PFMS - Instructions on utilization of available funds - return of all the funds lying unutilized in the Green Channel PD Accounts

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Instructions on utilization of available funds -  return of all the funds lying unutilized in the Green Channel PD Accounts

Circular Memo No1418942-2021-FIN SEC SSA dt: 22/12/2021

Sub: A.P.S.S - Finance - Implementation of Public Finance Monitoring System (PFMS) - Instructions on utilization of available funds -  return of all the funds lying unutilized in the Green Channel PD Accounts of A.P Samagra Shiksha to the SNA Account of Samagra Shiskha Scheme - Instructions issued - Regarding


1.D.O. No. 4-4/2021-15.2 dt: 24.05.2021 of the joint Secretary (SS - II), MHRD Govt of India

2.D.O.No. F.1(13)/PFMS/FCD/2020 dt 23.03.2021. 12.04.2021 Secretary (Expenditure) Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure

3 D.O. Note File no. HROTFR/5/2021-HR-V(No. 1523678) Dated 29-09 2021, Finance (TFR) Dept.A.P 

4. Circular Memo No. HROTFR/5/2021-HR-V dt 21 10 2021, Finance (HR.V-TFR-ALL-EWF) Department, GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 

5.D.O.No.F.No. 4-4/2021-15.2 dt 17.02.2021 of the joint Secretary (55-11). Govt of India, MoHRD.

Attention is drawn to the references cited, wherein vide references 1 and 2n cited, the Finance Department and Ministry of Human Resource department Govt of India have informed that the Govt. of India, have modified procedure for release of funds to States/UTs for the Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and monitoring utilization of the funds released. The aim of the revised procedure is to ensure effective cash management and improve transparency in public expenditure management

All the implementing Agencies (As) under Samagra Shiskha Sheme, for SPO, 13 DPO and Sub District Units (5MCS/CRC/MACS/KGBVS etc) shall operate their funds through newly opened PFMS-Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA).

 In the reference 5th read above the Govt. of India, have stated that, all the accounts of As (Accounts of SPO,DPOS, SMC/CRC/MRCS/KGBvs. etc..) shall be closed and funds lying un utilized in the existing accounts are retuned immediately to the Single Nodal Account of the Scheme. The Principal Secretary, School Education department have to furnish a certificate, to the Govt of India, MHRD regarding closure of Accounts & Transfer of funds to SNA Account of Scheme to this effect by 31 January, 2022. Release of funds to the State Government under Samagra Shiksha after 31.01.2022 shall be subject to furnishing of the certificate

In view of the above all the Addl. Project Co-ordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State of AP are hereby instructed to make efforts for spending of funds lying with the concerned DPOs by 15.01.2022 for the purpose for which they are released, and instructions shall be issued to sub district units to spend the funds lying with them by 15.01.2022. it is pertinent to mention that un utilized funds lying with 13 District Project offices of 5.5 and Sub District Units will be brought back to State Nodal Agency Account | SNA) (Les to State Project Office account). Hence. take immediate steps for incurring the expenditure for the release interventions and report compliance.

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