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COVID-19: Compassinate Appointments Guidelines GO.Rt.1473 Dt.26.07.2023 Released

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GAD - Special dispensation for providing compassionate employment to the eligible dependents of deceased Government employees who succumbed to Covid-19 while in harness, in the Village and ward Secretariats- Orders issued.


G.O.Rt.No.1473,     Dated.26.07.2023. 

Read the following

1. G.O.Ms.No.687, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dated: 3rd October, 1977.

2. Memo.No.618/Ser.A/78-11, G.A.D., dated: 17th December, 1979.

3. Memo.No.1083/Ser.A/80-11, General Administration (Ser.A) Department, dated 1st August, 1980.

4. Memo No.1879/Ser.A/80-1, General Administration (Ser.A) Dept., Dt.1 December, 1980. 

5. Cir Memo No.1512950/Ser.A/2021, Dt.21.10.2021.

6. U.O. Note No.1249673/PC-TA/2020-3, Dt.09.01.2022.

7. G.O.Rt. No.91, G.A.(Ser.A) Dept., Dt.18.01.2022.

8. From the Addl. Secretary to CM Note dt.25.8.2021 together with the representation of the JAC of employees, Teachers, Workers and Retired employees Association, A.P. addressed to Hon'ble C.M., Govt., of A.P. dt.25.08.2021.



In the G.O. first read above permanent relief to the deserving bereaved members of the family of the deceased Government servant has been provided by appointing the spouse of a deceased Government or the dependent children of the deceased Government servant who died in harness, as a social security measure without reference to Employment Exchange. Such appointments should be to the categories of posts whose pay is equal to or less than that of L.D.C., subject to fulfilling certain conditions mentioned therein. In the memo second read above, certain clarifications were issued regarding the eligibility of the candidates who apply for appointment under this Social Security Scheme. In the Memo third read above, it has been made clear that request for compassionate appointments in cases which violate the conditions stipulated in the scheme should not be entertained, as indiscriminate compassionate appointments in the cases of the dependants of the deceased Government servants who die in harness will deprive other equally deserving poor families in securing jobs. In the Memo fourth read above, instructions were issued to consider the dependents of the deceased Government Servants for appointment in the office in which the deceased was working or in any other office under the administrative control of that Department, if there is no vacancy in the former.

2. In the reference 5th read above, instructions were issued to provide compassionate appointment to the kith and kin of those who have succumbed to COVID- 19 in the first instance and to complete the exercise before 30-11-2021.

3. Further, in the G.O. 7th read above, orders were issued that the eligible dependents of Government employees who were front line workers and who expired due to Covid-19 while in harness, shall be provided compassionate appointment in the available vacancies in the Village and Ward Secretariats, subject to fulfilling the other conditions of compassionate appointment..

4. In the reference 8th read above, JAC of employees, Teachers, Workers and Retired Employees Associations, A.P has stated that several Government employees including the front line warriors expired during the 1st and 2nd wave of Covid-19 across the State but due to non availability of roster points/vacancies, several applications were kept pending by the Collectors. The Association has requested the Government to issue necessary instructions to the Collectors/concerned Officers to provide compassionate appointment to the eligible kith and kin of the deceased Government employee who succumbed to Covid -19 immediately. If sufficient vacancies / roster points are available, then to create equal number of supernumerary posts (more than 5 also in each district duly relaxing relevant government orders as a one-time measure and also to conduct one special drive to clear all pending applications for appointment on compassionate grounds.

5. Government have obtained the following information regarding number of employees died due to Covid -19, number of requests received, number of compassionate appointments provided, number of pending cases and also ineligible cases:-

COVID-19: Compassinate Appointments Guidelines GO.Rt.1473 Dt.26.07.2023 Released

6. In this regard Government consider that, various flagship programmes are being implemented in the State and observed that a large number of vacancies are available in Village and Ward Secretariats. Further vacancies of VROS, Panchayath Secretaries, Welfare Assistants are also existing. In order to effective implementation of the programmes, there is a need to fill up the vacancies in various categories of Posts in the Village and Ward Secretariats. It is observed that, some of the dependents of the deceased are possessing qualifications of General Degree and professional qualifications like B. Tech, Nursing etc., and they can be accommodated in the suitable posts with those qualifications.

