AP Finance Secretary Rejoinder : ఉద్యోగులకు ఎన్నో చేశాం... అయినా సరే పత్రికలు ఇలా రాయడం కరెక్ట్ కాదు

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Andhra Pradesh State Finance Department releases detailed note/ rejoinder as a response to the recently published articles on employee welfare and delay in payment of salaries and pensioners. 

The contentions made in the articles are not correct.

The commitment of the state Government for the welfare of the employees is clearly demonstrated by the series of measures mentioned in the rejoinder. 

This clarification is issued for the information of the employees and the public at large.

The Government is also looking into taking appropriate measures as per the law of the land, on the defamatory articles published without facts.

It is reiterated that the welfare of employees & their well-being is at the core of the policy making of the Government.

Letter to Secretary I&PR Department to Released detailed rejoinder from Finance Secretary

FINANCE DEPARTMENT Peshi-1/Dated 21-01-2022


The Commissioner,

I&PR Department,

Government of Andhra Pradesh.



Subject: Finance Department-Certain articles published on employee welfare and delay in payment of salaries and pensioners-Rejoinder

It is to inform that certain articles have been published in Telugu/English newspapers on the above captioned subject.

A detailed note on the factual position is enclosed for the issue of rejoinder in the media.

Yours faithfully,

Special Chief Secretary,

Finance Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh


The state of Andhra Pradesh came into existence on 2nd June 2014 through the instrumentality of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.

In the years since its formation, the state finances have borne the severe impact of the unscientific bifurcation & the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the tough challenges, this Government has taken a taken a series of measures to ensure that salaries and pensions are paid in time. On an average 90-95% of the salary and pension bills will be passed by the Treasury by the last working day of the month and the same are released before 5 of the following month depending on the RBI/Bank holidays, ways & means position of the state. Remaining bills will be passed as and when they are cleared by the Treasury. This is the general practice earlier as well as at present.

The general allegations that the salaries and pensions are getting delayed during the current Government based on very rare exceptions doesn't truly reflect the ground reality. In fact, current Government took several steps to make timely payment to employees. Instructions were issued to all the DDOS to start processing the salary and pension bills from 16" itself and complete by 24 of the month and the Treasury to complete the Audit by month end so that salaries and pensions for majority can be paid on the first working day of the following month.

In addition to the regular employees and pensioners, this Government took special efforts to make payment in time to several scheme based employees like Asha Workers, Anganwadis, Mid day meal Cook cum Helpers, Home Guards, VOAS, RPs, Tribal Community Workers, professionals, contract employees etc., and ensuring that everyone gets paid before 21" of the month. Earlier salaries for some of these category employees used to get delayed for months together.

Government created a separated organization "APCOS" to take care of the interest of outsourced employees and the top priority given for releasing of salaries of outsourced employees.

Government is giving top priority for the welfare of employees as it recognises Human resources as the most significant asset of the Government. Various steps taken by the Government towards the employees welfare are summarised below.

1. Sanction of Interim Relief

a) The Government has already sanctioned 27% Interim Relief (IR) vide G.O. Ms. No. 60 Finance (PC&TA) Dept. dated 6-7-2019 to all the Government Employees, including the employees of the Local Bodies (PR & ULBS), the institutions receiving Grants-in-Aid from the Government, Work Charged Employees and Full-Time Contingent Employees who are currently drawing pay in the Revised Scales, 2015.

b) Similarly, for the welfare of pensioners, the Government vide G.O. Ms. No. 61 Finance (HR-3-Pension-1) dated 18-7-2019 sanctioned interim relief at the rate of 27% of basic pension w.e.f. 1st July 2019 to all Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners including the pensioners of the Local Bodies (PR & ULBS), the institutions receiving Grants-in-Aid from the Government, Work Charged Establishment & erstwhile Full- Time contingent employees, who are currently drawing pension in the Revised Scales of Pay 2015.

c) The Government has paid Interim Relief, to a tune of Rs.11,984 crore for employees

and Rs.5,933 crore for pensioners totalling to Rs.17,918 crore from 01-07-2019 to 31-12-2021.

