File No.ESE02/290/2022-SCERT
Present : Sri. S.Suresh Kumar, IAS
Rc.No.ESE02/290/2022-SCERT dated: 04/04/2022
Sub: School Education – Implementation of Academic and Administrative reforms in the State – Certain guidelines Issued.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.13, Education (Rules), dated 08.01.1986.
2. The Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control, and Appeal) Rules, 1991.
3. G.O.Ms.No.54, Education (Ser V), dated 01.06.2000.
4. Academic Calendar 2021-22
5. Observations of the School Education higher officials during their visits to schools.
6. Govt. Memo. No. 1628508/Services-I/A1/2022-1 dated 18.02.2022.
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All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are aware that the government has undertaken several reforms in the school education sector for the bright future of the children studying in schools and for their transformation as global citizens.
2. The National Education Policy 2020 proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects of the education, including its regulation and governance, to create a new system that is aligned with the aspirational goals of 21st-century education including SDG4 (Quality Education), while building upon India’s traditions and value systems.
3. Andhra Pradesh government has initiated Mana Badi-Nadu Nedu to upgrade the infrastructure and create conducive learning environment in schools. Through Ammavodi, Jagananna Vidya Kanuka and Jagananna Gorumudda, government is ensuring all basic needs for education. Now it’s time to ensure adequate learning outcomes among the children through effective classroom transactions.
4. In the reference 5th cited, it has been observed by the state authorities and senior officers of the School Education department that some Headmasters and teachers are not following the minimum roles and responsibilities that have been defined in the reference 3rd cited and other duties assigned by the authorities from time to time.
5 It is an accepted fact that any reform in school education can be successfully implemented at the field level by the teachers only. Teachers are the direct facilitators who interact with the children and impart them knowledge.
6. Given the above circumstances, the following guidelines are issued for ensuring quality of education through adequate class-specific learning outcomes among the students.
A. Lesson Plan:
a. Every teacher should prepare lesson plan afresh of their subject every year duly following the model prescribed in the Academic Calendar 2021-22, duly incorporating the latest developments in the concerned subjects.
b. The earlier practice of noting reflections every year rather than writing the lesson plan is hereby cancelled with immediate effect.
c. Lesson plans should be prepared innovatively according to the standards of the students and the best practices observed from time to time and they should not be mere copy of the past lesson plans.
d. Every lesson plan should address the expected/prescribed learning outcome duly defining the teacher activity, student activity, TLM used and the digital content/resource available.
e. Every lesson plan should reflect the QR codes in the respective lesson.
f. Every teacher shall follow the suggestions given by the Headmaster concerned in connection with his/her classroom observation.
g. Every teacher shall maintain his lesson plan book duly incorporating the current affairs, updated information about the topic concerned like scrapbook and the latest digital source. The digital source shall be disseminated to the children for their reinforcement.
h. The lesson plan shall address the individual differences of the students and the remedial learning suggested.
i. The lesson plan shall be approved by the Headmaster concerned before commencing the lesson.
j. Lesson plans shall build upon students' prior knowledge.
k. When planning for lessons, most of us focus on the content taught, whereas the ideal lesson plan allows for more flexibility, clarifies doubts, allows time for students' involvement and prompts teachers to reflect.
l. Planning is an integral part of the teaching process. It helps teachers to get more organized, feel confident and be focused on their goals. Writing the lesson plan is an essential component of such a process. Because it will act as the road map that guides teachers’ practices and helps them achieve the goal.
m. The lesson plan can be a powerful teaching resource to support students to learn and improve by incorporating open ended questions, critical thinking, allowing students to interact etc.,
B. Headmasters:
a. All Headmasters should scrupulously follow the guidelines regarding academic, supervision and administration as envisaged in G.O.Ms.No.54, Education (Ser V), dated 01.06.2000.
b. The Headmaster should ensure the activities suggested in the reference 3rd cited regarding preparation of Headmaster’s room, preparation of the classroom, resource mobilization, monitoring and supervision, planning of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities without fail.
c. The Head master should set the standards of the school and evaluate him/herself continuously to ensure that the goals set are achieved by the end of the academic year.
d. The Headmaster should always update him/herself by adopting latest advances in technology.
