AP Elections : Providing Basic Infrastructure in the designated schools identified for Polling – Instructions issued

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Circular.No.2308411/MBNN/2023                  Dated.28/12/2023

AP Elections : Providing Basic Infrastructure in the designated schools identified for Polling – Instructions issued

AP Elections : Providing Basic Infrastructure in the designated schools identified for Polling – Instructions issued
Sub: School  Education - General Election 2024 – Providing Basic Infrastructure in the designated schools identified for Polling – Instructions issued – Reg.

Re: instructions from the Chief electoral officer A.P on Date:  26.12.2023.


In  the  reference  cited,  Chief  electoral  officer  ,Andhra  Pradesh  has instructed  the  School  Education  Department  to  provide  the  required infrastructure  like  Toilets,  Drinking  Water  Systems,  Kitchen  Shed  and Electrification  for conducting  Elections-2024  in  the  designated  polling  stations within Schools.

2.       The  following  instructions  are  issued  to  ensure  the  above  in  all  the premises for conducting Elections in the School premises.

i. In  all  designated  schools  for election, provision of  proper toilets facility drinking  water  systems,  kitchen  shed  and  Electrification  including  Tube lights,  Fans,  Sockets  and  Switches  to  be  provided..  Also  ramp  to  be provided  to  the  rooms  designated  as  polling  station  for  the  differently abled persons. 

ii. In Phase-I schools all the above requirements are sufficiently available and they should be verified and ensured that all the facilities are intact. If the facility needs maintenance the Head Master shall attend repairs and keep intact latest by 31.01.2024 using SMF funds. If ramp is not available to the room designated for polling station the ramp shall be provided using SMF funds.

iii. In  Phase-II  schools  the  required  infrastructure  including  ramp  shall  be completed latest by 31.01.2024 using Nadu Nedu Funds. if required, funds can be transferred from nearby schools for this purpose. Ramps can be constructed for the designated poling stations under Nadu-Nedu.

iv. In  phase-III  schools  the  required  infrastructure  and  ramp  shall  be  kept ready latest by 31.01.2024 using SMF Funds. 

3. Hence all the District Educational Ofcers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are instructed to direct the concerned schools Head Masters to keep intact  all  required  infrastructure  and  ramps  to  the  polling  station  designated rooms duly attending the required repairs and keep ready by 31.01.2024 using the  SMF  funds  and  Nadu  Nedu  funds.  For  phase1  and  2  schools  adequate furniture is provided. For phase 3 schools, furniture may be arranged from the nearby phase 1 and 2 schools .if after the above date, if any polling station is found without the adequate facilities as above the concerned head master shall be personally held responsible and action shall be taken. The DEO and APC shall be held responsible for supervisory failure.

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