Veer Gatha Project Edition Instructions

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Rc.No. ESE02-11021/207/2022-SCERT,dt:14/10/2022

Veer Gatha Project Edition Instructions

Sub:- School Education – SCERT,AP  – Veer Gatha Project Edition-2 - Certain instructions – Issued-Reg.

Read: From L S Changsan, Joint Secretary (Institutions), Ministry of - Education, Department of School Educational & Literacy, New Delhi, dated 13.09.2022


The  kind  attention  of   all  the  Regional  Joint   Directors   of   School Education  and  District Educational  Ofcers  in the state is invited  to the reference   read  above,  wherein   the  Joint   Secretary  (Institutions),   MoE, DSE&L,  GoI  has informed  that to honour the acts of  bravery and sacrifce of   the ofcers  / personnel  of  the Armed  Forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians, gallantry awards are announced twice in a year on the occasion of Republic Day and Independence Day.

2.         In order to disseminate the details of  acts of  bravery  and the  life stories of these brave-hearts among the students, it has been proposed by the  Ministry of  Defense (MoD)  that school  students may be motivated to do projects/activities based on gallantry award winners.

3.      Accordingly, the frst edition of project was organized from Aug 2021 to  Jan  2022.  In  pursuance  of   the Veer  Gatha the  students  undertook different  projects  on these gallantry  award winners and the best projects were awarded nationally  by MoD  and  Ministry of  Education (MoE)  on 12 Aug 2022.

4.       Further the  MoD   in  coordination  with  MoE  has  now decided  to launch  project  Veer  Gatha edition-2  which is proposed  to be culminated with the prize distribution ceremony on January 2023

5.         The project  Veer  Gatha edition-2  shall  be organized as per the timelines  mentioned in the Concept Note (copy enclosed)  .The project  will be opened for   all the  schools   in  all States   and  UTs .  The  Ministry  of Defence,  through  feld  formations  of   Army/navy/Airforce,  will   organize virtual /face-to-face awareness programmes /sessions of one hour duration for    schools    across    the   country.   During   these   interactive    sessions presentations  will   be  made  by the  personnel  of   the  armed  forces  on operation,    battles    resulting   in   conferment  of    awards.     The   service personnel   will   answer  queries   of   students  where  the  possible   short videos  /PPTs /documentaries  /brochures and other resource material  will be share with students.

6.          As part of  this project,  the students  can frame different  projects such as poem /  paragraph /  story /  drawing I video on gallantry  award winners.  The  best  project  will  be  rewarded nationally  by  MoO   on the forthcoming Republic Day. The submission by the students can be made in any of the 22 Scheduled languages and English.

7.         Project  Veer  Gatha Edition-2 will  be launched  on CBSE  IT platform (for   CBSE   schools)  as well   as  MyGov Platform  (for   State   Schools)  for facilitating  larger  participation of  students from all school  Boards  in the country.

8.          Schools  will   need  to  register  all  participating   students at  the Gallantry  Awards  Portal  of  the MoD  ( A Unique ID will be given  to all registered  students. If a student's entry is selected at the school level, the Unique ID of that student will also be flled at the time of  submission  of  entry at the CBSE/MyGov portal.  Further, all unique IDs  will  be sent  to MoD. With regard to CBSE  schools,  information will  be available on CBSE  website and with regard to schools (other than CBSE), MyGov link  will be shared separately

9.         Therefore,   all  the  District  Educational   Ofcers   in  the  State  are requested  to disseminate  the said  information  to  all schools  under  all managements    to     encourage    the     schools/students       for       their larger participation. The MyGov link for  uploading the entries to be submitted by schools is   .

10.        Sri. Dande  Paul,  Faculty  SCERT   (+91  94411 93548) has  been nominated as state nodal person for  the project and may be contacted for further details. The project details are annexed herewith.

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