Teachers Rationalization Orders GO.Ms.117 Released

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Teachers Rationalization Orders GO.Ms.117 Released

Government of India have enacted the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued Rules in 2010. As per Section 19 read with the schedule of the Act, Government have set the norms for number of teachers to be positioned from Class I to Class VIII based on the strength of students. 


(a) Foundation Schools (PP1, PP2, 1st and 2nd classes)

1. RTE Act, 2009 mandates Teacher- Pupil Ratio (TPR) should be 1:30 

at primary level

2. For ensuring Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) among the 

students of classes 1 & 2, TPR shall be at 1:30

3. One SGT will be provided upto 30 enrolment of Classes 1 & 2

4. Second SGT will be given from 31 enrolments of classes 1 & 2

5. For every 30 additional enrolments, one more SGT will be provided

6. If the enrolment is below 10 in Foundation school (Class 1 and 2), then the proposal may be submitted to the Commissioner of School Education, AP for further action in any of such cases

7. It should be ensured that, No school is closed due to the 

restructuring / mapping of Schools

(b) Foundation plus schools (PP1, PP2, Classes 1-5)

1. One SGT will be provided for every 30 enrolment

2. Second SGT will be given from 31 enrolments of classes

3. For every 30 additional enrolment, one more SGT will be provided

4. After 121 enrolment, One Primary School Head master post will be 


5. If the enrollment is below 10 in Foundation Plus school (Class 1 to 5), then the proposal may be submitted to the Commissioner of School Education, AP for further action in any of such cases

Pre-High Schools (Class 3-8)

1. In case of existing upper primary schools, the Classes 1 and 2 will 

function as Foundational Schools in same premises

2. From classes 3 to 8 the following staff pattern is to be followed.
For more details download Government Order on below link

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