SSC Public Examinations : Exam Centers Constitution Proposals in New District Pattern - Guidelines Issued

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Sub: O/o DGE, A.P., SSC Public Examinations, March - 2024 Constitution of Examination Centres in new District Pattern Guidelines issued Proposals for Constitution of Examination Centres called for- Reg.

SSC Public Examinations : Exam Centers Constitution Proposals in New District Pattern - Guidelines Issued

With reference to the subject cited, I request you to forward the proposals for the constitution of examination centres (Examination Zones) for the ensuing SSC Public Examinations, March 2024 separately in Triplicate (along with soft copy) in the enclosed proforma detailed at Annexure-C.

SSC Public Examinations : Exam Centers Constitution Proposals in New District Pattern - Guidelines Issued

The proposals should be attached with a check list duly filled in for the purpose of constitution of exam centres as per the guidelines issued. The proposals should reach the O/o DGE, A.P., Vijayawada on or before 08-12-2023 AN through the ACGEs without fail, so as to finalize the Examination Zones.

Necessary guidelines are furnished in Annexure-A enclosed with this letter and checklist in the enclosed Annexure-B. Since the centre wise question paper has to be compiled and prepared at the earliest, it is essential to receive the proposals for constitution of centres on or before. above stipulated date positively.

The Examination zones need not be formulated separately for the regular and private candidates. The constitution of examination centres is the prerogative of the department; however, such proposals shall be prepared based on fair and neutral principles duly complying with the issued guidelines to avoid complaints and criticism whatsoever. Strict confidentiality shall be maintained while constituting the centres in consultation with concerned Dy.EOs and ACGEs and the same shall not be disclosed to anyone until the final list is approved by the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Vijayawada and necessary instructions are issued to the DEO's.

Further, a thorough review of the existing centres is very essential. Schools having compound wall, good accommodation and furniture and other facilities shall be constituted as examination centre, so as to ensure that students do not face any inconvenience while writing the examination.

Further, in the recent past, it was brought to the notice of the undersigned that the constitution of ill-equipped and remotely located schools as Examination centres has been highlighted & criticized by parents. and media, which has caused a lot of inconvenience to the students and the officers alike.

I therefore request you to bestow your personal attention and treat this activity as most important and urgent work and thus furnish the proposals within the stipulated period without fail.

Encl:1. Annexure-A, B, C & D.


1. All the ACGEs in the O/o DEOs and Dy.EOs in the State should visit and recommend such schools only as Examination Centres that would fully satisfy the conditions that they possess the required infrastructure, i.e., good accommodation, furniture, drinking water facilities, compound wall, proper lighting, CCTV Cameras etc. The Heads of such schools, Junior Colleges should be informed about the constitution of SSC Centres at their schools only "One Week" before the commencement of examinations, subject to the approval of the same by the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Vijayawada.

2. The following are the other required conditions for the constitution of new centres under 'A' and 'B' Category only. New centres may be constituted if those schools which are proposed as centres fulfil the conditions listed below and if need arises due to increase in number of candidates or due to any other unavoidable circumstances etc.

  • a. The Village/Town where the centre is to be constituted shall be linked with Bus/Rail transport facility.
  • b. The school/college shall have at least one Land-Line telephone. facility or shall lie within the range of any of Wireless Telecom Service Provider.
  • c. Police Station/Sub-Treasury office shall be available in or around the Village/Town.
  • d. The School/college shall not have been black-listed for the constitution of an examination centre carlier.

3. The number of students in a single examination hall should not be more than "24"

4. Constitute more number of schools under the Government. Management as Examination centres.

5. While clubbing the Schools in an Examination Zone, utmost care should be taken to see that the distance from each school to the centre is between 5 to 10 Kilometres and is free from all natural barriers.

6. Special care may be taken not to club same management schools in the same EZ under any circumstances. In case the same management schools fall in the same EZ, one of the schools shall be attached to another EZ which is nearby, so that jumbling of candidates will be done effectively.

7. Only good schools with proper accommodation and having proper amenities like Compound wall, proper lightening, drinking water, furniture alone shall be constituted. If a centre can accommodate more than 250 candidates, it shall be divided into two separate centres as A and B centres.

8. If sufficient schools with requisite facilities are not available, effort shall be made to constitute examination centres in local Govt. Junior College/Degree College/ITIs/Polytechnic/Engineering and other Colleges, in consultation with the concerned higher officials concerned and the managements of the said institutions, as was done earlier.

9. Wherever vocational course candidates are presented, the names of those schools in the concerned examination zones may be underlined with Red Ink, duly mentioning as "Vocational Course Schools" against them.

10. The number of candidates appearing for the vocational subjects may be shown separately besides the academic candidates against the concerned schools in the proposals duly noting the number of students offering Vocational Course in red ink in brackets. 

11. Once the centres are approved by the Director of Government Examinations, no request would be entertained either for changing a centre or constituting a new centre in its place.

12. The centres identified under mass copying or subjected to disturbances from antisocial elements and outside interference during the earlier SSC Public Examinations shall be omitted.

13. While proposing a school as a centre, it may be ensured that the school is having sufficient rooms which can accommodate minimum 24 students comfortably with reasonable space between the candidates. with required furniture, i.e., chairs / Benches tables and other facilities, in view of the instructions issued in the Govt. Memo No.9587/Exams-2/97-3, dated 20-06-1997, the District Educational Officers are responsible for any lapse in this regard and are answerable to the contempt of court cases if any, if arise at a later stage. It may also be noted that no Photographer or T.V. personnel of any News agency should be allowed inside the centre as it would distract the attention ofexaminees.

