From The Desk Of Prl. Sec. Pravin Prakash Episode - 6 on 25.05.2023 @ 7PM

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జిల్లా విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులు అందరికీ నమస్కారం. ప్రతినెల టెలికాస్ట్ అయ్యే ఫ్రమ్ ది డిస్క్ ఆఫ్ ప్రిన్సిపల్ సెక్రెటరీ ఎపిసోడ్ 6 ప్రోగ్రాం ,ఈరోజు రాత్రి 7 గంటలకు వీక్షించ వలసిందిగా కోరుచున్నాము .విద్యా శాఖలో ఉన్న ప్రతి ఒక్కరూ టీచింగ్ మరియు నాన్ టీచింగ్ సిబ్బంది అందరికీ ఈ లింకును షేర్ చేయవలసిందిగా మీకు విజ్ఞప్తి చేస్తున్నాము.

Good evening friends...

I welcome all of you to the sixth episode of the program from the desk of principal secretary. As

I promised you that in every episode I will discuss with you share with you my thoughts regarding some of the relevant issues of  that month the first issue which come to my mind is program four as all of us know that our schools are going to get reopened on 12th June and on that day as we have done in earlier years all the students entitlement whether it's a test book whether it's a notebook three pairs of uniform belt dictionary we will be putting in a bag and handing over to the students as far as program is concerned the most important thing is the quality and as some of you must have observed I've met few of you during my visit in the last one month personally I'm  going around and I'm checking the quality.

Items have been procured centrally and the tender committee which has finalized the agencies principal secretary I am the chairman of that committee and I am conscious about my responsibility as I keep telling to my friends uh when I go to the districts in any developmental Department like education it is the last person of the last line if you translate that into our department the student of the remotes the the school which is present in the remotest village if he gets the Jagananna Vidya kanuka kit in time and with all the items then only our program is successful friends as a Headmaster as a school teacher as a class teacher.

If you see whenever these kids are being given to the students Prima facial on the face of it if you think that there is any item which is

