New Districts - Employees Allocation : ఉద్యోగులకు జిల్లాల తాత్కాలిక కేటాయింపు లో జిల్లా బాధ్యులను మినహాయించాలని ఆదేశాలు

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Memo No.FIN01-HODS0ADTA(OCCW)/33/2022-ADMN-I


Sub: P.S.-T & A Dept. - Restructuring of Districts in AP-Provisional allocation of employees Retension of Office bearers/other exempted category employees at their places of working in Taluk/District Units Regarding. 

Ref: 1. G.O. Ms. No. 31 Finance (HR.I- Pg & Policy) Dept., dt. 26.02.2022
2. G.O. Ms. No. 41 Finance (HR.I-Plg & Policy) Dept., dt. 01.04.2022
3.Representation of Andhra Pradesh Government Employee Association dt. 07.04.2022
In the reference 3rd cited, the Andhra Pradesh Government Employee Association has stated that as per the guidelines issued by the Government in respect of provisional allocation of employees to the newly formed Districts, the office bearers of the recognised service associations may be exempted from provisional allocation to the new districts and they may be retained at their places working presently. However, the DTA has made certain allocations by violating the above guidelines and hence requested the Government to issue suitable orders to the DTA to adhere the guidelines issued in this regard.

Government, after careful examination of the representation, hereby direct the Director of Treasuries and Accounts to take necessary action strictly as per the guidelines issued for provisional allocation of employees to the newly formed Districts.
New Districts - Employees Allocation : ఉద్యోగులకు జిల్లాల తాత్కాలిక కేటాయింపు లో జిల్లా బాధ్యులను మినహాయించాలని ఆదేశాలు

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