Mana Badi Nadu Nedu : Grievance Redressal System for Nadu Nedu CPM Items at District Level

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Circular.Rc.No.1956925/MBNN/2023           Dated.17/01/2023

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu : Grievance Redressal System  for Nadu Nedu CPM Items at District Level

Sub:-   Mana  Badi  Nadu  –Nedu,  Phase-II     –   Grievance  redressal related to CPM items Nomination of  Nodal officer  and other staff – orders    issued-Reg.

Ref:       Decision taken in the review meeting held on 13.01.2023


It  is   noticed that  several  grievances are  reported  by the  feld functionaries regarding repairs of  centrally procured items supplied under Phase 1 of MBNN program.

A decision was taken in the Webex meeting held on 12.01.2023 with the District Collectors by Chief Secretary  to establish  District level CPM  grievance  redressal  Unit   in   every  District to  coordinate  and monitor the redressal of  grievances with the Suppliers of  Centrally procured  Material,Head masters   and  Sachivalayam  engineers  for Mana Badi Nadu Nedu program.

CPM  Grievance redressal and  implementation procedure  :

(i)   Executive  Engineer  ,  APEWIDC   will   be  the  Nodal   ofcer  for redressing   all    Central    Procurement    Materials   (CPM)     related grievances of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu.

(ii)  District Collector will provide  four (4) full time staf to assist the Nodal ofcer on OD basis.

(iii)  Two  (2) of  the allotted staf   members will be assigned for   feld inspections and the other two will be assigned ofce work.

(iv)Nodal ofcer will ensure that the CPM Vendors /Companies attend to the Maintenance/ repairs for  all Warranty items as per the SLA for each product.

Hence, all the  26 Districts collectors are requested  to immediately constitute a CPM  Grievance Redressal  Unit   in  the ofce  of  the  EE APEWIDC  and designate the EE  as  Nodal ofcer  and  monitor the redressal  of  CPM  grievances  through this unit. The Collectors  are requested  to  provide above  staf  members  to  assist  the  Nodal ofcers for  hassle free and timely redressal of  grievances and maintenance  of    assets   created  under  Mana   Badi  Nadu   Nedu program.

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