2. Increase in Salaries of various categories of employees

a) The Government has increased salaries of 3,01,021 employees in various categories like Anganwadi workers, Asha workers, etc. as shown in the table below. The yearly expenditure on account of salaries to these categories of employees has gone up from Rs. 1,198 crore to Rs. 3,187 crore.

Table 1: Increase in salaries of various category of employees

3. Enhancement of Age of Superannuation to Government Employees from 60 to 62 years.

Government of Andhra Pradesh extended the age of superannuation from 60 years to 62 years in respect of State Government employees covered under the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) Act, 1984 w.e.f 01.01.2022.

Orders were issued vide G.O.Ms.No.15, Finance (HR IV-FR&LR) Department, dt. 31.01.2022 read with the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2022 (Act 4 of 2022) has been published in A.P. Gazette Part IV-B, Extraordinary No.4, dated 19.04.2022 (attached).

While it is a benefit to all the current employees & all the employees joining Government going forward, the immediate benefit with this is for approximately 26,878 number of employees who are going to retire from service during the years 2022 (13,519 employees) and 2023 (13,359 employees).

4. Welfare Measures to the Contract Employees

a) Keeping in view the welfare of the contract employees, in supersession of all the orders issued earlier, regarding the remuneration & other benefits to be paid to persons who have been appointed on contract basis, comprehensive orders were issued vide G.O. Ms. No.40, Finance (HR-I Plg. & Policy) Department, dated 18-06-2021 for payment of Minimum of Time Scale (MTS) in Revised Pay Scales 2015 to the contractual employees engaged in the Government Departments, Universities, Societies, KGVB and Model School of the relevant posts in which the employees are working.

b) Further, orders were issued providing for 180 days of paid maternity leave for women married employees engaged on contractual basis in the Government Departments, Universities, Societies, KGVB and Model Schools for the first two child births.

c) Orders were also issued for sanction of Ex-gratia to the contract employees i.e. Rs.5.00 lakhs (Rupees five lakhs only) for accidental death & Rs.2.00 lakhs (Rupees two lakhs only) for natural death to legal heir of deceased Contract employees, who die in harness, while in service.

d) The per annum additional benefit to the contract employees on account of these measures is approximately Rs. 360 cr per annum.

e) Further, Government have issued orders vide G.O.Ms No.5 Finance (HR I-Plg. & Policy) Department, Dt.17.01.2022 for the extension of Minimum of Time Scale (MTS) in Revised Pay Scales, 2022 w.e.f. 01.01.2022 to the Contract employees engaged in the Government Departments, Universities, Societies, KGBV and Model Schools in the respective relevant posts in which the employees are working

5. Recruitment

A. Annual Calendar for Direct Recruitment posts for the year 2021-22

The Government has reviewed the current process of the recruitment of the vacant sanctioned posts and observed that, so far recruitment was carried out in ad-hoc manner & without definitive timelines for notifications of the posts and decided to streamline the entire procedure for filling up the vacant posts in a phased manner.

Accordingly, orders were issued vide G.O.Ms.No.39, Finance (HR.I. Plg & Policy) Department, dated 18-06-2021 for releasing of Annual Calendar of Recruitment for the year 2021-22 for filling up of a total number of 10,143 posts. (Ten Thousand One Hundred and Forty Three).

Further, orders were issued vide G.O.Rt.No.78 Finance (HR.I.Plg &Policy) Dept. dt.31.03.2022 for filling up of 292 posts of Group I & II categories of various departments.

Government have also permitted filling up of 11,092 posts of various categories for direct recruitment to the HM&FW Department and 1,958 posts in other departments, taking total recruitment to be taken up to a total number of 23,485 posts.

6. Other Welfare Measures to the Employees

a. Absorption of APSRTC employees into State Government:

The Government of A.P. has absorbed all APSRTC employees into Government service w.e.f., 01-01-2020 by creating a new Public Transport Department (PTD) under the administrative control of T,R&B Department. About 53,500 employees of APSRTC were absorbed into Government service. Salaries are paid to all PTD employees from January, 2020 onwards by the Government. An expenditure of Rs.5,900 crores has been incurred towards salaries of PTD employees from Jan 2020 to Dec 2021.

b. Benefits extended to Village & Ward Secretariat Employees:

To take governance to the last-mile and to provide services at the doorsteps to the citizens, 1.28 lakh regular employees were recruited in the newly established Village/Ward Secretariat system in the State.

