Memo No: FIN02-18069/125/2023-H SEC-DTA Dated: 14/08/2023
Sub: PS - T&A Department - Adoption of Two-Factor authentication - Pending e-KYC Cases - Request to complete the process - Reg
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.7, Finance (Budget-II) Department, dated 11-01- 2023 communicated vide this office endorsement FINO2-18069/18/2021-H SEC- DTA-Part(1) dated 11/01/2023.
2. This office memo even file dated 30-06-2023.
3. Video Conferences held by the Spl CS and DTA with all the DTAOS on multiple occasions, the latest one on 07-08-2023.
Attention of all the DTAOS in the State is invited to the subject and references cited. In the reference 1st cited, the Government have issued orders for adopting two-factor authentication, for which e-KYC authentication is a pre- requisite. Further in the said GO, the Government have fixed certain timelines for e-KYC authentication. However, owing to various reasons, the e-KYC authentication is not completed as per the timelines prescribed in the GO.
In this context, it is informed that the Government is contemplating linking of salaries with e-KYC. In such a scenario, the salaries of those who haven't completed e-KYC will get stopped. Therefore they are hereby requested to inform regarding the importance of doing e-KYC to all the DDOS under their jurisdiction and see that the process has to be completed by 14-08-2023.
Regarding the e-KYC of pensioners, the DTAOS, in the VC, have brought forward various issues that are hindering the process of completion of e-KYC such as bio-metric/IRIS issues, bedridden pensioners, pensioners staying abroad etc. In such cases, the DTAOS are instructed to direct their Treasury Officers to depute a responsible employee to verify the pensioner physically and obtain a certificate from the employee stating that
I have personally/virtually seen the pensioner on dd-mm-yyyy. I tried to perform e-KYC and his/her bio-metrics/IRIS are not getting captured.
Further, an interface for entering the reasons for pending e-KYC cases is provided in the PAYROLL-HERB platform. The DTAOS are instructed to enter the reasons for pendency in capturing e-KYC duly uploading a photograph and the certificate mentioned above. This process should be completed by 15-08-2023.