CPS Abolished OPS Restored in Chattisgarh - Gazette Notification Released

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CPS Abolished OPS Restored in Chattisgarh - Gazette Notification Released


No.F-2016-04-03289.⸺   In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Chhattisgarh, hereby, reinstates old pension scheme in place of a newly defined contribution based pension scheme which was implemented for all the employees appointed in the pensionable establishment of the State Government on or after 1-11-2004, State Government's vide Notification No. 977/C761/F/R/04, dated 27th October, 2004, and The scheme will be implemented as follows:-

1. In place of New Contributory Pension Scheme, Old Pension Scheme is reinstated again with effect from 01-11-2004. 

2. The 10% deduction for monthly contribution from the salary of government servants under the New Contributory Pension Scheme will be abolished from 01-04-2022 and a minimum of 12 percent of the basic salary (emoluments) will be deducted as per the General Provident Fund rule. 

3. Chhattisgarh General Provident Fund Accounts of all government servants appointed under the new Contributory Pension Scheme will be with the Directorate, Treasury, Accounts and Pensions under the control of the Finance Department instead of the Accountant General's office (up to the time of establishment of the new Directorate of Pension and Provident Fund). 

4. A separate Directorate, Pension and Provident Fund will be established for maintenance of the Chhattisgarh General Provident Fund Accounts and all works related to Pension. 

5. The amount of government contribution received from NSDL and interest earned on it will be kept in a separate fund under the Public Account, in future for the payment of pensionary liabilities and an amount equal to 4 percent of the pensionary liabilities of the previous year will be invested in the pension fund every year.  

6. The principal amount of government servant's contribution will be transferred to Chhattisgarh General Provident Fund and interest will be paid from 01-11-2004 as per instructions issued by the State Government from time to time regarding the rate of interest under the Chhattisgarh General Provident Fund Rules. 

7. In case of employees who are retired/dead in between the date of implementation of old pension scheme and 01-11-2004, benefits will be payable as per rules to the eligible government servants / families according to the old pension scheme. For such government servants, who have received retirement benefits after retirement in the new Contributory Pension Scheme or in case of death of a government servant to their families, then guidelines will be issued separately to determine the benefit according to the old pension scheme. 

8. Detailed guidelines regarding accounting, regulation and procedure under the scheme will be issued separately. 

9. In place of the new Contributory Pension Scheme, the execution of all the works related to restoration of Old Pension Scheme and other ancillary action will be done by the Finance Department. 


No.F-2016-04-03289.⸺ In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Chhattisgarh, hereby, makes the following further amendment in the Chhattisgarh Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1976, namely:-


In the said rules,-

1. After sub-rule (i) of rule 2 of Chapter-I, the following shall be added, namely :-

      "(i)(a)   These rules shall apply to all Government Servants appointed on or after 01-11-2004, to services and posts in connection with the affairs of the State and who are borne on pensionable establishment, whether temporary or permanent."

2. Clause (g) of sub-rule (ii) of rule 2 of Chapter-I shall be omitted. This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with retrospective effect from the date of  01-11-2004.

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CPS Abolished OPS Restored in Chattisgarh - Gazette Notification Released


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