AP Preparation of Lesson Plans Templates 2022 and Primary , High School Academic Calendars 2022-2023 Released

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Andhra Pradesh Education Department Released AP Preparation of Lesson Plans Templates 2022 and Primary , High School Academic Calendars 2022-2023. In Lesson Plans Two model Templates released vide R.C. No.ESE02/329/2022 SCERT. And also instructed that every teacher must take print out model lesson plan templates. Download AP Preparation of Lesson Plans Templates 2022 and Primary , High School Academic Calendars 2022-2023. 

AP Preparation of Lesson Plans Templates 2022 and Primary , High School Academic Calendars 2022-2023 Released



Present:- Sri S. Suresh Kumar IAS

R.C. No.ESE02/329/2022 SCERT Dated:26/06/2022

Sub: School Education- SCERT-AP- Academic and Administrative reforms - -Preparation of lesson plans- Templates communicated and guidelines issued.

Ref:- 1. Observations of the School Education Higher Officials during their visits to schools.

2. Pro. R.C. No. ESE02/290/2022-SCERT, Dated 04/04/2022 of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh.


The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 2nd above wherein certain guidelines were issued regarding the implementation of Academic and Administrative reforms in the state. As part of the above guidelines, the preparation and implementation of the lesson plan is one of the top most academic reforms to be implemented in all the schools for ensuring the quality of education through adequate class-specific learning outcomes among students.

AP Preparation of Lesson Plans Templates 2022 and Primary , High School Academic Calendars 2022-2023 Released

In this regard, the SCERT-AP has prepared two (2) Lesson Plan Templates.

  • Template - 1: Model lesson plan for multi grade teaching. 
  • Template - 2: Model lesson plan for all types of High schools.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the field functionaries for effective implementation of the lesson plan and instructions to ensure right teaching at right level and achieve adequate learning outcomes at all levels.

Further, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers, Principals of DIET and all inspecting officers in the state shall ensure that all teachers are following the guidelines and preparing the lesson plans as per the templates suggested by SCERT. The services of resource persons in DIETs shall be used for capacity building and training of the teaches for the effective implementation of these plans.

అందరికీ నమస్కారం, అన్ని జిల్లాల స్పెషల్ ఆఫీసర్ కి, ఆర్ జె డి ఎస్ కి, జిల్లా విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులకు, డైట్ ప్రిన్సిపాల్ కి, ఉప విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులకు, మండల విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులకు, డి సి ఈ బి సెక్రెటరీ లకి, అన్ని రకాల యాజమాన్యాలకు ప్రధాన ఉపాధ్యాయులకు, ఉపాధ్యాయులకు తెలియజేయడం ఏమనగా అకాడమిక్ క్యాలెండర్, లెసన్ ప్లాన్ టెంప్లేట్స్ సంబంధించి చి ప్రొసీడింగ్స్ ఇవ్వడం జరిగింది, అందరూ దీనిని అనుసరించి ఈ విద్యా సంవత్సరం అమలు పరచ వలసి ఉంటుంది. ఈ సాఫ్ట్ కాపీ ప్రతి ఒక్క ఉపాధ్యాయుని దగ్గర  ఉంచుకొనవలెను. హార్డ్ కాపీ అతి తొందరలో పంపిణీ చేయబడును. మొత్తం అకడమిక్ క్యాలెండర్ ని అనుసరించండి. దీనిని పాటించని పాఠశాలలకు సంబంధించి సంబంధిత విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులు బాధ్యత వహించాలి. కావున దయచేసి అకడమిక్ క్యాలెండర్ ప్రకారం పూర్తిస్థాయిలో పాఠశాల నిర్వహణ చేయవలసినదిగా కోరడమైనది.

If any best practices are identified the same may be sent to the Director SCERT for disseminating across the state for its adaptability.

Encl :- Guidelines, templates.

Download Guidelines and Templates Click Here

Download Primary Schools Academic Calendar 2022-2023 Click Here

Download High Schools Academic Calendar - 2022-2023 Click Here

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