Entrustment of Supervision & Administrative Responsibilities of Municipal Schools to Education Department

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MA&UD  DEPT. - Teachers  Establishment  -  Entrustment  of  supervision  And administrative    responsibilities    of    the    Municipal    Schools     to    Education Department   on   par   with   the  system    being   followed   in   the  respect   of Government & Panchayat  Raj  Schools  - Orders  - Issued. 

Entrustment of Supervision & Administrative Responsibilities of Municipal Schools to Education Department

AP Municipal Schools supervision and administrative responsibilities entrustment to School Education Dept MA&UD DEPT. - Teachers Establishment - Entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to Education Department on par with the system being followed in the respect Of Government & Panchayat Raj Schools - Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms. No.84 Dated: 24.06.2022 

Read the following:
  • 1. Note No.41/M(MA&UD)/CO/2022, Dated 25.03.2022 from the Hon'ble Minister (MA&UD) along with the representation of Teacher MLCs. 
  • 2. From the Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Mangalagiri File C. No 1687685, dt. 04.05.2022.
In the reference 1st read above, certain Public Representatives of MLCS have represented for entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities of Municipal Schools to Education Department on par with the system being followed in respect of Government and Panchayat Raj Schools for improving performance of Municipal Schools which at present are not receiving required governance from Municipalities /Corporations, due to lack of such supervisory mechanism.

In the reference 2nd read above, the CDMA, AP has furnished a proposal for entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to Education Department, duly stating that:

There are 123 Urban Local Bodies in the State. Out of which, 2114 Municipal Schools (345 High Schools, 149 - Upper Primary Schools & 1620 Primary Schools) are existing in 59 ULBS. There are no Municipal Schools in remaining ULBS. 13,948 teachers posts were sanctioned in the Municipal Schools and the details are as follows:

Prior to the year 2000, the services including recruit municipal teachers were looked after by the ULBS and the year 2000 onwards, the recruitment of teachers in Schools is being done through the District Selection Co (DSC) by the School Education Department on par with management Schools.

In the year 2016, the Government have adopted a policy and framed the Service Rules to Municipal Teachers and issued the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Educational Subordinate Service Rules, 2016 and the details are as follows:

  • a.  Andhra Pradesh Municipal Educational Subordinate Service Rules, 2016, issued vide G.O.Ms.No.320, dated 07.12.2016 of MA&UD (D1) Department, are applicable to all Municipalities in the State and all the Municipalities in a District are taken as One Unit and the RDMA is the Appointing Authority. 
  • b. Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporations Educational Subordinate Service Rules, 2016, issued vide G.O.Ms.No.322, dated 07.12.2016 of MA&UD (D1) Department, are applicable to all Municipal Corporations in the State and all the Municipal Corporations in a District are taken as One Unit and the RDMA is the Appointing Authority. 
  • c. Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation C. Educational Subordinate Service Rules, 2016, issued vide G.O.Ms.No.323, dated 07.12.2016 of MA&UD (D1) Department, are applicable to GVMC and the Corporation/Standing Committee of GVMC is the Appointing Authority. 
  • d. Vijayawada Municipal Corporation Educational Subordinate Service Rules, 2016, issued vide G.O.Ms.No.324, dated 07.12.2016 of MA&UD (D1) Department, are applicable to Vijayawada Municipal Corporation and the Corporation/Standing Committee of VMC is the Appointing Authority.

All Municipal Teachers are drawing salaries under 010-Head of Account on par with other Management Teachers. In 11 Municipal Corporations, Education Officer Posts were sanctioned for monitoring the Municipal Schools and the said posts are filled up with the Senior Head Master of High Schools in the ULB on temporary basis, as the said posts were not covered in existing services rules. Further, as there is no specific post sanctioned in Municipalities for monitoring the Municipal Schools, senior teachers were positioned as School Supervisors for monitoring academic activities in municipalities on temporary basis. There is no separate monitoring system for Municipal Schools at State & District level for effective monitoring & implementation of academics in Municipal Schools on par with Govt./ZP/MPP Schools.

The Urban Local Bodies need to perform its' basic functions and to implement various programmes / Schemes of the Government for providing the basic services to the urban public. Among the various functions, providing Education is also one of the important functions to be attended by the ULBS. But, due to lack of specialized officers appointed to supervise the academic activities in Municipal Schools on permanent basis, there would be less focus on monitoring of Education in Municipal Schools. In case of ZP/MPP Schools, the Panchayat Raj Department has. transferred the Administrative control of ZP/MPP teachers to the School Education Department, but the schools & its' assets are under the control of the Panchayat Raj Department.