The financial implication of the above measure is Rs. 2,300 crore per annum. Government, vide G.O 1 dated 17.01.2022 has issued orders regarding creation of pay scales for Village / Ward Secretariat Employees.

c. Andhra Pradesh Corporation For Outsourced Services (Apcos):

The Hon'ble Chief Minister with an intention to curb corruption in recruitment & create a seamlessly hassle-free system of payment of salaries to the outsourced employees on the 1st working day of every month has decided establish a pay roll agency under Government. Accordingly, Government have formed Andhra Pradesh Corporation for Outsourced Services (APCOS) to completely do away with the private outsourcing agencies to meet the requirement of outsourced manpower vide G.O.Ms.No.126, General Administration (SU.I) Department, Dt:18.10.2019 and G.O.Ms.No.136, General Administration (SU.I) Department, Dt:04.11.2019. About 98,016 candidates are benefited from the scheme. Payment are being made through APCOS website on 1 working day of every month to the Bank Accounts of all candidates and simultaneously, subscriptions of EPF & ESI along with employer's contribution to EPF is being remitted to the respective accounts. On average an amount of Rs. 150 crores is being paid towards monthly remuneration and Statutory benefits to outsourced manpower.

APCOS is remitting 25% towards EPF (Employee Provident Fund) which includes 12% Employee share and 13% Employer share. We are also paying 4% towards ESI (Employee State Insurance) and 18% towards GST.

d. Removal of negative marking system in Departmental Tests by APPSC:
Government have removed negative marking system in Departmental Tests conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission duly restoring the minimum pass marks as fixed earlier and make amendment to the Andhra Pradesh Department Test Rules, 1965, vide G.O.Ms.No. 101, G.A. (Ser.C) Department, dt. 25.09.2020.

e. Resolving of promotional channel to MPDOS:

The long pending issue of finalization of seniority among Mandal Parishad Development Officers (MPDOS) of different feeder categories appointed between 1995 to 2011 have been resolved and the promotion channel have been finalized to MPDO in the ratio of 5:3:3 for Direct Recruit MPDOS, MPDOS promoted from the feeder category of EO RD and MPDOS promoted from feeder category of Women and Child Welfare Department vide Memo No. PRR01-PEST(MPDO)/18/2021-ESST-V, PR & RD (Esst-V) Dept. dt. 05.08.2021.

f. Creation of promotional channel to VROS (Gr-I):

In the G.O.Ms.No.154, Revenue (Ser.III) Dept., dated 5.7.2021 orders were issued for creation of promotional channel for the category of Village Revenue Officers (Gr-1) as Senior Assistants in supersession of G.O.Ms.No.132, Revenue (Ser.III) Dept., dt.08.05.2020.

g. Filling up of 3,795 posts of VROS with VRAS:

Government in the G.O.Ms.No.13, dated 27.01.2020 accorded permission to all the District Collectors in the State to fill 3795 posts of Grade-II Village Revenue Officers from the cadre of VRAS in relaxation of relevant Rules on the subject such as 3(iv) and Rule 4(iv)(a)(ii) and (iii) of AP VRO Service Rules 2008 as one time measure.

h. Extending benefit of five days Spl. Causal Leave to women employees:

Government have issued orders for extending the benefit of availing five (5) days Special Casual Leave in addition to the existing (15) days Casual Leaves and (5) Optional Holidays per calendar year to all the Women Employees working under the control of State Government vide G.O.Ms.No18, Finance (HR.IV-FR&LR) Department dt. 10.03.2021.

i. Continuation of five day week at AP Secretariat & HODs:

(05) day week is continued for the benefits of Employees working in both Secretariat and HODS, Corporations and other Government organizations, who moved out from Hyderabad to AP.

j. Continuation of free accommodation to certain categories of employees:

Government have continued free accommodation for the Employees of A.P. Secretariat and HODs at Vijayawada & Guntur for those who could not move the families from Hyderabad.
k. Concessional Bus Pass facility:

Concession of Bus Pass facility have been given to the Employees working in Vijayawada, Guntur and Visakhapatnam as follows vide G.O.Ms.No.117, G.A.(SW) Department, dt.24.08.2017:

i. The concessional monthly bus pass facility to the N.G.Os. of all Heads of Departments working in Vijayawada and Guntur cities will be at the rate of Rs.1,350/- with 2/3rd Government share of Rs.900/- and 1/3rd Employees share of Rs.450/- up to the facility of Ultra Deluxe Buses operating in the CRDA limits.

ii. The above concessional monthly Bus pass facility is also extended to the Gazetted

Officers of all Heads of Departments (excluding the officers who are provided with Government conveyance).

