GSWS Staff Regularization GO.Ms.05, Dated: 25.06.2022 Orders Issued

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Department of Gram Volunteers / Ward Volunteers and Village Secretariats / Ward Secretariats - Declaration of probation in relaxation of Rule 18 (a) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 and applicability of pay scales to Village / Ward Functionaries with effect from 01.07.2022 - Orders - Issued.

GSWS Staff Regularization GO.Ms.05, Dated: 25.06.2022 Orders Issued

GSWS Staff Regularization GO.Ms.05, Dated: 25.06.2022 Orders Issued

G.O.Ms.No.05 Dated:25.06.2022.
Read the following:-
1.G.O.Ms.No.110, PR & RD (Mdl.I) Dept., Dt:19.07.2019.
2.G.O.Ms.No.217, MA & UD (UBS) Dept., Dt:20.07.2019.
3.G.O.Ms.No.145, PR & RD (E.I) Dept., Dt:24.09.2019.
4.G.O.Ms.No.26, AH, DD & F (AH-II) Dept., Dt:24.09.2019.
5.G.O.Ms.No.148, PR & RD (Mdl.I) Dept., Dt:27.09.2019.
6.G.O.Ms.No.418 Revenue (Services-III) Dept., Dt:27.09.2019
7.G.O.Ms.No.111 SW (Ser.) Dept., Dt:25.10.2019.
8.G.O.Ms.No.286 MA & UD (UBS) Dept., Dt:17.11.2019.
9.G.O.Ms.No.37, AH, DD & F (FISH) Dept., Dt:21.11.2019.
10.G.O.Ms.No.35, A&C (Agri.IV) Dept., Dt:30.01.2020.
11.G.O.Ms.No. 64 A&C(H&S) Dept, dt: 19.06.2020.
12.G.O.Ms.No.58, SW (TW.SER.A1) Dept., Dt:06.08.2020.
13.G.O.Ms.No.179, HM & FW (G), Dept., Dt:29.12.2021.
14.G.O.Ms.No.01, Home (Legal.II) Dept., Dt:12.01.2022.
15.G.O.Ms.No. 30, A&C (H&S) Dept, dt: 02.05.2022.
16.From Finance (PC-TA) Dept.,U.O.Note.No.12449673/PCTA/2020-6, dated: 09.01.2022.
17.From the Director, GV/WV & VS/WS, Vijayawada, Lr.Rc.No.216/F/GSWS/2022, Dt:30.05.2022.


The Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced the concept of NAVARATNALU as the core theme of governance in order to revamp the delivery systems of Government services with an aim to improve the living standards of the people. To achieve this objective, the Government of Andhra Pradesh had established a system of Village/Ward Secretariats consisting of required functional assistants to strengthen Gram Panchayats and Wards in the G.Os 1st& 2nd read above.

2.In pursuance of the orders issued above, notifications have been issued by the concerned parent Departments inviting applications online for recruitment to the posts of Village / Ward Secretariat functionaries from the eligible candidates. It is specified therein that the candidates on the selection and appointment would be paid Rs.15,000/- per month as consolidated pay for a period of two years. The selected candidates on appointment will be deployed to work in the Village / Ward Secretariats.

3.The parent Departments i.e. PR & RD, MA & UD, Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, Revenue, Agriculture & Cooperation, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development & Fisheries, Home, Health, and Medical & Family Welfare have issued orders prescribing Departmental Tests for the respective posts in Village / Ward Secretariats.

4.In the U.O. Note 16th read above, Government in Finance Department has stated that the Village and Ward Secretariat staff who are under probation, their probation and confirmation will be completed by 30th June 2022 and they will get the regular new scale from 1st July2022.