14. All the columns in the Annexure-B (Check List) and Annexure-C (proforma) should invariably be filled in, while sending the proposals for constitution of centres and E.Zs.

15. All special schools for Blind, Deaf and Dumb candidates are exempted from jumbling system and as such the DEOs have to take special care while preparing the proposals for the constitution of examinations centres, Special schools for Deaf & Dumb candidates should be specially identified among the schools attached to the centres. The name of the school should be under lined with Red ink, specified as 'Blind School' or 'Deaf and Dumb' as the case may be in the proposals and a nearest school should be identified and allotted as a centre in order to accommodate all the Blind / Deaf and Dumb candidates is one centre in the respective Examination Zones.

16. As per G.O.Ms.No.86, School Education (Prog-II) Department, Dated: 29-12-2021, a Scribe/Adult Prompter for the CWSN of one lower class. student to be provided (as per requirement) to the blind candidates, appearing for SSC Public Examinations. Hence the DEOs are requested to obtain the information in advance about the number of Blind candidates appearing for the examinations and the Chief Superintendents of the concerned Examination centres (to be appointed later) may be instructed to take action to appoint the scribes as per rules, on the applications received from the blind candidates.

17. Every care should also be taken to prevent the Blind, Deaf and Dumb candidates from indulging in any sort of malpractices at such centres arising out of the privileges given in this regard.

18. It has been observed that the distances of the schools attached from the centre school are not given correctly. Very casual and callous attitude has been observed in this regard severe action will be taken if the distances are not properly noted. If necessary, the concerned revenue/survey/road transport officials may be contacted to ascertain. the details to furnish the distances accurately.




1. It has been decided to continue the system of jumbling of Roli Numbers in an examination Zone for the conduct of SSC Public Examinations, March 2024 also.

2. The Schools situated in a town in an area of about 5 to 10 Kms are to be grouped together and it will be called an "Examination Zone". From among these schools, the schools which satisfy the basic norms for identifying as centres have to be selected as examination centres for that E.Z. (Examination zone). 

3. Each examination zone shall be given a serial number starting with 001 in the district and this number shall be continuous from the beginning till the last examination zone in the district.

4. The District code and school code will be the same as per the latest districts.

5. In an examination zone in rural areas there may be centres covering six to ten secondary schools. Such centres should be constituted keeping in view of the distance factor between the schools and the centres to be proposed in the examination Zone.

6. The accommodation available in the identified centres should be sufficient to accommodate the total number of candidates of secondary schools identified in that examination zone. For example: If the total number of students of all the secondary schools of an examination zone. is 1000, the accommodation available at all the centres identified for that examination zone should necessarily be 1000 or more, because there shall be provision for adding few more candidates also due to admission of the candidate at later stages. The school with highest accommodation in that zone shall be the last centre in the sequence of centres proposed in that examination zone.

7. More number of good centres shall be proposed in an E.Z to have proper jumbling of candidates. If any school in the examination zone has 500 or more students it is likely that students of the same school will be allotted in larger number to the centres. In all such cases please select as many centres as possible with more accommodation so as to avoid allotment of more number of students of a school to a centre. The highest number of students from one school should constitute 30% or less of the total number of the students of all the schools in that examination zone to have effective jumbling.

8. If there is only one examination centre in a particular examination zone, the students of all the schools in that examination zone, will be jumbled and allotted to that centre.

9. In big cities like Tirupati, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Guntur etc., 10 to 12 Secondary Schools may be grouped under one examination zone keeping in view the distance factor from each school to the centre and attached to the identified examination zone, so that, the students. should not be put to inconvenience with regard to distance (i.e.,) not exceeding five to ten kilometres from the secondary school to each. centre.

10. Ensure that at proper places of district Headquarters at least 8 to 10 centres may be constituted in cach zone, in order to have effective jumbling and to avoid any kind of malpractice at the centre.

11. Transport facilities available may also be kept in view while pooling up the centres for the schools in examination zone. Hence, in such places of non-availability of transportation facilities a distance of 3 to 5 kilometres shall be reckoned and centres be constituted in the Examination Zones.

12. The examination time table, examination duration and regarding transport facilities and distance factor should be considered while clubbing schools to centres in particular examination zone.

13. The proximity of storage point i.e., Police Station/ Sub-Treasury Office also may be kept in view while identifying examination centre in an examination zone.

14. Category of the centre whether it is A or B or C must be noted against each centre invariably.




If any center has to be newly constituted for the first time, it may be ensured that Police Station, or Sub-treasury office is in existence near that place, and specific remarks of the D.E.O., may be furnished for its constitution, in the proposals, well in advance i.e., within the prescribed schedule given for new centers.

a) If any center has to be newly constituted in the Mandal for the first. time it may be ensured that police station or Sub-treasury office is in existence near that place (i.e., within 5 Kms).

b) In the previous years while constituting the Centers, the District Educational Officers have constituted Exam centers at High Schools which are in dilapidated condition. After completion of pre examination work i.e., after dispatch of Nominal Rolls to Headmasters, the venues were changed on the complaints/requests of the Chief. Superintendents. Hence, the District Educational Officers are requested not to constitute centres in those School buildings which are in dilapidated Condition, partially or totally. Special care may be taken on this issue and reports may be obtained from Deputy

Educational Officers concerned, after physical verification of the schools. c) If necessary, Separate Examination Centres for Private Students (Once Failed Candidates) may be constituted in Urban Areas or Mandal Head Quarters for SSC Public Examinations, Marcly 2024 for administrative convenience.

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