Change of Nomenclature Deputy Inspector of Schools to MEO-I

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Change of Nomenclature Deputy Inspector of Schools to MEO-I

Present:  Sri  S.  Suresh  Kumar, I.A.S.,

Rc.No.  ESE02-12/54/2023-EST2-CSE                   Dated:06/11/2023
Change of Nomenclature Deputy Inspector of Schools to MEO-I

Sub:    School  Education  Department  -  The  Deputy  Inspector of  schools: nomenclature  re-designated  as  Mandal  Educational  Officer-I  and the non-teaching staff under the control of the said  posts may be: shifted  to 0/o.  Deputy  Educational  officer - Orders-  issued.                :

The attention of the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kakinada  and  Visakhapatnam  are  invited  to  the  references  read  above, and   they   are   informed   that   in   the   reference   1st   read   above,   the Government   has   re-designated   the  posts   of   19   Deputy   Inspector   of

Schools   as   Mandal   Educational   Officers   and   shifted   to   the   Revenue Mandals where the  post of Mandal  Educational Officer is  not sanctioned. Accordingly, the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P, Hyderabad   was  issued   orders  to  the  Regional  Joint  Director  of  School Education,  Kakinada  for implement the  above  orders  vide  reference  2nd read above.

Further, in the reference 3rd read above the Government has re designated the Mandal Educational Officer posts as Mandal Educational Officer-I and  created 679  MEO-I posts (666 already available  + 13  newly created)  are  available  in  the state  in line  with  the Revenue  Mandals  in  the state  post district  reorganization.  Further,  the Mandal  Educational  Officer-I post is  meant for Government Management Teachers.

Therefore,  the Regional Joint  Director of School  Education,  Kakinada and Visakhapatnam are hereby instructed to as per the orders of the Government vide  references  1st and 3rd read above,  the  Deputy  Inspector of school  posts  re-designated  to Mandal  Educational  Officer-I  and  the non-teaching  staff  under  the control  of  the  said  posts  shifted  to 0/o.  Deputy Educational  Officer for administrative convenience.

Further, the  State Project Director, Samagra Siksha  is requested to sanction   the   non-teaching   posts   in   these  Mandals   wherever  Deputy Inspector  of  School  posts  have  been  converted  as  Mandal  Educational Officer-I  on par with other Mandals.

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