PM Shri Selection - Schools Verification State Level Observation Teams Appointed

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PM Shri Selection - Schools Verification State Level Observation Teams Appointed

PM Shri Selection - Schools Verification State Level Observation Teams Appointed

Sub:- Samagra Shiksha, AP PM SHRI Verification & selection of PMSHRI schools at state level- Deputation of State Special Officers - Orders issued
Ref: 1 Joint Secretary(SS-II), MOE, DOSE&L, New Delhi No.1-13/2022-15.19. dt.04 th October, 2022. 2 D.O.No.1-2/2022-15-19, Dt:-29.11.2022 of Sri. J.P. Pandey, Director (SE&L) Ministry of Education, New Delhi

It is informed that in the MOE, DOE&L, New Delhi has informed that the cabinet has approved a new centrally sponsored scheme of PM SHRI (PM Schools for Rising India) scheme. In the initiative it is intended to prepare selected existing schools as PM SHRI schools which will showcase the implementation of all the aspects of the NEP 2020 and emerge as exemplar schools over a period of time. Under the scheme, over 14,500 PM SHRI (1st round) Schools will be established all across the country by providing them with dedicated, targeted and all-inclusive interventions to ensure holistic transformation at all levels.

Further, it is informed that during the 2nd round Goi has released the list of eligibility schools are 12778, out of this, 12464 schools have self-applied through online in PM SHRI portal for approval of PMSHRI Schools. Out of 12.473 schools. 6985 schools were passed from the school level in the PMSHRI Portal. The District Nodal Officers has verified 413schools at the district level and remaining is under process and the last date for district verification is 13-09-2013.

Role of DEOS at the district level:

  • DEOS shall login the PM SHRI Portal trough mobile number as per the manual.
  • DNO should be verified the schools' details based on onsite/online inspection of details shared by the schools carefully and as per the other verification protocols. (Under Process) 
  • After proper verification at the district level, the DNO will send mandala- wise list of short-listed schools to the State/UT along with proper justification in 50-150 words for each school (Shortlisted & Non- Shortlisted). DNO to send Official confirmation letter to State/UT while recommending the list of schools in the stipulated time period.
  • The District Educational Officers will approve/reject the school and provide proper justification. The district will send mandal wise list of short-listed schools to the state along with justification in 50/180 words for each school. State user may change the schools list if required with proper justification and send the Final List to National user. District user manual.
  • The last date for the district verification and submission to state on 13- 09-2023
In this connection, certain senior officers as State Special Officers (List Enclosed) are deputed to the districts shown against their names for verification and short list the PM SHRI Schools.

The State Special Officers shall visit the concerned districts and attend the following works 
  • To receive the details of verified schools from the DEO (mandal wise schools passed list in order of merit basis)
  • To conduct the meeting with DEO, concerned MEOS and school Heads. To visit schools physically and verify the details/information already furnished and confirm the same.
  • If more than one elementary and Secondary/Sr.Secondary schools in the mandal have passed, the committee headed by the State Special Officers, DEOS and MEOS concerned shall visit the school and verify the information and make assessment on various criteria (7 items as indicative) given by PMSHRI in the application form.
  • To confirm the school, need to compare with other schools in the mandal.
  • Finally, State Special Officer has to select two schools Secondary/Sr.Secondary School (VIX or VI-XI) from each mandal to State Nodal Officer of PMSHRI.
The Officers appointed shall complete the process on or before 14.09.2023 furnish the list of approved schools to Director, SIEMAT, (State Nodal Officer) for taking further steps for onward submission to the MoE, DOSE&L, New Delhi.

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