Present; Dr.Nidhi Meena, I.A.S.,
Sub:- School Education - Midday Meals & School sanitation -Toilet Maintenance Fund- Engaging the Night watchman in High Schools -Instructions- Issued- Regarding.
Ref:- G.O.Ms.No.30, School Education ( Ser-1) Department, Dt.19-03-2023.
While communicating the orders of the Government in the reference cited, all the District Education Officers in the State are informed that, the Government have taken up Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu (MBNN) programme in a mission mode to improve the infrastructure in all schools in a Phased manner from 2020-21.
The following infrastructure components are being provided;
(i) Toilets with running water
(ii) Drinking water supply
(iii) Major and Minor repairs
(iv) Electrification with fans and tube lights
(v)Furniture for students and staff
(vi) Green Calk board
(vii) Painting
(viii) Establishment of English Lab.,
(ix) Compound wall
(x) Kitchen sheds and
(xi) Additional Class rooms. Under Phase- I, 15,715 schools, Under Phase-II, 22,228 schools are taken up. The remaining schools are taken up in Phase-III.
Further, it is informed that, under the scheme of Toilet Maintenance Fund, the cleaning Chemicals and Cleaning tools are provided to all schools, apart from appointment of sanitary workers i.e., Ayas. Apart from the above infrastructure facilities in Schools, under Nadu-Nedu Phase-II. Interactive Flat Panels (IFP) and Smart T. Vs are being provided not only in Nadu-Nedu Phase-II schools but also in Phase-I schools where work is completed. With synchronization with IFPs for learning at Home, TABs are also being provided to class VIII students. Out of the total Schools, there are 5388 High Schools (non-residential).
The Government have spent/invested substantial amount in developing the infrastructure of the schools, and protection and safeguarding the equipment and infrastructure is paramount importance, and to prevent anti-social elements entering in to school premises, Government have ordered to appoint Night Watchman @1 per High School in all the 5388 High Schools (non-residential).
The District Education Officers are requested to take necessary action to engage Night Watchman in the identified 5388 (non-residential) schools duly following the procedure indicated below:
A. Eligibility Criteria:
i. Night Watchman shall be engaged in the identified schools through Parent Committees
ii. The following persons may be engaged as Night Watchmen: -