not of good quality apart from informing

it to the Headmaster informing it to the

mandal education officer or putting in

the jagannana Vidya kanuka app the first

thing if you see the item and you get a

feeling the student of your class is not

getting a good quality whether it's a

bag whether it's a shoes whether it's a

test book it's a notebook or it's a


ACF you feel that it's not of a good

quality take a picture

make a video of 10 to 15 seconds and

WhatsApp me my personal number nine zero

one three one three three six three six


I have only one mobile

phone with me is my personal number this

number is my official number and this

number is also my WhatsApp number please

share these my mobile number also with

the parents after taking the kit back to

the home at any point of time if the

parents feel which is there in the

jagranna Vidya kanuka kit is not of a

good quality they also can take a


and WhatsApp me directly I am available

to all the 42 lakh students parents

I am available to all my 1.8 lakh

teachers as far as

the any issue related to the Vidya

kanuka is concerned because why we have

done the centralized procurement we have

done the centralized procurement to

ensure that every child whether he is

studying in a school in a halahadi

bundle of kurnool District or if he is

studying cool in akshapuram bundle of

srikakulam District everybody gets a

uniform kit and a and the best quality

kit so that's my sincere request to to

all the teachers that please be

sensitive to the Quality secondly

after the distribution if you find that

in your class for which you are the

class teacher some item is not given

then also do WhatsApp me do let me know

apart from telling mu as I said telling

MBO and telling and calling up the call

center 14417

etc etc please also WhatsApp me that

this kit has these items missing Etc the

second part of of the jagannatha kit is

the second semester books unlike last

year when we gave the second semester

books in month of first week of November

second week of no but this time we will

be giving we will be sending books to

the schools by the third or fourth week

of June and the one day will be notified

where one of the Saturdays when the

students will be asked come to the

schools without any textbooks without

any notebook and they will again carry

back the second semester book back to

the home this time we don't want a

situation where which I found in my name

District where

on the last day of the Academic Year

also the students of a customer Gandhi

School were not having the mathematics

book the second issue which I thought I

will discuss with all of you is about

the quality of items which are being

supplied centrally by Under the naruneru

program as I said about the Vidya kanuka

program why do we Supply the items

centrally apply items centrally one is

to ensure that there's a uniformity cut

across all the schools

second yes as a state we save some money

because when we place an order with a

large quantity we get this advantage of

a less rate but more than one or two we

engage with the best companies to ensure

that we give the best quality product to

our schools to our students

also there are many items which are

being supplied centrally and for that

procurement committee also I am the

chairman principal secretary

therefore I have finalized all those

vendors in those items also be it uh

benches be it Ro plant be it uh fan be

it uh tube lights be it the tiles in the

toilet if you prime a facial believe or

you feel that it is not of the best

quality please take the video and send

me on my personal number nine zero one

three one three three six three six I

had a video conference with all the

vendors of Vidya Kanika as well as with

all the vendors of Nadu Naidu program

I told all of them Vidya kanuka and the

daru nehru programs are the pride of

school education department if I find in

any of this any of the items in these

two programs which have been supplied

for substandard quality of a poor

quality and if I am convinced in my mind

that it has been done with the malified

intention not only in our country not

only in these 35 States our country I

will write to the ambassadors of all the

215 countries in the world and I will

get that accompany blacklisted in not

only in India but throughout the globe

I'll make that company blacklisted I

told them that if you are supplying a

good quality I'll ensure that you get

your payment in the fastest possible

time I'll personally monitor whether

bills are up uploaded it is uploaded to

the to our portal and our native portal

or Vidya kanuka portal and then finally

payment payment is done but if it is of

a bad quality then I will not not

hesitate to Blacklist you I told them

that I am close to everybody who is

ethical who practices truth who

practices Dharma I am close to every

such person whether he is a permanent

government employee whether it's a

Outsourcing employee whether it's a

contract employee or he is a private

person I am close to everybody but

anybody who doesn't follow Dharma who

believes in shortcut who is not ethical

person I am not close to him I will not

have any soft corner or sympathy for

that person so these two programs

friends the knowledge programs last one

month I have visited large number of

schools and I'm very happy to say that

in all in in most of the schools the

programs are going on the brisk phase we

have told all the Headmasters please

first focus on the existing classroom

let us repair rejuvenate the existing

classrooms put the benches paint them

beautify them and after completing the

work of the existing classrooms then

look at the construction of additional

classroom the third point which I

thought I will share with all of you in

this program is the exciting Academic

Year which is coming current Academic

Year of 2324 which will be remembered in

the history of of school education of

government of Andhra Pradesh for the

year of digital education education

technology LED teaching and learning

this is a year where the year will start

with 30 000 class rooms of six thousand

odd high schools will have interactive

flat panels with byju's content from

class 4 to class 10th loaded in those

interactive flat panels we'll be having

the 10 000 primary schools where we'll

be putting the smart TV and in this also

the by juice content from class 4 to

class 10th of science social science and

maths uploaded nowhere at this scale

nowhere in the world the digital

education or technology-led learning and

teaching has been taken up friends we

are spending huge amount on on this

initiative of providing this

infrastructure it is the responsibility

of each one of us as a teacher as a

Headmaster as a subject teacher Sgt

teacher to make use of digital interest

these ID facilities friends we are all

our government servant we all are civil

servants one of the biggest

responsibility of any government servant

any government employee any civil

servant is to give the maximum return to

the taxpayers money wherever it is

invested costs lot of money the

interactive flat panels the smart TVs it

costs lot of money being a sensitive

civil servant we must

ensure that there's a there's a return

on this investment this is an investment

brother by the government in our schools

please use them anything new in our life

for few days it looks very difficult to

us but if you start using it then it

becomes part of our life as I keep

telling about using Shoes by the

students the first 100 days if any

teacher puts more effort and gets used

to using these ifps and the smart TVs

for his teaching after 100 days he will

he or she will get lot of ideas as a

class teacher as a subject teacher I

will urge upon if you're in a primary

school the smart TV will be put in the

smart TV room please ensure that you are

using Smart TV facility in the primary

