AP Police Answer Sheet 2023, Set wise Question papers at slprb.ap.gov.in Download
The competitors who have competed for the AP Police written test can soon expect the answer keys of the conducted exam. The answer sheet is expected to release within 3 to 4 days after the examination (approximately).
Candidates competed for the examination can keep checking the official website, slprb.ap.gov.in. The answer sheet will be released for all sets A, B, C, D. Compare with the answer key of the corresponding set to estimate the score. By comparing and evaluating the score, candidates can estimate their position in the level of competition, possibility to qualify the examination,
This preliminary examination will conducted in 997 centers across the state. The Police Recruitment Board has made complete arrangements for this examination which will held from 10 am to 1 pm.
The preliminary written test will be of 3 hours duration for a total of 200 marks. About 5,09,579 candidates have applied for these posts. That means a maximum of 83 people are competing for each post.
Prepared by Eenadu Prathiba Portal
Click here to Download Constable Exam 2023 Answer Sheet (Prepared by Jashuva Institute)
Key Prepared by Shyam Institute
Download AP Police Constable 2023 Exam Question paper
Note: This is not an Official Key.. Please wait for official Key. ఈ 'కీ' కేవలం ఒక అవగాహన కోసమే. అంతిమంగా ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ పోలీస్ రిక్రూట్మెంట్ బోర్డ్ విడుదల చేసే 'కీ' మాత్రమే మీరు ప్రామాణికంగా తీసుకోగలరు.