111. The above concessional Bus pass facility was also extended to the Class-IV employees, Outsourcing and Contract employees who are working in the Heads of Departments working in Vijayawada and Guntur cities.

1: Leave Benefits:

Government have issued orders vide G.O. Ms. No.33, Finance (HR.IV-FR&LR) Dept., Dt.08.03.2022 for sanction of Child Adoption leave upto 180 days to female Government servants having less than two surviving children. Further Government enhanced the Child care leave facility from 60 days to 180 days in the entire service in respect of the women employees. The same facility is extended to 'single' male employees (unmarried widower divorcee). Government also sanctioned Special Casual Leave upto seven (7) days in a year for Orthopedically challenged employees needing to change prosthetic aids. Also sanctioned Ex-gratia on EOL for certain deceases and the ex-gratia allowance is equal to half of the pay, subject to the minimum 10,000 to maximum 15,000 for Last Grade employees and for the Non-Gazetted Employees minimum is Rs. 11,560 and maximum is Rs.17,780.

m. Meeting of A.P. Civil Services Joint Staff Council at State Level:

Government have taken steps to reduce the grievances of Employees and interacted with the Associations by convening A.P. Civil Services Joint Staff Council (AP JSC) Meeting at State Level with the Member of Associations and Official Members of A.P.JSC on 29.10.2021. Free and frank discussions have been taken place in the A.P.JSC.

The meeting have been convened after 12 years of its last meeting. The issues raised by the Employees Associations in the said meeting have been taken into consideration and referred to the concerned Departments for their redressal and compliance,

All the Secretaries and the District Collectors have been instructed to convene the Departmental Level & District Level Joint Staff Council Meeting to reduce their grievances and submit the Action Taken Report by 15.12.2021.The C.S. will review the action taken by all the Departments and the District Collectors, after 15.12.2021.

Government have made elaborate discussions with the members of the Joint Staff Council (JSC) from 14.10.2021 to 06.01.2022 have issued orders for implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2022.

Government have made elaborate discussions with the members of the Joint Staff Cuncil (JSC) held from 14.10.2021 to 06.01.2022 and have issued orders for implementation of Revised Pay Scales 2022 for the Employees, Pensioners, Family Pensioners, Contract employees, NMR & Outsourcing employees and other benefits to Women employees, Physically challenged employees etc.

7. Implementation of 11th Pay Revision Commission:

A: Employees:

1. Government have issued comprehensive orders vide G.O. Ms. NO.1 Finance (PC- TA) Department, Dt.17.01.2022 for implementation of Revised Pay Scales, 2022 for all Government Employees including Local Bodies & Aided Institutions including Aided Polytechnics and the Work-charged establishment in receipt of pay in regular pay scale in the Scales of Pay, 2015. The financial implication on Government exchequer is estimated to be Rs. 10,247 Crores per annum.

2. Government has released all the Dearness Allowances (DAS) of Five (5) instalments upto 31 December, 2021 vide G.O. Ms. NO.8 Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dt.17.01.2022

3. Government vide G.O. Rt. No.127, GA (Cabinet. I) Department, Dt.24.01.2022 have constituted a Committee (Ministers Committee) to deliberate with the Employees' Associations and to clear the apprehensions of the Employees about orders of the Government on the Pay Revision Commission and to sort out the connected issues. Based on the representations received from the Employees Associations, the Ministers Committee proposed to revise the House Rent Allowance (HRA) @ 24%, 16%, 12% and 10% based on the population. Accordingly, orders were issued vide G.O. Ms. NO.27, Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dt.20.02.2022. Further Government have issued orders for HRA @24% to the employees of Secretariat and Heads of Departments vide G.O. Ms. NO.28, Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dt.20.02.2022. Government also issued orders vide G.O. Ms. NO.29, Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dt.20.02.2022 for restoring the City Compensatory Allowance (CCA). To implement House Rent Allowance (HRA) & Additional Quantum of pension (AQP) as per the Ministers Committee recommendations, an additional cost of Rs.1,460 crore was estimated.