Amalgamation of the services of ZP/MPP Teachers with Government Teachers in Panchayat Raj Department is not yet finalized due to pendency of various court litigations from the year 1992 onwards and the School Education Department is implementing separate set of service rules for the Government & ZP/MPP teachers. Therefore, instead of amalgamation of Services of Municipal Teachers into the School Education Department, the services of the Municipal Teachers may bet transferred only to the extent of the Administrative control of the School Education Department from the Municipal Administration Department, as was done by the Panchayat Raj Department since the amalgamation of Services of ZP/MPP Teachers could not happen there due to various Court litigations.

The CDMA, AP has also informed that the following objectives will be achieved if the supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools are transferred to the School Education Department: 

  • No change with regard to the promotional avenues and seniority of the Municipal Teachers.
  • All benefits which are being provided by the School Education Department to the Government/ZP/MPP Schools Teachers will be extended to the Municipal Teachers (example Notional increments to the Special Teachers, PF facilities, Promotions, Transfers etc.,) which is more beneficial to the Municipal Teachers as compared with present scenario.
  • There shall be protection regarding all the service matters as applicable as on date and the overall supervision of the services of Municipal Teachers will be under the control of the School Education Department instead of the Municipal Administration Department and the Appellate authority will be the Commissioner of School Education instead of the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration.

Continuous Trainings will be provided to the Municipal Teachers on par with Government/ZP/MPP teachers which results in updating the knowledge & Teaching Skills of Municipal Teachers and improve learning outcomes of students in Municipal Schools. 

Since the School Education Department have necessary establishment, capacity & trained academic monitoring teams, examinations conducting teams, the School Education Department will also focus on Municipal Schools along with other management schools and thereby it will lead to improvement of the enrollment of number of students, their teaching & learning in the students of Municipal Schools.

The CDMA, AP while narrating the above, has submitted the proposal for transfer of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools including service matters of the Municipal Teachers to the School Education Department for consideration. However, he has requested to consider the following conditions:

Supervision and Administrative responsibilities of Teachers establishment may be handed over to School Education Dept., as was done by the Panchayat Raj Dept., in case of ZP/MPP Teachers. As the amalgamation proposal of ZP/MPP Teachers (of Panchayat Raj Department) with Government Teachers is under court litigation, the services of Municipal School Teachers may be considered as a separate service and accordingly, the School Education Department may issue separate set of service rules for Municipal Teachers as was done in the case of ZP/MP Teachers.

Alternative arrangements are to be made by School Education Dept., for deploying the non-teaching staff in the Municipal Schools and till such time the existing non-teaching staff of ULBS shall continue. The contingent staff i.e., Sweepers etc., of the Municipal Schools shall be taken over by School Education Department.

The Ownership of the Municipal Schools will continue to remain with the ULB/ Municipal Council. Handing over of the Municipal Schools will be initiated basing on the resolutions of the respective Municipal Councils, to avoid any kind of litigations. Maintenance and further Improvements of the Municipal Schools, will be taken up by the School Education Department. 5. Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby decided for transfer of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools including service matters of the Municipal Teachers to the School Education Dept. with the following conditions:

  • i. Supervision and Administrative responsibilities of Teachers establishment be handed over to School Education Dept., as was done by the Panchayat Raj Dept., in case of ZP/MPP Teachers. As the amalgamation proposal of ZP/MPP Teachers with Government Teachers is under court litigation, the services of Municipal School Teachers may be considered as a separate service and accordingly, the School Education Department will issue separate set of service rules for Municipal Teachers as was done in the case of  ZP/MP Teachers.
  • ii. Alternative arrangements are to be made by School Education Dept., for deploying the non-teaching staff in the Municipal Schools and till such time the existing non-teaching staff of ULBS shall continue. The contingent staff i.e., Sweepers etc., of the Municipal Schools shall be taken over by School Education Department..
  • iii. The Ownership of movable and immovable assets of Municipal Schools will continue to remain with the respective Municipal Councils/Corporations

 The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Mangalagiri and the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam shall take further necessary action in the matter.

Entrustment of Supervision & Administrative Responsibilities of Municipal Schools to Education Department 

For more details download Order

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