Present: Sri.S.Suresh Kumar,I.A.S.,
R.C.No: SS-21023/4/2023-GCDO,Dated: 23/01/2023
Sub:Samagra Shiksha-Celebrating the "National Girl Child Day" on 24.01.2023 with the theme "Self defence Training for girls" under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav- Instructions Issued-Reg
Ref: Lr.D.O.No.13-5/2022-is-11, Dated: 06.01.2023 from the Joint Secretary(AE& Coord.), Ministry of Education, Department of School Education& Literacy, New Delhi.
All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators are informed that in the reference read above, the Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of India has informed that in order to emphasise on self-defence on the occasion of "National Girl Child Day" on 24.01.2023, will organize a virtual conference (VC) with the theme "Self defence Training for girls" under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. In the Virtual Conference, the information will be provided to the Department of Education of all states including girls on ethnic Martial Arts and showcase videos on Self Defense activity Learnt by the girls in the schools.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the state are requested give wide publicity on"National Girl Child Day" on 24.01.2023 and issue necessary instructions to the Headmasters/ Principals of all management schools/KGBVS to celebrate the "National Girl Child Day" on 24.01.2023 with the theme "Self defence for girls" by providing speeches by the eminent speakers and conducting the following competitions viz. (1)Essay Writing (2) Elocution, (3) Competitions on Martial Arts and (4) Poster Presentation to the girls in their respective schools and distribute the Prizes for 1st and 2nd Prize Winners. The expenditure for conducting the above said competitions may be met from the School Maintenance Fund of the respective schools.
Further, they are also requested to issue instructions to Headmasters /Principals to send the Photos, Video (1 to 2 minutes) from their schools to the email. ID:: Further, the link for the virtual conference (VC) to be held on 24.01.2023 will be provided soon after receipt from the Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of India for showing the virtual conference to the girl students by making necessary arrangements i.e.T.V., Laptop etc.,
These instructions should be followed scrupulously.
B Srinivasa Rao I AS