e. The Headmaster should conduct the staff meeting in an innovative manner by focusing the analytics on the learning outcomes, classroom observations, demystifying the learning outcomes etc., duly recording and disseminating the minutes. Every staff meeting should first discuss the action taken on the previous minutes and that the action is complete in all respects.
f. The Headmaster should ensure that all teachers keep their mobiles in switch of mode / silent during the classroom transaction.
g. The Headmaster should attend the schools at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time and leave the school only after confirming that all children have left, all properties are safely secured and everything is fine and under control.
h. The Headmaster should follow the protocol during the visits of the higher officials, Public Representatives and the other dignitaries in a befitting manner and should appraise them the activities, programs, that are being practiced in the school including the standards of the school and the students.
i. The Headmaster should conduct the Parent Teacher Meetings in a planned manner so that all parents will have the opportunity to know about the academic progress of their wards. Parents should have opportunity to interact with subject teachers of their wards.
j. The Headmaster should prepare school specific action plan regarding academics, co-curricular and extracurricular activities along with administration to ensure that the goals set are achieved.
k. Head master should ensure that the Academic Calendar prescribed by government is strictly followed and all the activities indicated are taken up appropriately by all teachers.
l. The Headmaster should allocate co-curricular and extra-curricular periods to teachers based on their capabilities and interests.
m. Headmasters should focus on the handwriting and cursive writing skills among students and adopt innovative methods to improve the same.
n. Headmaster should understand that “Child is not the reason for his/her low performance’ . Teachers should be made aware of it and take responsibility for the performance of their students
o. The Headmaster should maintain rapport with the Village Secretariat in order to have convergence with all line departments in the village.
p. The Headmaster is responsible for the school property and infrastructure including its maintenance.
q. The Headmaster should ensure that the safe drinking water is provided to the students and it is tested from time to time, in convergence with the RWS department.
r. The Headmaster should ensure that the school evacuation plan is in place and displayed at a prominent place for the information of all, along with the school and student safety protocols that are to be meticulously followed.
s. The Headmaster should enquire about the students who are absent for a long period of time through the Cluster Resource Person (CRP)/ Education and Welfare assistant of Village / Ward Secretariat concerned. He should also approach the parents in case of long absenteeism of students.
t. The Headmaster should utilize the digital infrastructure properly with utmost care and ensure that it is made available for digital learning of students.
u. Headmasters should organize career counseling for students from class VIII on wards, duly involving teachers and parents
v. The Headmaster should scrupulously follow any instruction issued by the higher authorities from time to time.
w. HM should involve all teachers in the administrative activities and monitoring of government programs like Jagananna Gorumudda, JVK, School and Toilet maintenance etc.
C. Teachers:
a. Teachers should scrupulously follow the guidelines regarding academic and classroom administration as envisaged in G.O.Ms.No.54, Education (Ser V), dated 01.06.2000.
b. Teachers should follow the timetable prescribed by the Headmaster concerned.
c. Teachers should write standard lesson plans as suggested at point A of these guidelines.
d. Teachers should be good communicators, listen well, focus on collaboration, adoptable, engaged, to show empathy, have patience, instills confidence, manage the classroom effectively, come to class prepared to teach, set high expectations, practice self-reflections, use teaching strategies and to be a role model to the students.
e. Teachers should be unbiased towards students in respect of gender, caste, community, disability and should address the learning levels of students appropriately with out any discrimination.
f. Teachers should have analytical report of the assessments and should develop student specific action plan for remedial teaching.
g. Teachers should come to the school well in advance to attend the school assembly and to extend their co-operation in conduct of the assembly in a smooth manner.
h. Teachers should present their lesson plans to the Headmaster concerned for its approval.
i. Teachers should follow the suggestions given by the Headmaster on the classroom observations.
j. Teachers should attend the staff meeting without fail and to take necessary action on the minutes of the meeting.
k. Teachers should attend the Parent Teacher Meetings if the Headmaster requires the presence of the respective teacher.
l. Teachers should evaluate the assessment answer scripts in time and post them online within stipulated time.
m. Teachers should adopt the learning outcome-based teaching learning process.
n. Teachers should focus on the digital learning through the available digital infrastructure and to make the students to go through the QR codes provided in textbooks for their reinforcement in academics.
