Present: Sri. S. Suresh Kumar I.A.S.,
Procs. Rc. No. ESE02/72/2024-SCERT
Dated: 10.03.2024
Sub:SCERT AP NCERT - PHDCCI - Project Vidya sagar workshop Conduct of two day work shop for DIET Faculty and teachers - March 15-16- Orders issued reg.
1. Note orders in file number:
2. Mail from Shalini S Sharma, Assistant Secretary General, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the references cited above wherein the department of School Education has received correspondence from the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) regarding the organization of a two-day workshop in Andhra Pradesh concerning Project Vidyasagar in collaboration with PARAKH - NCERT Delhi.
Project Vidya Sagar aims to disseminate learning competencies at Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, and Secondary Levels as per the National Curriculum Framework 2023. The focus will be on utilizing the National Achievement Survey (NAS) and Foundational Literacy Study (FLS) report cards to identify learning gaps and empower teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to interpret and utilize assessment results effectively.
In this connection it is decided to conduct the two day workshop on March 15th to 16th at Vijayawada. The following State Assessment Cell members, teachers (District Master Trainers for assessments), DIET faculty are deputed for the workshop. Relieve the individuals to report at venue by 9.00 am on 15.03.2024 without fail.