Teacher Suspended on School Maintenance Issue and Others

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Sub: Public Services - Smt. P.Naga Ratnam. LFL HM. MPPS Gollapudi, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, NTR District - Suspension from service - Orders-Requested - Reg.

Teacher Suspended on School Maintenance Issue and Others

Teacher Suspended on School Maintenance Issue and Others

(1)పాఠశాల నిర్వహణ సక్రమంగా లేదని,

(2) పాఠశాలలో ఉపాద్యాయులతో Coordination సక్రమంగా లేదని,

(3) మద్యాహ్న బోజన నిర్వహణ సక్రమంగా లేదని, 

(4) టాయిలెట్ నిర్వహణ సక్రమంగా లేదని, 

(5) తరగతి గదులు శుభ్రంగా లేవని , 

(6)  ఉపాద్యాయ గ్రాంట్ 2000/ రూపాయలు, ఉపాద్యాయులకు ఇవ్వలేదని 

మొదలైన కారణాలతో  విజయవాడ రూరల్ మండలం, MPPS గొల్లపూడి LFL HM. శ్రీమతి P.నాగరత్నం గారిని సర్వీస్ నుండి సస్పెండ్ చేస్తూ ఉత్తర్వులు ఇచ్చిన గౌ౹౹ NTR జిల్లా DEO C.V.రేణుక గారు


PRESENT: Smt. C.V.Renuka, M.Sc. B.Ed..

Rc.NO.88/A4/2022-1, Dated 02.07.2022

Sub: Public Services - Smt. P.Naga Ratnam. LFL HM. MPPS Gollapudi, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, NTR District - Suspension from service - Orders-Requested - Reg.

Ref. 1. Report of the Mandal Educational Officer. Vijayawada Rural in Lr.Rc.No. 112/MEO/2022, Dt.08.04.2022. 2. U.O.Note. Rc.No.88/81/2022, Dated.18.06.2022 office this office.


Whereas it has come to the notice of the undersigned who is the competent authority that Smt. P.Naga Ratnam, LFL HM, MPPS Gollapudi. Vijayawada Rural Mandal, NTR District has completely failed in school management, negligence in coordinating teachers in school time management, incompetence in lunch management, Inability to maintain toilet facilities properly and getting the rooms cleaned with students teachers in the school and for not releasing the grant which was sanctioned @ 2000/- each, to the working teachers in the school.

And whereas disciplinary proceedings against Smt. P.Naga Ratnam, LFL HM. MPPS Gollapudi, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, NTR District are contemplated. 

And whereas the undersigned after careful consideration of the available material and having due regard to the circumstances of the case is satisfied and it is necessary that Smt. P.Naga Ratnam, LFL HM, MPPS Gollapudi, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, NTR District be kept under suspension from service.

Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 8(1) AP Civil Services (CCA) Rules 1991, the undersigned (appointing authority) hereby places Smt. P.Naga Ratnam, LFL HM, MPPS Gollapudi, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, NTR District under suspension from the date of receipt of these orders and she shall continue under suspension until the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings. The individual is further instructed not to leave the Headquarters without prior permission of the undersigned during the suspension period. The Mandal Educational Officer. Vijayawada Rural Mandal is hereby instructed to draw and disburse the subsistence allowance to the individual as per rules in force until further orders.

The receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.

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