools (excluding 722 schools) and its staf in their respective districts in the proforma given below:
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Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the state are requested to furnish the above proforma on or before 28.12.2022 to this ofce without fail.
All the District Educational Ofcers in the state.
Parvathi Payyavula
Director ( Co-ordination).
Copy to all the Regional Joint Director of School Education in the state.