school and if it is a high school please

ensure in that in your classroom if ifp

is there you are making use of it that's

the one promise I want you to give me

that in this Academic Year definitely

you will use usage of ifps and smart TV

is oxygen to us is oxygen to me


but if I go during my visit if I find my

teachers using ifps and smart TVs it

will give me a lot of ideas it will give

me ideas that how can I Empower my

teachers more and more how can I equip

my teachers more and more to use to

leverage all the power of digital

technology for imparting better

education to the students of to our

states that was the third topic I

thought I will share with with all of

you and the fourth topic is also is

about ensuring that have coverage of our

lesson plan and the checking and or

evaluating the notebooks of the students

in time we're starting the new year new

Academic Year net bag on it said let by

gone be bygones what has happened in the

last Academic Year whatever the way you

have hand your classes just put it aside

see it like in in sports or in a cricket

match a player takes the match it's a

new match it's a new test match it's a

new series which you are starting on

12th June friends if you want me to give

you any advice and sincere advice out of

my experience of last 28 to 30 years of

my service in government

my only advice to you is

keep telling yourself keep telling

yourself that whatever is your energy

level on day one that is whatever is

your energy level on 12th June

same energy level should be there in

July August September October November

December till the 30th April the last

day of the Academic Year

every day tell yourself whether it's in

you are in June or the July or in

October isma you know ask this question

to yourself

is my energy level same as it was on the

first day when schools were deeper in

the last two three months when the

workbooks of not less than 300 to 400


and the common thing which I observe

was first two three chapters

chapters which were taught in the first

two months in July

mid of August all 300 students 400

students I find students have written as

well as it has been checked by the

teachers also but afterwards then the

slippage starts therefore if we take

this year I will urge upon

keep look keep self evaluating

your energy levels at our age it is not

the supervision by others it is the

internal supervision it's all about

introspection it's all about putting our

own self Benchmark asking this question

every every day whether

I want to track is the lesson plan for

the week whether I have covered it

whether I have checked the notebooks of

all the students in this week nobody in

the world no human being in the world

actually clear the backlog if it is

accumulated for more than a week don't

allow don't allow for God's sake don't

allow any backlog to be accumulated and

clear this book but if there is a

backlog about a lesson plan if there is

a backlog about not checking the

workbooks or the notebooks please clear

during that we only the last six months

there are many teachers whether it was

in palmeru District whether it was in

satisai District whether it was in in

visakhapatnam District in the

rajahmundry district even in in

shikakulam district there are many

places I had a picture with the student

and the teacher complimented the teacher

I complimented the congratulated him

fantastic work the teacher has done as

fresh as the last week when I went to

alur Sita Ram Raju District in one of

the village in cumpeta Manta I went to

one of the primary school and then

randomly picked up one workbook of a

class fourth student 200 they will must

be around 150 to 160 or 200 questions in

that workbook each one of them was

checked wherever the child has student

has not done it correctly the teacher

has corrected it all 100 percent perfect

I complimented teacher Anand Rao and had

a picture

in the coming year I would like to have

in every my visit to the districts

every visit I want to have those smiling

pictures with not less than 10 to 15

teachers and that's possible that is in

our hands there is no external factor in


for doing this this is a student there

is a teacher and the transaction between

only two of them no third person is

there it is achievable it is doable I

would like to in my career I would like

to remember the year Academic Year 23 24

of government of Andhra Pradesh is a

year where every every teacher all one

lakh sixty thousand teachers

have actually completed their lesson

plan on time remember friend it is

always said a chain is as strong as its

weakest link why essay is individual I

should be a weakest link I should not be

the weakest link as a teacher I should

tell myself I will complete my lesson

plan let us together not give

opportunity to anybody to any parents to

question us and saying look my child is

going to the school every day here is

the the proof that every day he has gone

to the school why his workbook at

notebook was not checked on the weekly

basis why should we give that

opportunity to any parents our

responsibility we should do I am also

whenever I am going to the to the

districts I am talking to the parents I

am appealing to them also that whenever

the child comes back to home they should

spend some time with them they should

also keep constantly talking to the to

the children in fact what my advice has

been to all the parents is at least

spend 15 to 20 minutes every day with

your child have a discussion around

academics discussion about the education

this appeal I am being making this

appeal to all the parents I hope that

you are having a good uh summer vacation

as far as the ifp uh training lot of our

teacher friends asked us about giving

training about the ICT use of ICT for

ICT for teaching and learning we have

come up with a model the model is as

follows we requested the higher

education Council also to join us in

this journey of using ICT using digital

technology for teaching and learning and

now the the model which has come out is

for every one bundle to bundle we have

identified one engineering College

and one lecturer or assistant professor

of this engineering College from the

computer science our electronics

department will be a nodal person for

this project of using ICT for Learning

and teaching and this nodal person will

be given training by all these our

technology Partners whether it's by

juice whether it's a tab for the tab the

Samsung or for the Acer which is going

to be our partner for in for ifp they

will get the training they will be our

noodle person they in turn will engage

with all the teachers in those one or

two bundles and that's the model we want

to strengthen so that it's a model where

not only we will put all the videos

training videos on our dicha platform

but also physically this person will be

available to all our teachers to ask any

doubts about how to use the hardware

hows to use this technology or how to

use the content so that's the training

program which is also an anvil if

everything goes right from Friday day

onwards you will have first the training

of these trainers and then when the

schools are reopened they will session

with them at the mendelhead quarter or

at that engineering College friends I

wish all of you are very very happy new

Academic Year your new Academic Year

will be another feather in your cap May

the new academic here end of the new

Academic Year you become definitely more

skilled teacher because you will be

using the smart TVs and and ifp together

all of us together we bring glory to our

state by doing well in the National

assessment survey which is due in

November of this coming Academic Year

I'll conclude that this episode of the

program for the desk of principal

secretary very good evening


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