Conduct of AP School Games 2023-24 at Mandal, Constituency, District, Inter District Levels

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Conduct of AP School Games 2023-24 at Mandal, Constituency, District, Inter District Levels Guidelines School Game Federation of Andhra Pradesh Conduct of  School Games at Mandal, Constituency, District, Inter District - Instructions issued

Conduct of AP School Games 2023-24 at Mandal, Constituency, District, Inter District Levels

School Education- School Game Federation of Andhra Pradesh - Conduct of School Games at Mandal, Constituency, District, Inter District - Instructions issued - Reg. Memo No: ESE02-33/57/2023-SECY-SGF-CSE Dt:06/09/2023


1. Memo:ESE02-33/19/2022-SECY-SGF-CSE Date: 21/05/2023

2. SGFI National Calendar- 2023-24

3. Aadudam Andhra Tournament by the State Government

The attention of all District Educational Officers and District Vocational Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 1st cited, wherein they are requested to issue necessary instructions for implementation of the calendar of Physical Education activities for U-14 & 17–Boys and Girls at Mandal level tournament cum selections. Later, Constituency selections for 9 games (Athletics, Badminton, Ball Badminton, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Tennikoit, Throwball, Volleyball, Yoga). The remaining games directly to be conducted at district level as per national calendar and u-19 games will be conducted directly at district Selections as per the said calendar in the month of September-2023.

Further informed that, the SGFI (School Games Federation of India) National Calendar indicates that national tournaments are scheduled from the first week of October 2023 vide reference 2nd cited. Further, the Government of Andhra Pradesh also planning to conduct the Aadudam Andhra Tournament starting from the first week of October 2023, it will be a 45-day program to be held across the state.

They are, therefore, instructed to complete the School Games tournaments by the end of September 2023 duly following the guidelines.

The Competitor must be a bona fed regular student of the school he/she represents.

The Secretaries of under-14,17 and 19 are instructed to install the latest version of the academic monitoring app login with UDISE-Code as user ID and password to get the Online registration form for participation in school games which is mandatory for all categories ( U 14,17 &19) Boys and Girls. Further, maintain the manual records also.

A student can participate only in one age group as below mentioned, in any event championship or selection trial in the academic year in all level competitions.


Date of Birth


Under 11 Boys

Born on or after 01-01- 2013

3rd class to 5th class (Only Skating event)

Under 11 Girls

Under 14 Boys

Born on or after 01-01- 2010

6th class and above up to Inter 2nd year

Under 14 Girls

Under 17 Boys

Born on or after 01-01- 2007

Under 17 Girls

Under 19 Boys

Born on or after 01-01- 2005

Under 19 Girls

  • Players can participate in any number of games in the same category
  • Allotment for conducting the AP inter district tournament to all new 26 Districts.
  • All the district and inter-district tournaments should be conducted among Erstwhile districts only (13 Districts)
  • Technical Education students are not eligible to participate in the school games tournament ( like I.T.I, Poly Technique, etc.) at any
  • The schools which are in separate managements in 44 units of SGFI should participate in their Unit only ( Like CBSC, ICSC, KVS, NVS, Vidhya Bharati, DAV Schools, IBSSO, IPSC, CISCE., etc.).
  • The intermediate players are eligible to participate only in the district-level tournaments, The players from the intermediate participated U-17 category should submit their college ID card and the previous year's mark list ( originals).
  • While conducting District level Games/Sports, the erstwhile District School Games Secretary will act as Member Convener and he shall constitute a selection committee for unbiased and transparent selections. He shall coordinate with the District School Games Secretaries of restructured districts and should hold the responsibility of sending the teams to inter-district and national tournaments
  • While sending the Girl's teams to inter-district and national tournaments the District School Games Secretary should depute a women physical education teachers.
  • The Inter-District Tournament Organizing Secretaries are mandatory to upload the selected player's data in the SGFI portal by obtaining a password and event code from the State Secretary and they are personally held responsible for online the data.
  • Before the conduct of Inter District / National tournaments, a meeting must be conducted headed by the District collector concerned along with DEO/ DVEO/RIO to finalize the tournament moralities
  • Soon after the completion of the tournament, the players selected for the national level tournament detailed list of candidates should be made available on the school games Federation of India site duly completing the online process by the district school games organizing secretary concerned only
  • If any issues arise during the tournament, the concerned coordinator shall constitute a grievance committee under the chairmanship of the DEO/DVEO to resolve the problem
  • During the Inter-District tournaments, the concerned district school games secretary strictly instructed not to issue empty participation/merit certificate
  • During the all-level tournaments (Mandal, Constituency, District, Inter District, and National) Involve the Local health center for providing medical support for the players.
  • Photos of the individual event, stage, accommodation, boarding arrangements, medal winners, and runners' submission if mandatory while claiming the bills for boys and girls separately
  • During inter district and national tournaments, it is mandatory to provide women police protection at the girls' accommodations
  • A person may be debarred from participation in the tournaments by the organization committee for misconduct or indiscipline behavior or any other valid reason. Such person (s) cannot participate during the period of disqualification.
  • The head of the institution must sign eligibility forms. In the eligibility date of birth and other details regarding candidates should be specified. Overwriting or any other correction shall not be made in the eligibility. Any unauthorized corrections made in the eligibility will be severely viewed. If any violation of eligibility rules comes to notice, the team/ individual will be debarred from all competitions during the academic year.
  • All the participating students must produce an attested copy of the Birth Certificate along with the eligibility form.
  • During inter-district and national tournaments, the District School games secretary ensures to provide women police protection at the girls' accommodations.
  • Due to less participation of players in some inter-district tournaments, the events (ARCHERY, BADMINTON, BALL BADMINTON, BOXING, CHESS, FENCING, GYMNASTICS, JUDO, ROPE-SKIPPING, SHOOTING, SKATING, SWIMMING, DIVING, TABLE-TENNIS, TAEKWONDO, TENNIKOIT, TENNIS, WEIGHTLIFTING, WRESTLING F/S, WRESTLING G/R(U-17 &19 BOYS ONLY), YOGA ) are conducted in the same place i.e U-14,17&19 boys separately and U-14,17&19 girls separately these tournaments are treated and single event and can be conducted by either U14&17 secretary or U-19 secretary in 3 days.
  • During the selections at any level, the selection committee, observer, and district school games secretary are responsible for ensuring fair and merit-based selection. Any deviation from this aspect may result in punishment under CCA rules.

Therefore all the District Vocational Educational officers and District Educational officers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the MEOs, DYEOs, HMs and Organizing Secretaries to extend their cooperation in conducting the school games and ensure that the organizing secretaries to follow the above guidelines and attached proforma for smooth conduct of games and sports successfully.

Important Note:

  • Concerned HM and PET/ SA(PE) have to take responsibility for the students while sending them to participate in the Sports/Games.
  • Midday - meal acquaintance, Form - A (Mandal Level), Form - B (Constituency level), Form-C(District Level), and Form-D(Inter District Level) provisionally selected List of players is mandatory for the participants under each level tournaments
  • The Organizing Secretaries of the District School Games Federation are requested to conduct all the District team Selections by the end of September 2023 for the smooth conduct of the National Tournament Schedule.

Enclosures: as above

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