AP School Admission Forms pdf Andhra Pradesh School Admissions 2022 Form

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As per Rc. No. 24/A&I/2022   Dated: 23/04/2022 After availing of 6 weeks of long vacation (summer vacation) as per the Rule 134 A.P. Educational Rules 1966, the schools will be re-opened on 4th July 2022 under all managements for the Academic year 2022-23.

AP School Admission Forms pdf Andhra Pradesh School Admissions 2022 Form

AP School Admission Forms pdf Andhra Pradesh School Admissions 2022 Form

As per Rc.No.24/A&1/2022, Date:25/06/2022

i. Admissions:

  • Prepare list of school age population in the catchment area of the school, covering all villages and Hamlets and inform their parents to join them in the school as per the schedule. Care should be taken on dropouts and never enrolled. Take necessary action to get 100% enrollment and retention.
  • Use the services of the Education Assistant in the Grama/ Ward Sachivalayam for effective outreach to the community.
  • Ensure full and active participation of the parent
  • Conduct rally and house to house visit in the hamlet and the catchment area for getting new
  • Create awareness to parents on Government Schemes related to school
  • Communicate school re-opening date to all parents and make a plan to conduct Parents meeting in the beginning of the academic
  • Prepare admissions and withdrawal registers for
  • Collect plants from the nearby nursery for Planting by the students and give adoption to the
  • In the case of High schools where mapping of class 3 and above from nearby PS/ UPS are done, special arrangements have to be made to invite the new children in a befitting
  • Conduct School re-opening as a festival by inviting all

Further, the concerned school management, from where the child is seeking to transfer to a new school, has to furnish the Transfer Certificate (TC) to the child immediately (30 days permitted due to Covid-19) and if any delay occurred on the part of the headmaster towards issuance of transfer certificate, he / she shall be subject to disciplinary action as per the section 5(3) of RTE, Act 2009.

However in case of children belonging to migrant families, either migrating into the state or migrating out of the state, no TC/record sheet shall be insisted for giving admission in any educational institution from Class I to Class X in the state.

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