APOSS: Extension of Last Date for SSC and Inter Admission

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Present: Sri.K.Nageswara Rao, M.Com.,B.Ed.,

Rc.No.APOSS-13/3/2023-ADMIN SEC-APOSS, Dated. 17/11/2023

Sub: APOSS- S.S.C and Intermediate courses of APOSS - Extension of last date of Admissions for the year 2023-24- Orders issued.

Ref: 1. Prospectus for SSC & Intermediate courses of APOSS for the academic year 2023-24.

2. Procs.Rc.No.APOSS-13/3/2023-ADMIN SEC APOSS-1,dt:25.07.2023 of this ofce.

3. Govt.,Memo.No.2150382/SE.Prog.V/ /2023,dt:15.09.2023.

4. Govt., Memo.No.2150382/Prog.V/A1/2023, dt:10.10.2023.

5. Note orders dt:15.11.2023.


In continuation  to the orders 4th cited, the District Educational Officers are informed that the admission dates of APOSS has been extended for increase the admissions in SSC and Intermediate of APOSS as in some districts admissions are very low when compared to the last year admissions. The children who are in the age of 14+ shall be joined in SSC and the age group 15+ who are passed SSC shall be joined in the Intermediate to achieve 100% GER. the schedule for admissions

APOSS: Extension of Last Date for SSC and Inter Admission

The District Educational Officers are requested to issue instructions to the Mandal Education Officer who is looking air GER for enrolment drive in mandals where low admissions in Government Instructions by involving the V&WS Staf to achieve100% admissions. The text boons/self learning material dispatching directly to the students is going on through speed post of Indian Postal Service.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers are requested to issue Press note in the Districts for wide publicity among the learners and public so as to reach every noon and corner of the District with regard to Accredited Institutions list in the District, Registration & Admissions fees, Admissions dates for S.S.C & Intermediate courses of A.P.O.S.S for the Year 2023-24, functioning of PCP classes and Text boons/Self learning material to the students through postal department. The District Educational Officers and the District Co-ordinator, APOSS shall visit the A.I centres and check the functioning of PCPs in the districts.

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