Rc.No.1/IT CELL/2021,Dated:22.07.2022
School Education - Pupil Attendance - MEO/MRC Staff/Headmasters, failed to Mark attendance of the Pupil in the Student Attendance App Show Cause Notice - Issued.
Srikaklulam DEO Issued Showcause Noticie to 621 Headmasters for Not Marking Student Attendance intime
1.Instructions from the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravathi
2.Daily report of Student Attendance App on 22.07.2022 @ 10.30 AM
The Headmasters of all schools of all managements running in the District have been clearly instructed to mark daily attendance of the pupil daily by 10.30 AM studying in their institution through WebEx meetings / online conferences / teleconferences from time to time.
While this is so, it is noticed by the under singed that, the following Heads of the Institutions have failed to mark daily attendance of the pupil of their institution within the stipulated time i.e, Date:-22.07.2022 by 10.30 AM.
Therefore, the Heads of the Institutions concerned annexed to this proceedings are hereby instructed to show cause as to why a suitable disciplinary action should not be initiated against them and also why the recognition of the institution of the aided/un-aided institution shall not be drawn for the above lapse.
The DYEOS/MEOS and their staff of concerned should submit their explanation for their poor monitoring for ensuring 100% attendance in their respective mandals daily before 10.30 AM.
The explanation should reach the under singed in within 03 days on receipt of these proceedings. Failure shall attract suitable disciplinary action as per the available records.
The receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged forthwith.