Thus, in total, the additional HR expenditure of the state on implementation of 11th PRC is estimated to be 11,707 crore per annum.

B. Pensioners:

5. Government have issued comprehensive orders vide G.O. Ms. NO.2 Finance (HR.III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dt.17.01.2022 for implementation of Revised Pay Scales, 2022 for sanction of Consolidated Pension / Family Pension.

6. Government have released Dearness Relief to the Pensions / Family Pensioners of Government of Andhra Pradesh from 01.07.2019 to 31.12.2021 vide G.O. Ms. NO.8 Finance (HR.III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dt.17.01.2022

7. Based on the representations received from the Employees Associations, the Ministers Committee proposed to revise the Additional Quantum of Pension (AQP) @7% of basic pension on completion of 70 years and above and AQP 12% of basic pension on completion of 75 years and above. Accordingly, orders were issued vide G.O. Ms. NO.30 Finance (HR.III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dt.30.02.2022

C. Others: 8. Government have issued orders vide G.O.Ms No.5 Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, Dt.17.01.2022 for the extension of Minimum of Time Scale (MTS) in Revised Pay Scales, 2022 w.e.f. 01.01.2022 to the Contract employees engaged in the Government Departments, Universities, Societies, KGBV and Model Schools in the respective relevant posts in which the employees are working.

9. Government have issued orders vide G.O.Ms No.6 Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, Dt.17.01.2022 for the extension of Minimum of Time Scale (MTS) in Revise Pay Scales of 2022 w.e.f. 01.01.2022 to the Full-time/NMR/Daily wages/ Consolidated Pay/Part-time employees / Masalchies who were appointed before the cut-off date i.e., 25.11.1993.

10. Government have issued orders vide G.O.Ms No.7 Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, Dt.17.01.2022 for enhancing the monthly remuneration to the Outsourced Man power w.e.f. 01.01.2022 i.e., remuneration payable for the month of January, 2022.

11. Government have issued orders vide G.O. Ms. No.33, Finance (HR.IV-FR&LR) Dept., Dt.08.03.2022 for sanction of Child Adoption leave upto 180 days to female Government servants having less than two surviving children. Further Government enhanced the Child care leave facility from 60 days to 180 days in the entire service in respect of the women employees. The same facility is extended to 'single' male employees (unmarried/widower / divorcee). Government also sanctioned Special Casual Leave upto seven (7) days in a year for Orthopedically challenged employees needing to change prosthetic aids. Also sanctioned Ex-gratia on EOL for certain deceases and the ex-gratia allowance is equal to half of the pay, subject to the minimum 10,000 to maximum 15,000 for Last Grade employees and for the Non-Gazetted Employees minimum is Rs. 11,560 and maximum is Rs.17,780.


Despite the measures taken by the Government for the welfare and well-being of the employees, certain articles have been published in the recent past in the Eenadu and certain other newspapers stating that the Government is not concerned about the welfare of the employees and especially regarding the delay in the payment of salaries and pensions.

The contentions are not correct, & the commitment of the Government for the welfare of the employees is clearly demonstrated by the series of measures mentioned in the paras supra.

Hence, the above clarification is issued for the information of the employees and the public at large and the Government is also contemplating taking appropriate measures as per the law of the land, where the matter published is not based on the actual facts & is defamatory in nature.

To conclude, it is reiterated that the welfare of employees & their well-being is at the core of the policy making of the Government.


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  1. Govt MDM workers కి 18 నెలలుగా ఒక్క రూపాయి కూడా చెల్లించలేదు.
    And పైగా మెను ఐటమ్స్ పెంచారు..
    And DA lu PRC బకాయి లు ఇవ్వలేదు. సెంట్రల్ గర్నమెంట్ ఇచ్చే ఎమౌంట్ నీ స్టేట్ government ఇచ్చినట్లు బిల్డప్ ఇస్తారు....గ్రేట్ గవ్నమెంట్ కర్మా
