Conducting Special Aadhar Camps in All Schools and Secretariats During January and February 2023 - Schedule and Guidelines

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Sri. Sagili Shan Mohan, I.A.S., 

Director,GVWV & VSWS Dept, Vijayawada.


All District Collectors in the state All GSWS District In-charge officers ,

All District Educational officers

Lr.No:GWS02-GWSOSM(ADH)/4/2022-DIR Dt:17/01/2023

Conducting Special Aadhar Camps in All Schools and Secretariats During January and February 2023 - Schedule and Guidelines

Sub:  GVWV&VSWS Department-Aadhaar Enrolment- Aadhaar Operators (Digital Assistants/ WEDPSS of Aadhaar Enrolled Secretariats) shall conduct Mobile Camps in the Schools & other Secretariats during the 19th to 21st & 23rd 24th January-2023 and 7th to 10th February 2023 Complete the Biometric Authentications & Document Update Certain Instructions to MPDOS/ Municipal Commissioners Issued... -

Ref: Reg. 1. GO Ms.No.156, General Administration Department, Dated: 21- 12-2019.

2. Minutes of the Department meeting conducted by the Special Chief Secretary to Government, GVWV & GSWS Department on 16-11-2021. 

3. File GWS02-GWSOSM/10/2022, NO: DS 22/06/2022,dt:22.06.2022,25.07.2022,11.08.2022&21.09.2022. &17.10.2022 & 14.11.2022 & of the Director, GVWV & VSWSD, of this office, Vijayawada.


It is to inform that, in continuation of the previous Aadhaar special camps for month of December 2022, the GVWV & VSWS Department proposed to conduct Aadhaar Special camps on 19th to 21st & 23rd, 24th January-2023 and 7th to 10th February-2023 to update all the pending Mandatory Biometric Authentications & Document update at Schools / other Secretariats.

As per the UIDAI report around 80 Lakhs Mandatory Biometric Authentications are pending in the State. To achieve 100% Biometric authentications, it is proposed to conduct Mobile Aadhaar Camps at Schools and other Secretariats by the Aadhaar Operators (DAS/WEDPSs).

It is decided to conduct Aadhaar Mobile camps on 19th to 21st & 23rd, 24th January 2023 and 7th to 10th February 2023.

In this regard District Collectors are requested to issue necessary following instructions to the MPDOS/ Municipal Commissioners for updating maximum number of Biometric authentications & Document Updates:

1. The MPDO/ Municipal Commissioners shall make a schedule for conduct of Mobile camps for 5 days i.e from 19th to 21st & 23rd, 24th January 2023 and 4 days i.e 7th to 10th February 2023 to covers all schools and Secretariats.

2. The MPDO/ Municipal Commissioners / Mandal Education Officersshall map Schools and Secretariats for conduct of Mobile camps during the January and February months for a period of 5 days & 4 days respectively and issue necessary instructions to the Aadhaar Operators and PSS/ WASS.

3. They shall create necessary awareness among the schools and public about the Mobile Aadhaar Camps. 

4. The PS/ WAS of all the scheduled Secretariats along with the Aadhaar Operators (DA/ WEDPS) shall ensure that all the Hardware Devices are in working condition, and publicize such that there is maximum footfall for the camp.

5. Further, it is requested to mobilize citizens and ensure maximum Mandatory Bio-metric updates and document updates in the scheduled Secretariat / School premises. 

6. The MPDOS / Municipal Commissioners are requested to make necessary In-Charge arrangements while Aadhaar Operators are deputed for conduct of Mobile Camps and ensure not to effect delivery of services.

7. If any expenditure incurred for transportation of Hardware Devices for conduct of Mobile Camp will be released to the Aadhaar Operators (Digital Assistant/ WEDPS) by the GVWV&VSWS Department. Who have done minimum 200 enrolments during the camp week. 

8. MPDOS/MCs shall allot 2 volunteers & 2 Secretariat staff to each Aadhaar operator during the camp for assisting in fling and verifying the documents.

9. District Collectors are requested to exempt the Digital Assistants /WEDPs and other staff deputed for Aadhaar special camps from the duties of BLO & other duties.

Hence it is requested to mobilize citizens and ensure maximum Biometric Authentications & Document updates in the scheduled Secretariat / School premises. The MPDOS / Municipal Commissioners are requested to make necessary In-charge arrangements while Aadhaar Operators are deputed for conduct of Mobile Camps and ensure not to effect delivery of services.

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