MEO 1 MEO 2 Roles and Responsibilities - Tentative Work Allotment Orders Issued by DEO Eluru

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MEO 1 MEO 2 Roles and Responsibilities - Tentative Work Allotment Orders Issued by DEO Eluru


Rc.No.1415/A1/2023  , Dated.18.08.2023  

Sub:- School Education - Eluru District - Fixing up of Roles & Responsibilities among  the Mandal Educational officers I & II- orders issued- Regarding.  

Ref:- 1. Proceedings Rc. No ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST-1-CS Dated. 16.06.2023 of  the Gommissioner of School Education AP Amaravathi.  
2. This office Proceedings Rc. No 1418/A2/2023 Dated 18.06.2023.  
3. Note orders of the Collector & District Magistrate, Eluru dated.12.08.2023.  
MEO 1 MEO 2 Roles and Responsibilities - Tentative Work Allotment Orders Issued by DEO Eluru

The Gommissioner of School Education AP Amaravathi through the reference 1st cited,  has issued instructions for filling up the Posts of Mandal Educational officers II with the  following Mandal Educational officers belonging to ZP Management and with Headmaster  Grade-Il of ZP Management High Schools (by Transfer based on seniority and willing), subject to the outcome of all the Write Petition (AT)s/Writ Petitions/Contempt cases and  SLP if any pending before the Hon'ble Courts.  

The Mandal Educational officer -II Post may be filled by taking Erstwhile District as  Unit of Appointment as being in case of the HM Grade-II of ZP Management and as per the instructions of the Commissioner of School Education, Amaravati, The Mandal  Educational Oficer -II posts were filled through the ref.2nd cited.  

There is need to fix roles and Responsibilities among the Mandal Educational officers  -1&Il as the Government has undertaken several reforms in the school Education sector  for bright future of the children studying in schools and for their transformation as global  citizens.  

Further the Andhra Pradesh Government has initiated Mana- Badi-Nadu Nedu to  upgrade the intrastructure and create conducive learning environment in schools and  also to initiate Ammavodi, Jagananna Vidya Kanuka and Jagananna Gorumudda etc.,  

Basing on the above asper the note orders of the Collector & District Magistrate, Eluru  District, Eluru, through the reference 3d cited, the following roles and responsibilities  were fixed among the Mandal Educational officers I & II in Erstwhile District as follow.  

Roles and Responsibilities of Mandal Educational officers -I

  1. Academic Monitoring during their visits to school
  2. Tour Diary/Performance Appraisal
  3. All Teachers service Matters of Govt/MPP/MPLVAided
  4. All Teachers of Salaries/Budget issues
  5. All Teachers of Disciplinary cases/court cases
  6. Cadre Strength /Rationalization /Vacancy
  7. Teacher awards and National Festivals/Importance Days
  8. Spandana/Right to Information Act /Right to Education Act
  9. Office Establishment
  10. All Private Schools issues /Opening/Recognitions
  11. All Aided Schools issues
  12. MDM/TMF Bills submission in time to time
  13. Teacher Attendance and Student Attendance
  14. Habitation/Action Plan
  15. Conduct of Parent Teacher Meetings
  16. Mandal Educational officer should ensure that every Headmaster has to analyticson the assessment conducted in their respective schools and the remedial teaching /learning is planned.
  17. Mandal Educational officer should encourage the students for their participation in competitive examinations and other co -curricular and extracurricular activities.
  18. SC/ST Girl Child Enrolment in schools
  19. Meeting with Teacher Union's
  20. Anganwadi matters
  21. Pulse Polio/De-worming /School Health
  22. E-office subject
  23. High School Plus /CBSE Affiliations to all schools
  24. Any work entrusted by the DEO/Higher Authorities.

Roles and Responsibilities of Mandal Educational officers -II 

  1. Tour Diary/Performance Appraisal
  2. School Visit and Visit reports
  3. Mana Badi-Nadu- Nedu
  4. Drop Outs/OSS/CWSN/Alternative schools
  5. Gross Enrolment Ratio and Net Enrolment Ratio and Survey,SDG
  6. Jagananna Vidya Kanuka kits Distribution
  7. NT Books Distribution/Sale Books
  8. Samagra Shiksha relative all works
  9. U Dise and Child Info
  10. Jagananna Gorumudda/MDM/Visit and inspections/reports
  11. Consistency Rhythms
  12. ByJus Tabs/IFA Tablets Distribution
  13. Jagananna Ammavodi/Grievance
  14. All Training Programmes/We Love Reading
  15. All examinations /Summative/TOFEL/Baseline
  16. Mandal Educational officer should ensure that every Headmaster has to analytics on the assessment conducted in their respective schools and the remedial teaching learning is planned. 
  17. Mandal Educational officer should encourage the students for their participation in Competitive examinations and other co -curricular and extracurricular activities.
  18. Science fairs/National Green Corps
  19. Teacher awards/Prathiba Awards /Essay writing/Painting competition Talent Tests etc.
  20. Disaster Management., Natural Calamities etc,
  21. Any work entrusted by the DEO/Higher Authorities.
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