Jagananna Arogya Suraksha GO.Rt.675 Dt.10.09.2023 Orders Issued

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Jagananna Arogya Suraksha GO.Rt.675 Dt.10.09.2023 Orders Issued

Jagananna Arogya Suraksha GO.Rt.675 Dt.10.09.2023 Orders Issued

1. The Government is implementing numerous Health Schemes including new initiative of Family Doctor Programme with an intension to provide comprehensive Primary Health Care services at Village Level. Further the Government objective is ensure, all the health initiatives shall reach everyone with the concept of "leave no one behind" and 'leave no village behind'. 

2. In order to achieve the objective, the Government after careful examination of proposal in the reference cited has decided to conduct "Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha Programme" for duration of one month in which Door to Door campaign to create awareness on health programs and identification of health needs of the citizens will be conducted by CHOS, ANMS and Volunteers. Health Camp at Village Health Clinics and Urban PHCs will be organized on scheduled dates to address the health needs of the citizen in a comprehensive manner. Hence, for the proper conduct of the programme the Government hereby issued the following guidelines: 

3. Objectives of the Jagananna Aarogya Suraksha Programme 

1. Door to Door campaign by two teams lead by CHO and ANM covering approximately half of the households each of the concerned Village Health Clinic to identify the health needs of the citizens without leaving any households. 

2. The program aims to cover all households specifically targeting Non communicable and communicable diseases, anti-natal and post-natal care, Neo-natal and infant care, Adolescent health and persons with chronic diseases. 

3. An awareness drive on Dr YSR Aarogyasri health care services and assisting the people in downloading of Aarogyasri citizen APP on smartphones of the people during door to door campaign by volunteers.

4. Health Camp for consultation, treatment and distribution of prescribed drugs 

and referral to higher health facilities if required. 

5. Health education sessions to bring awareness among the citizens to achieve  the objective of comprehensive preventive care. 

Unit of JAS Planning. 

1. The mandal will be the unit of campaign planning. In rural areas, the MPDO, MROS and the PHC Medical officers will prepare Village Health clinic wise health camp plan schedule. In the case of urban areas, the Municipal Commissioner along with the Municipal Health officer and the Medical Officers of UPHCs will prepare the schedule for health camps at UPHC. 

2. Two PHC Doctors - the Family Doctor of the VHC and an additional doctor from another PHC in the mandal as decided by DMHO of the District will be attending the camp compulsorily. 

3. Two additional doctors preferably specialists from Aarogyasri Network Hospitals and other DME / Secondary Health institutions will be deployed such that the regular Hospital services are not affected. 

4. On any given day, one JAS Camp will be conducted in a Mandal and will be headed by MRO or MPDO depending upon the schedule for VHC. In urban areas one camp will be conducted per district in UPHC as per the schedule prepared and will be supervised by the Municipal Commissioner concerned. In case of Municipal Corporations with higher number of UPHCs, two camos can be conducted every day one supervised by Municipal Commissioner and another by Additional \ Zonal Commissioner concerned. 

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