Present: Sri.S.Abraham, M.A., M.A Edn.,
Dated: 24.01.2023
Sub: School Education East Godavari, Rajamahendravaram- Non payment of Electricity Charges to end of November-2023 Regarding Payment Requested
Ref:- Rc.No.SE/O/ELR/SAO/AO(R)/JAO/LT/JA-11/F-GBs/D.No.08/23, Dt.11-01-2024 of the Superintending Engineer, Operation Circular, A.P.E.P.D.C.Ltd, Eluru.
The attention of the Mandal Educational Officers / Head Masters are invited to the reference read above and they are hereby informed that, the Superintending Engineer, Operation Circular, A.P.E.P.D.C.Ltd, Eluru has informed that an amount of Rs.1968002/-(Rupees Nineteen Lakhs Sixty Eight Thousand Two only)is due to be paid towards Electrical Charges in schools to end of November -2023 as reported by the Asst. Accounts Officer / Electricity Revenue Office towards CC Charges and requested to arrange the payment of said amount within 15 days Notices were served or otherwise no option except to issue orders for disconnection of supply of the services without further notice.
Therefore, the Mandal Educational Officers, Nidadavole, Mortha, Ananthapalli, Devarpalli, Nallajerla, Purushothapalli, Yerna Gudem, Gopalapuram, Tallapudi, Chagallu, and Kovvur, Peravali are instructed to take necessary action to pay for Electricity bills pending immediately and requested to co-operate with A.P.E.P.D.C.Ltd. And to provide the quarter wise budget sanction copies of the Government to the Electricity department so as to update the actual position to the top management.
Encl: above reference
Sd/-A.Chayadevi For District Educational Officer, East Godavari, Rajamahendravaram