As per Rc. No. 24/A&I/2022 Dated: 23/04/2022 After availing of 6 weeks of long vacation (summer vacation) as per the Rule 134 A.P. Educational Rules 1966, the schools will be re-opened on 4th July 2022 under all managements for the Academic year 2022-23. Student Date of Birth Should complete 5+ as on 31.08.2022.
AP & TS School Admissions Age Calculator for AY 2022-2023
- Student Date of Birth Should complete 5+ as on 31.08.2022.
- As per RTE Act Child can be admitted to respective class based on their age.
- In below page you can easily calculate whether student have eligible for admitting into respective class.
How to Calculate Student Age to Admit into respective class
- Go to
- Enter Date of Birth in DD-MM-YYYY format or Select Date of Birth from Date Picker Box
- Click on Calculate
- This form will calculate the age and will show respective class to admit based on child age as on 31.08.2022
- You can calculate up to High School Classes
Click Here for Official Admission Forms
AP Students New Admissions Online Entry Process, Link
