One Day Orientation on School Complex Meetings 24th August 2023 at 12 Noon

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As per the instructions by the SPD,S.S, vide Memo.SS-15/02/2023-SAMO-SSA,  it is informed that school complex meetings are scheduled this month on 28th and 29th August 2023 in all school complexes. for this training pl.  communicate to all school complex HMs to arrange the complex training as per schedule.

to conduct Primary and Subject complex trainings to Conduct Urdu Complex Meeting Also To Conduct Sport Compex training for Physical Education Teachers

To update the list of teachers attended during the meeting in TISS portal To communicate the agenda items of the meeting along with notes to school HMs further it is also informed that the state has decided to conduct one day virtual orientation meeting on Agenda item on 24-08-2023 at 12.00 noon, the following youtube link to be communicated to school complex HMs on or before 24-08-2023.

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