Present; Dr.Nidhi Meena, I.A.S.,
Memo No.2028723/MDM&SS/2022 Dated;13/04/2023
Providing Chikki To Students Timings Modified - Orders Issued
Sub: School Education – Jagananna Gorumudda – Change of timings of providing- of Peanut Jaggery Chikki to all the students under Jagananna Gorumudda scheme modified -Orders-Issued-Regarding.
Ref:- 1.This Office Memo No. 2028723/MDMDM&SS/MD2022, Dated. 20-03-2023.
2.This Office Memo No. 2028723/MDMDM&SS/MD2022, Dated. 2.-03-2023.
3. ESE02-30027/MD2/MD2023-A&I dated: 01/MD0./MD2023
The attention of the District Education Officers is invited to the references read above, wherein instructions have been issued to provide peanut Jaggery Chikki to all the students at the time of leaving the School in the evening.
After getting feedback and response from the districts and after re- examining the matter, it is decided to provide Peanut jiggery Chikki to all students on (i) Monday (ii) Wednesday and (iii) Friday days in all the schools during the interval from 10-10 AM to 10-25 AM. These timings will be in force till the end of this academic year. After receipt of Next academic calendar from the compitent authorities, the schedule for providing of peanut jaggery Chikki will be intimated for the next academic year.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to issue necessary instructions to all the Deputy Educational Officers /MD Mandal Educational Officers/MD /ead Masters to follow the above instructions scrupulously.