AmmaVodi Launching on 27.06.2022 Guidelines Issued

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Ammavodi 2022 Launching Guidelines Jagananna Ammavodi Programme 2021-22-Financial Assistant of Rs 15,000 per annum to each mother or recognized guardian who is below poverty line household and sending their children to Schools/Colleges ie, from Classes I to XII (Intermediate Education) Guidelines on launch of the programme on 27-06-2022 at Srikakulam District by Hon'ble Chief Minister for the academic year 2021-2022-Orders Issued.

AmmaVodi Launching on 27.06.2022 Guidelines Issued

AmmaVodi Launching on 27.06.2022 Guidelines Issued

 Rc.No.ESE02-28/28/2022-PLG-CSE-Part(1), Dt:24/06/2022

Sub: School Education NAVARATNALU Jagananna Ammavodi Programme 2021-22-Financial Assistant of Rs 15,000 per annum to each mother or recognized guardian who is below poverty line household and sending their children to Schools/Colleges ie, from Classes I to XII (Intermediate Education) Guidelines on launch of the programme on 27-06-2022 at Srikakulam District by Hon'ble Chief Minister for the academic year 2021-2022-Orders Issued.


1.G.0.Ms.No.79, SE(Prog.ll) Dept. dt.04.11.2019.

2.G.O.Ms.No.63. SE(Prog.II) Dept, de:28.12.2020 

3.6.0.Ms.No.42, SE(Prog II) Dept., dt.08.07.2021

4.G.O.Ms.No.52, SE(Prog II) Dept, dt.23.08.2021

5.GOMs.No.73, (SEProg.II) Dept., dt.09.11.2021


In order to ensure that poverty of the parents does not come in the way of educating their children, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced and launched a unique and innovative scheme "AGANANNA AMMAVODI. Releasing financial assistance of Rs. 15,000/- per annum to each mother or recognized. guardian from Below Poverty Line (BPL) families who are sending their children to schools or colleges from Class to XII (Intermediate Education) in all Govt. and Pvt. recognized management schools/colleges in the State.

The Hon'ble Chief Minister, Government of Andhra Pradesh is proposing to launch the prestigious flagship programme "Jagananna Ammavodi" for the academic year 2021-22 on 27-06-2022 in Srikakulam District.

Therefore, all the District Collectors and Magistrates in the state are directed to make necessary arrangements for launch of "JAGANANNA AMMAVODI." scheduled on 27th of June, 2022 in all Mandals and Municipalities/ Corporations in the state. The Hon'ble Members of Legislative Assemblies to requested to participate for launching the program at Mandal and Municipal level in their respective Assembly constituencies. In municipalities 2-3 locations may be selected for group of wards, Liaison Officers may be appointed for all assembly constituencies to coordinate the program. The beneficiates of the program mothers/ guardians) and children may be invited in good numbers for the program( The list of beneficiaries is available in the respective Grama/ Ward Sachivalayam). 

The Commissioner, Intermediate Education is requested to issue similar instructions for organizing the launch in all Government, aided and private junior colleges in the state on 27-06-2022,

Further, All the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers in the State are directed to coordinate with the District Collecotrs and organize the program successfully in all mandals / municipalities, as detailed above.

Encl: Annexure.


Should Invite Hon’ble Ministers of respective Districts for

inaugural of ”JAGANANNA AMMAVODI” in any of the schools identified by the respective District Collectors.


District Collector, Joint Collectors & Senior officers of the District

may be invited to the launch of ”JAGANANNA AMMAVODI” in any of the schools as identified by the District Collector.


Should invite respective hon’ble MLC/MLAs for inaugural of

”JAGANANN AMMAVODI”issue instructions to MEOs to co-ordinate.


Identify one school in the respective Mandal by the District

Educational officer for the said launch with Hon’ble MLA/MLCs in the state.


Necessary arrangements have to be made in the school to

display the inaugural the Hon’ble Chief Minister in the big screens

at the venue.


Wide Publicity has to be given in all the local media regarding

the launching of the Jagannanna Ammavodi.


Should invite Parents Committee Members for launch of

”JAGANANNA AMMAVODI” prestigious flagship scheme
programme on 27.06.2022.


Regional Joint Director School Education are instructed to follow up with the respective District Educational Officers & Additional
Project Coordinators and

participate in any one of the school in the zone.


Ensure Safety norms to provide proper sanitation to the invitees including students and Mothers by duly providing sanitizer by duly meeting the expenditure from school annual grants.


Please ensure all protocols of COVID 19 as issued by

Government of India and Government of Andhra Pradesh are


Please ensure that all the participants strictly adhere to mask

wearing and social distancing.

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