DSC 1998 Qualified Candidates appointment as MTS in SGT -Expression of Interest called for. Memo No:ESE01-20021/3/2022-RECT-Exams, Dated:23/06/2022.Dated:23/06/2022. School Education- DSC 1998 Qualified candidates for taking them into service on MTS basis on par with DSC 2008 qualified teachers Expression of Interest-Called for-
DSC 1998 Qualified Candidates appointment as MTS in SGT -Expression of Interest called for
(i) to call for "Expression of Interest" from the DSC-1998 eligible candidates through a web service for willing to work as teachers in Government schools purely on ad-hoc basis and
(ii) to consider them for appointments as Cluster Resource Persons in the fallen vacancies, Academic instructors in KGBVs, Guest Lecturers in AP Model Schools, teachers in DEO pool for deployment in mapped schools if necessary, and against the existing vacancies.