Parents Committee Meeting on 28.06.2023 Guidelines Issued

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Parents Committee Meeting on 28.06.2023 Guidelines Issued

Parents Committee Meeting on 28.06.2023 Guidelines Issued

1. JaganannaAmmavodi: This Programme is launched in 2019-20 to ensure that poverty of the parent does not come as obstacle in the way of educating their children. Under this scheme annual financial assistance of Rs.15000/- is being given to each unique mother/guardian belong to BPL families.

2. Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu(MBNN): This programme is intended todevelop the school infrastructure to make the environment conducive tolearning. This programme aims at providing and strengthening in 11components in all Government school in phased manner. (i) Toilets with running water (ii) Drinking water supply (iii) Major and Minor repairs (iv)Electrification with fans and Tube lights (v) furniture for students and staff (vi) Green Chalkboards (vii) Painting (viii) Digital infrastructure (ix) Compound wall (x) Kitchen shed (xi) Additional class rooms. This facilities were provided in 15,715 school in Phase-I with an expenditure Rs.3,669 crores. This programme is implemented through Parents committees to inculcate a sense of owner ship and transparency and community participation. In Phase-II Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu ACRs are included with 11 components and works have been taken up in 22,344 schools with an outlay of expenditure Rs.8000 crores.

3. JaganannaGorumudda: To ensure the qualitative tasty and nutritious Mid-Day meal is served to the children, the Government have revised the menu duly enhancing the cooking cost. Five – eggs per week, 3 peanut jaggery (Chikki) and Ragi Java per week on alternate days are being served to the children. 15 variants of the items every week with more nutritional values are being served to the children. The Government is spending an amount of Rs.1,600 crores per annum.

4. Jagananna Vidya Kanuka(JVK): The Government providing each student a kit consists of a School Bag, Three pairs of Uniform Cloth with stitching charges, Belt, A pair of Shoes with Two pairs of Socks, Text books, Note books, Work books and an English-Telugu Oxford Dictionary and Pictorial Dictionary. Government have Spent Rs.2,324 Crores for the last three years benefiting nearly 45 lakhs children per year.It helped in improving the dignity of Government school students on par with other student studying in private schools.

5. Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF): The Government is providing the Toilet maintenance fund for maintaining the cleanliness of the toilets,urinals, dress change rooms, wash basins and other associated items of the toilet complexes in all the Government schools, Government Junior colleges in rural and urban areas. TMF is the fund of Rs.874.88 Crore which has contributed from the Ammavodi scheme @ Rs.1000/- from each parent to safeguard the health of all students through maintaining clean toilets.

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