Pending e-KYC Cases - Salaries will be stopped. Request to complete the process Orders Issued

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Memo No: FIN02-18069/125/2023-H SEC-DTA Dated: 14/08/2023

Sub: PS - T&A Department - Adoption of Two-Factor authentication - Pending e-KYC Cases - Request to complete the process - Reg 

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.7, Finance (Budget-II) Department, dated 11-01- 2023 communicated vide this office endorsement FINO2-18069/18/2021-H SEC- DTA-Part(1) dated 11/01/2023. 

2. This office memo even file dated 30-06-2023.

3. Video Conferences held by the Spl CS and DTA with all the DTAOS on multiple occasions, the latest one on 07-08-2023.


Pending e-KYC Cases - Salaries will be stopped. Request to complete the process Orders Issued

Attention of all the DTAOS in the State is invited to the subject and references cited. In the reference 1st cited, the Government have issued orders for adopting two-factor authentication, for which e-KYC authentication is a pre- requisite. Further in the said GO, the Government have fixed certain timelines for e-KYC authentication. However, owing to various reasons, the e-KYC authentication is not completed as per the timelines prescribed in the GO.

In this context, it is informed that the Government is contemplating linking of salaries with e-KYC. In such a scenario, the salaries of those who haven't completed e-KYC will get stopped. Therefore they are hereby requested to inform regarding the importance of doing e-KYC to all the DDOS under their jurisdiction and see that the process has to be completed by 14-08-2023.

Regarding the e-KYC of pensioners, the DTAOS, in the VC, have brought forward various issues that are hindering the process of completion of e-KYC such as bio-metric/IRIS issues, bedridden pensioners, pensioners staying abroad etc. In such cases, the DTAOS are instructed to direct their Treasury Officers to depute a responsible employee to verify the pensioner physically and obtain a certificate from the employee stating that

I have personally/virtually seen the pensioner on dd-mm-yyyy. I tried to perform e-KYC and his/her bio-metrics/IRIS are not getting captured.

Further, an interface for entering the reasons for pending e-KYC cases is provided in the PAYROLL-HERB platform. The DTAOS are instructed to enter the reasons for pendency in capturing e-KYC duly uploading a photograph and the certificate mentioned above. This process should be completed by 15-08-2023.

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