AP Cabinet Meeting on 07.04.2022 11AM

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U.O. Note No.1/Cabinet.I/2022-18, Dated: 02-04-2022

Sub: Meetings - Meeting of the Council of Ministers to be held on Thursday, the 7th April, 2022 at 11.00 AM - Intimation - Reg.

Ref: 1.Govt. Circular Memo No.GAD01-CABOSEIN(INST)/1/2021, Dt. 18.10.2021. 2.Govt. Circular Memo No.GAD01-CABOCBMT(CBHB)/1/2022, DT.28.1.2022

All the Departments of Secretariat are informed that the next Meeting of the Council of Ministers will be held on Thursday, the 7th April, 2022, at 11.00 AM in the Cabinet Meeting Hall, in the 1st floor of Building No.1, A.P Secretariat, Velagapudi.

2. The Special Chief Secretaries / Principal Secretaries / Secretaries to Govt are requested to send the proposals (60 copies) in the prescribed format as detailed in the Cabinet Hand Book and duly following the instructions issued from time to time including the instructions issued in circulars cited above, to the General Administration (Cabinet-I) Department by 12.00 Noon on 06.04.2022 so as to brief Hon'ble CM for placing before the Council of Ministers for consideration. The Departments are requested to furnish a soft copy of the Memorandum in English and Telugu languages in Word / PDF formats along with check list, Power Point Presentations (PPT) and Takeaway Points. The Secretary concerned should handover the draft resolutions in 0/o the C.S. & Press note (two copies) to the Deputy Director, I&PR available in the waiting hall immediately after the discussion is completed on the subject.

3. The Special Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries / Secretaries to Govt. are requested to send the proposals in time duly following the Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions scrupulously.

AP Cabinet Meeting on 07.04.2022 11AM

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