5.In the reference 17th read above, the Director, GV/WV & VS/WS, Vijayawada has stated that the Government have sanctioned 1.35 lakh posts of various functionaries and recruited about 1.21 lakh functionaries in two phases during the years 2019-2020 and 20202021 to work in Village / Ward Secretariats. The concerned parent Departments have issued service rules governing the service matters. He has requested the Government to direct the appointing authorities viz: District Collectors/ Regional Directors of Municipal Administration etc., to declare the probation of all eligible functionaries forthwith and also to declare the probation of functionaries as and when they fulfill the eligibility conditions and come up for declaration of probation thereafter.

6.The Director, GV/WV & VS/WS, Vijayawada has also requested the Government to take necessary action to enable the drawing officers to draw the salaries to all Village/Ward Secretariat functionaries, whose probation is satisfactorily declared from the month of July 2022 payable in August 2022.

7.Government after careful examination of the matter hereby direct that the probation of the Village / Ward Secretariat functionaries who are appointed during the year 2019 on consolidated pay of Rs.15,000/- per month and those who have completed the minimum period of two years of service and passed the prescribed Departmental Tests, on completion of verification of Antecedents and not facing any criminal/disciplinary cases, be declared by 30.06.2022 as a special case, in relaxation of Rule 18 (a) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.

8. Government also direct that the following pay scales as specified in the Table mentioned below shall be made applicable to the Village / Ward functionaries whose probation has been declaredas directed in para (7) above, with effect from the 15t July2022:-



Pay Scale


Panchayat Secretary Grade -V

Rs.23120 - 74770


Panchayat Secretary Grade -VI (Digital Assistant)

Rs.22460 - 72810


Welfare and Education Assistant

Rs.22460 - 72810


Village Agriculture Assistant Grade -II

Rs.22460 - 72810


Village Horticulture Assistant

Rs.22460 - 72810


Village Sericulture Assistant

Rs.22460 - 72810


Animal Husbandry Assistant

Rs.22460 - 72810


Village Fisheries Assistant

Rs.22460 - 72810


Engineering Assistant (Grade-II)

Rs.22460 - 72810


Village Revenue Officer (Grade -II) / Ward Revenue Secretary

Rs.22460 - 72810


Village Surveyor (Grade-III)

Rs.22460 - 72810


Ward Administrative Secretary

Rs.23120 - 74770


Ward Sanitation & Environment Secretary

Rs.22460 - 72810



Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary (Grade-II)

Rs.22460 - 72810


Ward Education and Data Processing Secretary

Rs.22460 - 72810


Ward Welfare & Development Secretary (Grade-II)

Rs.22460 - 72810


Ward Amenities Secretary (Grade-II)

Rs.22460 - 72810


ANM (Grade -III) / Ward Health Secretary

Rs.22460 - 72810


Gram / Ward MahilaSamrakshnaKaryadarshi (Grade-III)

Rs.22460 - 72810

Sample Salary Table - GSWS Staff Regularization

For Example

  • Panchayat Secretary Grade -V Pay Scale is Rs.23120 - 74770
  • Now Basic Pay is Rs.23120
  • DA @ 20.02% Rs.4629
  • HRA @ 10% (may vary to different areas) Rs.2312
  • Gross Rs.30061
  • Deductions Rs.3715 (Detailed deduction given below)
  • Net Pay Rs.26346 (Net Salary to be paid)

9. All the District Collectors, Regional Directors of Municipal Administration, Deputy Directors of Tribal Welfare Department, Assistant Directors of Survey & Land Records, Joint Directors of Agriculture Department, District concerned officers of Sericulture Department, Superintending Engineers of Public Health Department, Regional Deputy Directors, Town & Country Planning Department and Regional Directors of Medical & Health Department shall issue necessary orders on the declaration of probation to the functionaries of Village / Ward Secretariats immediately as directed in para (7) above and thereafter also fix pay scales to them as directed in para (8) above, with effect from 01.07.2022.

10.The Director, GV/WV & VS/WS, Vijayawada shall take necessary further action in the matter accordingly.

11.This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Dept., vide their U.O. No: FIN01/HROPCTA(RPRC)/7/2022-PC-TA, dt.22/06/2022.

12.This order is also available in online and can be accessed at hppts://

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