7. Government, therefore consider that a special drive shall be undertaken in the State to clear all the pending applications for compassionate appointments to the eligible dependents of Government employees who succumbed to Covid-19 and consider them to appoint in the vacancies of Village and Ward Secretariats as a one time measure.

8. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby direct all the Special Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, Ex-Officio Secretaries, HoDs and the District Collectors/Competent Authorities that all the compassionate applications pending as on date of the eligible dependents of deceased Government employees who succumbed to Covid-19 while in harness shall be processed and issue appointment orders on compassionate grounds and post them as per their qualification in the existing vacancies of various posts of Village and Ward Secretariats, as a one time measure and subject to the following conditions:-

8. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby direct all the Special Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, Ex-Officio Secretaries, HoDs and the District Collectors/Competent Authorities that all the compassionate applications pending as on date of the eligible dependents of deceased Government employees who succumbed to Covid-19 while in harness shall be processed and issue appointment orders on compassionate grounds and post them as per their qualification in the existing vacancies of various posts of Village and Ward Secretariats, as a one time measure and subject to the following conditions:-

(1) All the existing conditions stipulated in various G.Os, Memos in respect of age, education qualification and time limit for submission of application by the Spouse/dependents and minor children shall be followed.

(ii) All the compassionate appointments shall be in vacancies of various categories of posts in Village/Ward Secretariats.

(iii) To extent possible Rule of Reservation, roster points shall be followed to fill up the vacancies. If Roster points are not matched with the community of the applicant, the vacancies may be filled irrespective of Roster Points and equal number of such roster points shall be kept apart and filled in future with concerned category in relaxation of existing orders.

(iv) The candidates who are having qualification of education and technical qualification may be considered to appoint in the relevant post for which the said qualification is prescribed.

(v) The appointment orders once issued shall be final and the candidate shall join the post within 30 days from the date of issue/receipt of order by the candidate. If the candidate declined the post or not joined within the said time for which he/she has been appointed will be considered that it shall be treated that there are no compelling reasons of poverty for the applicant and the appointment order issued to him/her on compassionate grounds stands cancelled and no further claim of the applicant shall be entertained in future.

9. The details of posts in Village and Ward Secretariat vacancies, qualifications are specified in the Annexure-I to this order.

10. In respect of Corporation/Cooperative Society/Public Sector Undertakings/Local Bodies (i.e. Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, Zilla Parishads, Mandal Paraja Parishads, Gram Panchayats) who have adopted the scheme of compassionate appointments, they are informed that the dependents are not eligible for compassionate appointment in the Government Departments and they have to be appointed only in their respective Office/Organization as per their rules. They shall take necessary action accordingly during the special drive.

11. The concerned Secretaries of the Secretariat Departments shall issue necessary instructions accordingly to the Corporation/Cooperative Society/Public Sector Undertakings/Local Bodies (i.e. Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, Zilla Parishads, Mandal Paraja Parishads, Gram Panchayats).

The following time lines shall be followed:


(1) Scrutiny of application: 17.08.2023

(ii) Issue of appointment orders: 24.08.2023

(ii)Submission of compliance report to Govt. in the format at Annexure-II : 30.09.2023

13. All the Special Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, E.O. Secretaries, HoDs and the District Collectors/ Competent Authorities shall take further action in the matter accordingly.

14. This Order is available in online and can be accessed at


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1.Panchayat Secretary (Grade-V) - Vacancies 182

Qualifications: Must have passed the Degree from any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission

2.Panchayat Secretary Grade VI (Digital Assistant) - Vacancies 731

Qualifications: Must have passed the Degree or Diploma in Electrical, Electronics, Computers, IT, Instrumentation, BCA/MCA,  any degree with computers as one of the subjects such as B.Sc.,(Computers)/ B.Com.,(Computers) from any University in India established or Incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or a Provincial Act or an  Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission (or) by a recognized State Board of Technical Education and Training. 

