EHS Steering Committee Meeting on 14.02.2022 at AP Secretariat Velagapudi

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Letter No GAD01-SWOSERA/5/2022-SW, Dt.11. 02.2022


The Principal Secretary to Government (Ser. &HRM),

General Administration Department, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi.


1. President, A.P. Non-Gazetted Officers' Association. 

2. President, A.P. Secretariat Association.

3. President, A.P. State Teachers' Union..

4. President, A.P. Progressive Recognized Teachers Union 

5. President, A.P.United Teachers' Federation

6. President, A.P.Teachers Federation (Regd.No.1938) 

7. President, A.P. Revenue Service Association.

8. President, A.P. State Government Retired Employees' Association.

9. President, All Andhra Pradesh Government Class IV Employees Central Association.

10. President, A.P. Government Vehicles Drivers Central Association 

11. President, A.P. Government Employees Association.


Sub: GAD- Services Welfare- Meeting on Employees Health Scheme with representatives of member employees associations of Steering Committee Meeting on 14.02.2022 at 11.00 AM in the chambers of Prl. Secretary (Services)- Intimation- Reg.

Ref: G.O.Rt.No.1062, G.A. (SW) Dept. dt. 21.06.2021. <><>

I am to invite your attention to the reference cited and to inform that as per the minutes of the meeting dt. 05.02.2022 of the Ministers Committee and the representatives of the employees associations, it has been mentioned therein that "EHS health scheme would be streamlined".

2. Before convening the Steering Committee Meeting, a preliminary meeting is being convened to consult the member associations of the Steering Committee to elicit their valuable suggestions on streamlining the Employees Health Scheme (EHS). Therefore, a meeting will be held in the chambers of Prl. Secretary (Ser. & HRM), General Administration Dept at Room No.150, Ground Floor, 1 Building, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi on the above issue.

3. I am therefore to request you to make it convenient to attend the said meeting and offer your valuable suggestions on streamlining the Employees Health Scheme (EHS) for more useful to employees and furnish your views in writing.

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EHS Steering Committee Meeting on 14.02.2022 at AP Secretariat Velagapudi

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