Ragi Malt : Serving Ragi Java During Half Day Schools Instructions Issued

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Present; Dr.Nidhi Meena, I.A.S.,

Memo No.2028723/MDM&SS/2022 Dated; 02-03-2023

Sub:-School Education JaganannaGorumudda - Implementation of Half Day Schools in all Managements-Change of timings of Providing of Ragi Jawa to all the students under Jagananna Gorumudda scheme - Orders-Issued-Regarding.


1.G.O.Rt.No.38 School Education (Prog-1) Dept., Dated. 10-03-2023

2.Memo No.1963897/MDM&SS/2022 Dt:20.03.2023 3. Government orders in E-office Dt:24.03.2023

4. This office Rc.No.even dt:24.03.2023 5. CSE Progs Rc.No.ESE02-30027/2/2023-A&I dt:01.04.2023.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the reference 5" read above, wherein the Commissioner of School Education is declared Half-Day Schools for I to IX classes from 07.45 AM to 12.30 PM from 03.04.2023 up to last working day i.e., 30.04.2023 in all Management Schools including Government, Zilla Parishad, Municipal, Aided Private Recognized un- aided Schools in the State. In view of the above, and in partial modifications of the orders issued in the ref 4th read above, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to provide the Ragi Jawa on the following

(a) All the schools should provide the Ragi Jawa to all the students from 10.10 AM to 10.25 AM in Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday where Mid Day Meal is being serving.

(b) Mid Day Meal should be served immediately to all the children before leaving the School.

(c) Ragi Jawa should be served in the schools which are constituted as SSC examination centres on the compensatory working days without failwhere Mid Day Meal is being served along same lines.

This order should be in force till the end of the academic year 2022-23.

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