3.Welfare and Education Assistant  - Vacancies 543

Qualifications: Must have passed the Degree from any University in India established  or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission

4.Village Agriculture Assistant - Vacancies 467 

Qualifications: Must have passed the 4 Years B.Sc, (Agriculture)(OR)4 Years B.Tech (Agriculture Engineering) from a recognized University in the State I any other University accredited by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (!CAR), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi. (OR) 2 Years Diploma in  Agriculture Polytechnic (OR) 2 Years Diploma in Agriculture Polytechnic (Seed Technology) (OR) 2 Years  Diploma in Agriculture Polytechnic (Organic Farming) (OR)3 Years Diploma in Agriculture Polytechnic (Agricultural Engineering) recognized by the ANGRAU (OR)Serving MPEOs with B.Sc (BZC) degree are also eligible to apply as a one-time exemption for having worked as MPEO in the Dept. of Agriculture. On selection B.Sc (BZC) candidates should acquire a 2 year Diploma in Agriculture Polytechnic to get eligibility for further promotion. 

5.Horticulture Assistant - Vacancies 1005

Qualifications: 1) Must Possess 4 years B.Sc Horticulture / B.Sc (Hons) Horticulture of a Recognized University in the State (or) any other University accredited by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (!CAR), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt., of India, New Delhi. 2) Must Possess 2 years Diploma in Horticulture (from Dr. YSRHU / ANGRAU recognized)   PARA-3 (A) : RELAXATION IN EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: 3) B.Sc or M.Sc with Horticulture as one of the optional subjects from any recognized University in Andhra Pradesh. 4) B.Sc (BZC) from any recognized University in Andhra Pradesh.  * SI.No: 3 & 4 qualifications is only applicable for MPEOs / MIAOs / Field Consultants working in Department of Horticulture, Government of Andhra Pradesh. 

6. Sericulture Assistant - Vacancies 24 

Qualifications: Must have passed Intermediate Vocational Course in Sericulture I B.Sc. with Sericulture I M.Sc., Sericulture

7.Veterinary Assistant  - Vacancies 4765 

Qualifications: 1) Two years Animal Husbandry Polytechnic Course conducted by Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tlrupatl, OR 2) Intermediate Vocational course In Dairying and Poultry Sciences as one of the subjects of study I two years Poultry Diploma Course conducted by the Polytechnic College Ramachandrapuram of Sri Venkateswara  Veterinary University, Tlrupatl etc., / two years Intermediate Vocational Course in Multi Purpose Veterinary Assistant (MPVA) as per the provisions of GO MS No:34 Dtd.13-09-2013 of AHDDF (AHII) Dept. " Provided that the candidates selected with the qualifications in clause (2) shall undergo one year departmental training in Veterinary Assistant course to be conducted by Director of Animal Husbandry and those who have successfully completed the said training shall be appointed as the AHA post"

8 Fisheries Assistant - Vacancies 62 

Qualifications: Must have passed Fisheries Polytechnic Diploma from any recognized university (Technical Board (or)  Intermediate with Biology or Vocational Course in Fisheries/Aquaculture from any recognized board (or) B.F.Sc. (4 Years) Degree from any recognized university/ (or) B.Sc., (Fisheries)/ B.Sc.,(Aquaculture)/ B.Sc.,(Zoology) from any recognized University. 

9. Engineering Assistant - Vacancies 982

Qualifications: Must possess a Diploma in Civil/ Mechanical Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education and  Training AP. (OR)   (Grade-II)  Bachelor Degree in Civil/ Mechanical Engineering of a University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grant Commission. 

10. Village  Revenue Officer/ Ward  Revenue Secretary - Vacancies 112

Qualifications: (a)Must have passed Secondary School Certificate Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary  Education, Andhra Pradesh or its equivalent examination as prescribed from time to time in sub- rule 2 of rule- 12 of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996. *(b) Must have obtained National Council of Vocational Training Certificate in Draughtsman (Civil) Trade (two years) Course with Surveying as one of the subjects in any Industrial Training Institute recognized by the Government of India.  Candidates with higher qualification in the same trade/ course are also eligible to apply. The selected candidates should qualify the Test i.e "Proficiency in Automation with usage of Computer and Associate Software" within 6 months. 

