A virtual conference with all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state was held at 3.00 P.M on 21 st February, 2022, by the Director of Treasuries and Accounts. The following officers have joined the conference:-
- Sri N. Mohana Rao, DTA, AP.
- Sri P. Sreenivasulu Naik, Joint Director, O/o DTA.
- Sri G.V.S. Thirupathi Raju, Deputy Director, O/o DTA.
- All the 13 Deputy Directors of Dist. Treasuries.
- Core Team members.
The Joint Director, O/o DTA, has briefed the points that will be discussed in the meeting. The following are the agenda items:-
- Data Confirmation in HERB portal
- Supplementary Pay bill for January, 2022.
- Clearance of Suspense Account
1. Data Confirmation in HERB portal:-
The Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts, has expressed his gratitude towards all the time efforts of the Deputy Directors in the data confirmation process. He appreciated their thought out in confirming the employee’s data as quickly as possible. As seen from the “herb” portal, the progress is seen as below:-
S.No |
District |
Total No.of DDOs |
Total No.of D DOs St arted |
Total No .of DDOs Complete d | No.of Em ployees C OVERED I N RPS 201 5 |
No.of E mployees Started B y DDO |
No.of E mployees Confirme d By DDO | |
1 | SRIKAKULAM | 1,068 | 1,011 | 749 | 22,971 | 21,808 | 21,186 | |
2 | VISAKHAPATNAM | 1,300 | 1,238 | 804 | 35,350 | 33,437 | 32,612 | |
3 | EAST GODAWARI | 1,726 | 1,636 | 1,218 | 40,791 | 39,266 | 38,834 | |
1,232 |
1,168 |
805 |
27,239 |
25,553 |
25,208 | |
5 | KRISHNA | 1,290 | 1,162 | 770 | 34,208 | 32,291 | 31,286 | |
6 | GUNTUR | 1,331 | 1,219 | 842 | 35,471 | 33,187 | 32,006 | |
7 | PRAKASAM | 1,186 | 1,099 | 752 | 27,261 | 25,685 | 24,847 | |
8 | NELLORE | 1,119 | 1,041 | 671 | 26,209 | 24,524 | 23,487 | |
9 | KURNOOL | 1,289 | 1,215 | 839 | 33,117 | 31,472 | 30,600 | |
10 | ANANTAPUR | 1,386 | 1,307 | 869 | 34,001 | 31,816 | 29,128 | |
11 | CHITOOR | 1,585 | 1,501 | 1,042 | 35,453 | 33,712 | 32,542 | |
12 | YSR KADAPA | 1,150 | 1,062 | 704 | 26,337 | 24,644 | 23,952 | |
13 | VIZIANAGARAM | 888 | 826 | 594 | 20,932 | 19,396 | 18,845 | |
Total | 16,550 | 15,485 | 10,659 | 3,99,340 | 3,76,791 | 3,64,533 |
The Deputy Directors have given the following reasons for delay in the process:-
2. Supplementary Pay bill for the month of January, 2022:-
3. Clearance of Suspense Account:-
Sl. No. |
Name of the Officer |
Designation |
Districts allotted |
1. | Sri P. Sreenivasulu Naik | J o i n t Director | Kurnool, Ananthapur, Kadapa, Chittoor |
2. | Sri G.V.S.Thirupathi Raju | D e p u t y Director | West Godavari, East Godavari, Krishna |
3. | Sri A.V. Radha Krishna Murthy | A s s i s t a n t Director | Guntur, Prakasham, Nellore |
4. | Sri B.Venkat Rao | A s s i s t a n t Director | S r i k a k u l a m , Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram |