Samagra Siksha: Library Books To All Schools Orders Issued

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Sub: Samagra Shiksha, AP – Quality Initiatives – Supply of Library books for the year 2023-24 – Instructions to the APCs in the State – Regarding.

Samagra Siksha: Library Books To All Schools Orders Issued
Ref:- 1 This ofce Lr.Rc.No.SS-15024/33/2021-SAMO-SS-1. dt.14/02/2023 work order issued to CIIL, Mysore.

2 This ofce Lr.Rc.No.SS-15024/33/2021-SAMO-SS-2. dt.14/02/2023 work order issued to NBT, New Delhi.

3 This ofce Lr.Rc.No.SS-15024/33/2021-SAMO-SS-3. dt.14/02/2023 work order issued to Publication Division, Hyderabad.


The Attention of the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are invited to the references cited and it is informed that work orders were issued to the following agencies for supply of Library books to the districts.

1. NBT, New Delhi.

2. CIIL, Mysore.

3. Publication Division, Hyderabad.

It is further informed that at present the above agencies are supplying the Library books to the districts. The library books which are received at district level are to be supplied at Mandal Level and in turn the MEOs shall distribute the library books to the Schools concerned.

Therefore the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are instructed to receive the library books from the above agencies and to supply the same to the Mandals and the MEOs shall be instructed to distribute the books to the schools concerned.

The APCs are further instructed to issue instructions to MEOs & HMs to confirm the list of library books received in JVK app.

The expenditure for supply library books from Districts to Mandal points will be released to the APCs concerned as per actuals after furnishing the necessary bills and vouchers to this office.

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B Srinivasa Rao I A S

State Project Director,

Samagra Shiksha

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