Details Updation of Teachers for Promotions and Transfers

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Rc.No. ESE02-13028/9/2021-EST 3-CSE date:08/06/2022

Sub: School Education – Updation of details of SGTs/ School Assistants and equivalent cadres working in the state in Teacher Information System – instructions- Issued

Read : This office Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-13028/9/2021-EST3-CSE, dt:12.02.2022

The attention of all the RJDSEs and DEOs in the state are invited to the reference read above, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are once again instructed to inform all the SGT/School Assistants/ Head Masters of Secondary Schools/ Mandal Educational Officer and Deputy Inspector of Schools working under their jurisdiction(Govt / ZPP/ MPP) to update their details pertaining to their qualifications/ tests passed along with their demographical information in the Teacher Information System (TIS) provided in CSE portal duly logging with their respective treasury IDs on or before 10.06.2022 and the concerned DDO to confirm the details of the SGT/School Assistants/ Head Masters of Secondary Schools/ Mandal Educational Officer and Deputy Inspector of Schools duly verifying the entries made in the Service registers of the respective individuals. The above said exercise should be completed on or before 13.06.2022 without fail. Based on the updations & confirmations by teachers / DDOs all the promotions & transfers will be drawn as per the module to be developed. Further they are informed that, the updation qualifications will not be entertained after due date. However, qualifications acquired beyond the date of confirmation will not be considered for awarding the promotions.

Further they are informed that, if any technical issues arise on updation of details in TIS, the concerned may be informed to contact their ASO/APO in their respective district offices. If the ASO/APO have any issues, they may contact Sri A Saidulu, Incharge for TIS working in IT Cell, O/o DSE, AP, Amaravati for further clarifications.

Any deviation in the matter will be viewed seriously and the concerned RJDSE / DEO in the state will be held personal responsible for any further complications in the matter 

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Details Updation of Teachers for Promotions and Transfers

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