AP Teachers Rationalization 2022 CSE Norms, Guidelines

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AP Teachers Rationalization 2022 CSE Norms, Guidelines AP Teachers Rationalization - Reapportionment 2022 Norms, Guidelines Norms for re-apportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad/ Mandal Praja Parishad Schools - instructions - issued for Identifying the need / deficit / Surplus posts, Allocation of posts (Conversion / Upgradation), Identify the category of the posts in High Schools, Upgraded High Schools & Pre-High Schools

Rc.No.ESE02-13/90/2021-EST 3-CSE-Part(7)   Date:13/06/2022 

Sub:School Education – Mapping of Primary and Upper primary schools with High schools, 2020 - Norms for re-apportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad/ Mandal Praja Parishad Schools – instructions – issued.

Read:G.O.Ms.No.117, School Education(Ser.II)dept., dated:10.06.202


While communicating the orders in the reference read above, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby instructed to strictly adhere the guidelines issued by the Govt regarding re-apportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad/ Mandal Praja Parishad Schools.

As per the orders issued by the Government, they are instructed to follow the guidelines in three stages:

Stage: I: Identifying the need / deficit / Surplus posts:

I. Priority should be given to the High Schools where the classes 3,4,5 of Foundation Schools and 6,7,8 classes of Pre-High Schools are mapped for providing subject teachers.

       Note: Additional section for classes 6 to 8 will be allotted after 53 enrolment.

                 Additional section for classes 9th &10th will be allotted after 60 enrolment.

II. To furnish the proposals for upgradation of Pre-High Schools as High Schools where the enrolment is >195 to this office and to allot subject teachers to these upgraded High Schools.

III. To allot subject teachers to the Pre-High Schools where the enrolment is >98.

IV. If the enrolment is <98 in the Pre-High Schools, SGTs will be provided as per G.O.

V. LP’s working in the DEO Pool against to the post of SGT / equivalent cadre should be allotted to needy Pre-High School where the strength is below 98.

Note: For such posts of LPs /equivalent cadre working in the DEO pool proposal to be sent to the undersigned towards changing the post category names i.e., SGT to LP.

Example: Schools having strength <98, 4 SGT posts are needed as per the norms out of which One post of Telugu & Hindi Language pandit should be allotted to the extent of teachers working against post.

VI. To allot SGTs to the Foundation Plus schools as per G.O.

VII. To allot SGTs to the Foundation schools as per G.O.

Stage II: Allocation of posts (Conversion / Upgradation):

I. To identify the surplus subject posts and to obtain the willingness from the eligible subject teachers who are willing to convert for another needy subject to the extent of surplus in the particular category of

Example: In 50 posts of SA(PS) are found surplus and if 40 posts of SA (Maths) are needed. Then, the conversion should be allowed to the extent of 40 posts only subject to the eligibility and seniority among the said category SA(PS).

II. Accordingly, conversion process will be taken in remaining subjects including LFL Headmasters also as per rules.

III. Seniority will be protected if they are willing for conversion

Stage: III: Identify the category of the posts in High Schools, Upgraded High Schools & Pre-High Schools:

After completion of the above exercise, if still need exists for the subject teachers then, the surplus Second Grade Teacher Posts may be upgraded as School Assistants.

All the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to follow the above instructions scrupulously without any deviation and to furnish the details of the posts for Conversion/ Up-gradation in the annexure appended below to this office

After completion of the above exercise remaining surplus teachers may be allotted to the High Schools Upgraded High Schools & Pre-High Schools on descending order of the student enrollment

Conversion Proforma:

Details of the posts for Upgradation

District Name:



SGT / School Assistant found


Upgraded post shifted to (Pre-HS/HS)






Name of the School



Category (SGT / SA(with subject)

Name of the School



Category of the post with Subject









Therefore, the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are instructed to take up the re-apportionment exercise as per Government orders and guidelines above and complete the said task on or before16.06.2022 along with the school wise list of conversion posts and list of Secondary Grade Teachers to be upgraded in the schools to the undersigned.

Any deviation in the above guidelines will be viewed seriously and necessary disciplinary action will be initiated as per APCS(CCA)Rules, 1991.

AP Teachers Rationalization 2022 CSE Norms, Guidelines

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