o. Teachers should cooperate with the Headmaster in school administration and to ensure the appropriate class specific learning outcomes among the students.
p. Teaches should keep their mobiles in silent mode / switched of mode while they are in classroom transaction.
q. Teachers should have their specific plan for remedial teaching and to administer the plan after school hours.
r. Teachers should follow the guidelines suggested in the academic calendar prescribed by SCERT, AP and implement the activities prescribed.
s. Teachers should give open ended questions to students and to provide the opportunity for critical thinking.
t. Teachers should adopt the positive behavior strategies such as setting challenging goals for learning, making expectations clear both orally and in writing, setting consequences for non-completion of work, encouraging students to write and speak well, discussing class progress and communicating the importance of high academic standards to students.
u. Teachers should encourage the gifted students in participating competitive examinations duly providing the appropriate study material to them and to make aware of various careers.
v. Teachers should maintain a good rapport with the Headmaster and other co-teachers to create a healthy learning environment to the students.
w. All Teachers should scrupulously follow any instruction issued by the Headmaster concerned and higher authorities from time to time.
Academic Monitoring Officers:
a. Academic Monitoring Officers in the State should scrupulously follow the guidelines / job chart suggested by the Samagra Shiksha and to ensure the academic standards and learning outcomes among the students.
b. AMOs should visit the schools regularly and provide the academic support to the teachers, students.
c. AMOs should disseminate the analytics on the assessments and follow up on the low performed schools.
d. AMOs should support the District Educational Officers, Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers for their visits to school in respect of academic monitoring.
e. AMOs should scrupulously follow any instruction issued by the higher authorities from time to time.
f. AMOs should participate in the reviews conducted by the District Educational Officers concerned and to disseminate the district report card to all the field functionaries regarding academics of the students and should held responsible for the academic standards of students and their learning outcomes in their respective districts.
Mandal Educational Officers / Deputy Educational Officers
a. MEOs /DyEOs should focus on academic monitoring during their visits to school.
b. DyEOs / MEOs should take a model classroom transaction during their visit and to disseminate the good practices observed in that school to all the Headmasters and teachers in their jurisdiction. If any lapses are observed, they should be noted in their visit remarks and must ensure follow-up on their recommendations.
c. DyEOs / MEOs should ensure that every Headmaster has the analytics on the assessments conducted in their respective schools and the remedial teaching / learning is planned.
d. DyEOs / MEOs should encourage the students for their participation in competitive examinations and other co-curricular and extra- curricular activities.
e. DyEOs / MEOs should scrupulously follow any instruction issued by the District Educational Ofcers concerned and higher authorities from time to time.
f. DyEOs / MEOs should participate in the Parent Teacher Meetings randomly to the extent possible and to ensure that parents are aware of their students academic standards.
7. All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are requested to disseminate the above guidelines to all DyEOs, MEOs, Headmasters and Teachers with an instruction to follow them and to ensure appropriate learning outcomes among the students without any learning gap. The action taken on the above aspects will be reviewed by the undersigned and its successful implementation will be given due weightage in the Annual confidential reports of the DEOs and RJDs.
8. The Director SCERT should be aware that Government of Andhra Pradesh vide Go.Ms.No.41,School Education (PE), Prog.I (Dept.) dated 30-7-2010 notified the SCERT as Academic Authority for School Education under section 29 (1) of the Right of the children to Free and Compulsory Act,2009 for the curriculum and the evaluation procedures for elementary education. The government further directed the SCERT as academic authority, to perform various academic activities as per section 29 (1) of the RTE Act.
9. Hence he is requested to develop an academic monitoring mechanism and to issue guidance and support to all the field functionaries regarding academic monitoring based on the learning outcomes and standards of the students assessed. Director SCERT will held responsible for the academics standards of the students in the state and to ensure that all students in the state attain the class/ age appropriate learning outcomes in their respective class. He is also directed to develop an assessment and incentive framework for the teachers, based on the best practices available across the country. It should, among other things, necessarily include the learning outcome among the students, remedial measures adopted for slow learners, positive behavioral changes among students and teachers, development of social and collaborative skills etc.,
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Download G.O.Ms.No.54, Education (Ser V), dated 01.06.2000 Click Here