11 Village  Surveyor - Assistant (Grade-III) - Vacancies 1027 

Qualifications: Must have obtained NCVT Certificate in Draughtsman (Civil) Trade (Two years course with surveying as one of the subject in any Industrial Training Institute recognized by the Govt. of A.P. or Govt. of India). (or) Course with Surveying as one of the subject conducted by the Must pass passed Intermediate (Vocational) Board of Intermediate of Andhra Pradesh. (or)Must have passed Diploma in Civil Engineering from any 

12. Ward Administrative - Vacancies 225 

Qualifications: Any degree from any University In India established or incorporated by or  under a Central Act, State Act or a provincial Act or an institution recognized  Secretary  by the University Grants Commission or by a recognized State Board of Technical Education and training 

13. Ward Planning & Regulation Secretary Grade-II - Vacancies 479

Qualifications: Polytechnic Diploma In Civil Engineering/ LA.A or B.Arch/B. Ping and above 

14. Data Processing Secretary - Vacancies 225 

Qualifications: A Graduate In computer science viz., a) Bachelor of Technology In Computer Science and Engineering (B.Tech)  b) Bachelor of Science In Information Technology c) Bachelor of Engineering (BEng or BE) in Computer Science  Ward Education and  d) Bachelor of Computing In Computer Science e) Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Computer Science) - BSE  (CS) f) Bachelor of Computer Security in Computer Science g) Bachelor of Science (BSc or BS) in Computer Science (BSc CS or BSCS or BSc (Comp) h) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) i) Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

15. Ward Welfare & Development Secretary (Grade-II) - Vacancies 167 

Qualifications: A Graduate in Arts and humanities and above viz., a) Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Arts  (Hons) [BA/BA (Hons) b) Master of Arts c) Bachelor of Social Work d) Master of Social  Work e) Bachelor of Rural Studies/Rural development f) Master of Rural Studies/Rural  development g) BA (Literature) h) MA (Literature) or M. Phil I) BA (Oriental Learning)  j) BA (Population Studies) k) MA (Population Studies) I) MA (Indology) m) BA (Social Studies) n) BA (Social Science) o) MA (Sociology) p) MA (Anthropology) 

16. Ward  Amenities Secretary (Grade-II) - Vacancies 477 

Qualifications: Polytechnic Diploma in Civil/Mechanical Engineering and above 

17. Ward Sanitation & Environment Secretary - Vacancies 371 

Qualifications: A Graduate in Sciences or Environmental Sciences and above namely, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science (Hons) [B.Sc/B.Sc (Hons), Master of Science (M.Sc), In the disciplines of Sanitation Sciences, (Grade-II) Biotechnology, Micro-biology, Environmental Science, Botony, Zoology, Bio-sciences 

18. Grama Mahila Police & Ward Women&  Weaker Secretary (Female)  - Vacancies 1092

Qualifications: The candidates shall pass any degree from any University in Ira ty Grants commission or by  Central Act, State Act or a provincial Act or an institution recog_nized by the University the ost of   a recognized State Board of Technical Education and training are eligible  Sections Protection Samrakshana Karyadarsi  I  Ward Mahila Samrakshana Karyadarsi. 

19 ANM I Ward Health Secretary - Vacancies 90 

Qualifications: All below are Mandatory

a) Must have passed SSC or equivalent Examination/ Intermediate pass with any group.  b) Must have passed EITHER 18/24 months MPHA(F) course conducted in the State (recognized by AP Nurs ng 1  & Midwives Council) OR Two Years Intermediate Vocational Multi Purpose Health Worker (Female) Course_ and have completed one year Clinical Training In selected Government Hospital in which Intermediate (Voc_ationaI  MPHVWV(F)) students have been permitted to undergo clinical training. or Completed one year Apprent1cesh1p Training in  identified hospitals and awarded "Apprentlceshtp Completion Certificate" by the Board of  Apprenticeship training, Gol. Southern Region, Chennai,c) Must be registered in AP Auxiliary Nurse and Midwifery and Health Vlsitors Council. d) Must be registered in A.P. Para Medical Board in respect of candidates who have passed Intermediate Vocational Multi Purpose Health Worker (F) Course e) Must have Physical fitness for camp life 

TOTAL  - Vacancies 13026 

Note: All the above oosts in Village/ Ward Secretariats are below the rank of Junior Assistants 

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